The old man was very happy.

You should know that Wu Xu's gaze can almost cover the sky!

But he can't see through the whole prehistoric world at a glance.

You can imagine the hugeness of the high-end prehistoric world opened up by Pangu.

It's simply unimaginable!

"That should be Buzhou Mountain. According to legend, there is a temple under Buzhou Mountain, called Pangu Temple, which is the heart of Pangu. There are twelve drops of Pangu's true blood, which gave birth to the twelve ancestor witches of later generations."

"This is also a treasure. If I can get it, it will be of great benefit to becoming a saint."

Looking at the end of the world in the distance, a sacred mountain rose from the ground and penetrated the thirty-six layers of heaven. It traversed the chaos and spread to the past, present and future!

Obviously, that was Mount Buzhou.

Thinking of Mount Buzhou, it was transformed from Pangu's spine.

Pangu's heart, just under Mount Buzhou, evolved into a temple.

That is the ancestral land of the Wu clan in later generations, the Pangu Temple.

Thinking of the Pangu Temple and the twelve drops of Pangu's true blood in it.

Wu Xu was a little excited.

You know, that is the true blood of the saint, and the Pangu Temple is also transformed from Pangu's heart.

It is also an unimaginable supreme treasure, at least comparable to the innate treasure.

If he can get it, maybe he can penetrate the secret of the saint and prove his way to sainthood.

Achieve the supreme saint realm!

Thinking of this, Wu Xu did not hesitate, and directly crossed the infinite world and went to Mount Buzhou.


But at this moment, a vast, supreme, transcendental, and aura that surpassed everything, surpassed the infinite void, and transcended omniscience and omnipotence, spread!

With a loud bang!

Above Wu Xu's head, a purple eye slowly opened and looked at Wu Xu coldly and ruthlessly.

"Eye of Heaven?"

Looking at the purple eyes that suddenly appeared.

And the breath of Heaven emanating from the eyes.

And the breath of a saint that completely surpassed the quasi-saint.

This is the Eye of Heaven.

It can also be called the Eye of Heavenly Punishment.

It is the eye of the prehistoric Heaven.

Wu Xu's face changed drastically, and his figure stopped abruptly in the void.

He looked at the Eye of Heaven with great solemnity.

"Don't worry, Heaven, I will never touch those great supernatural powers that are in the making."

After Wu Xu pointed at Heaven and swore.

The Eye of Heaven emitted a purple glow and slowly disappeared into the void.

Wu Xu also breathed a sigh of relief.

He secretly felt a little regretful.

Originally, he wanted to find all the great masters who had not yet appeared in the prehistoric world and devour their essence.

Then he would definitely be able to achieve enlightenment and become a saint.

For example, the twelve witch ancestors in the Pangu Temple under Mount Buzhou.

Emperor Jun and Taiyi on the Sun Star.

There are also the three pure ones who were manifested by the three parts of Pangu's original spirit in legend.

The great masters such as the Red Cloud of the Styx Zhenyuanzi and the Jie Yin Zhunti in the West.

They are probably still in the process of being conceived at this moment.

If he could find these great masters and devour them all.

Wu Xu felt that he could definitely become a saint in a short time.

Especially the six saints of the future generations, the Three Pure Ones Nuwa and Jie Yin Zhunti.

If he could find them and devour them, he would not be able to achieve enlightenment and become a saint.

I'm afraid there are still opportunities above the saints.

Even in Wu Xu's opinion, these great supernatural powers are likely to be transformed from a part of Pangu's Dao fruit.

Especially the Three Pure Ones.

If they can be devoured, they can definitely create a complete Pangu Dao fruit.

By then, becoming Pangu and becoming a saint will be a piece of cake.

But unfortunately, the Heavenly Dao will never allow Wu Xu to do this.

And as long as the Heavenly Dao does not allow it, he will never have the idea of ​​these great supernatural powers.

After all, the Heavenly Dao is the real saint level.

It is very likely that it is transformed from Pangu's spiritual will.

So if he really dares to act, he will definitely die.

Below the saint, everyone is an ant.

As a quasi-saint, he is naturally an ant.

"What a pity." Wu Xu shook his head, thinking with some regret in his heart.

"It seems that this path to becoming a saint is not feasible. Then let's see if we can fight for the right to dominate the prehistoric world, dominate the prehistoric world, be recognized by the Heavenly Dao, and achieve the status of a saint by being in harmony with the Heavenly Dao."

Then Wu Xu thought of another way to become a saint.

That is to imitate the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, the Demon Ancestor Luo and the Taoist Ancestor Hongjun, and dominate the prehistoric world.

Finally, be recognized by the Heavenly Dao, be in harmony with the Dao, and achieve the status of a saint.


With his strength, he should be one of the top strong men in the prehistoric world.

He didn't believe that he couldn't defeat the native life in the prehistoric world.

"At this moment in the prehistoric world, my strength should be the strongest. Hongjun, Demon Ancestor Luo, the Lord of the Three Clans, Yin-Yang Taoist, Qiankun Taoist, Pan Wang, Five Elements Taoist, etc. should still be at the Daluo level, or just entering the Quasi-Sage level, so there is no need to worry at all."

Wu Xu thought secretly in his heart.

After all, he is a complete Chaos Demon God who walked into the prehistoric world.

And at this moment in the prehistoric world, even if there are still Chaos Demon Gods left, they are definitely seriously injured.

Even if they have fallen, leaving only a trace of true spirit, reincarnation.

Even if they have been born at this moment, their strength is estimated to be not too strong.

As for those Chaos Demon Gods at the saint level.

Wu Xu guessed that they must have been suppressed by Pangu.

After all, if there are still Chaos Demon Gods at the saint level.

Can the prehistoric world still exist intact now?


But at this moment, a vast and supreme aura spread, shaking the prehistoric world!

"My name is Beast Emperor Shen Ni. Today, I have established the Beast Emperor Divine Court to control thousands of chaotic beasts. The Heavenly Dao will witness it!"

A magnificent voice resounded throughout the prehistoric world!

This voice carried a powerful and supreme power and aura.

Wu Xu's face changed drastically!

Because in this aura, he felt the aura of the Chaos Demon God.

And it was a Chaos Demon God aura that was even more powerful than him.

Wu Xu's heart was shocked!

He even suspected that a Chaos Demon God of the saint level had revived in the prehistoric world.

"No, this is also the aura of a quasi-saint, but it's too powerful. At least they are all quasi-saints. But how is it possible?"

Perceiving the information in this aura.

Wu Xu's face was ugly.

Originally, he thought that there were no too powerful beings in the prehistoric world.

After all, the prehistoric world had just been opened up, and even the first batch of innate gods and demons had just been born not long ago.

For example, Hongjun, Luo, the leader of the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, Taoist Qiankun, Taoist Yinyang, King Pan, these great supernatural powers who appeared at the beginning of the creation of the world.

They are just Daluo, or ordinary quasi-saints.

But I didn't expect that a peak quasi-saint or even a great perfection would suddenly appear at this moment.

Wu Xu looked a little ugly.

Because Wu Xu at this moment was just a high-level quasi-saint.

In front of the great perfection of the quasi-saint, it was not good enough.

In the realm of quasi-saint, there are naturally several small levels.

They are the initial quasi-saint, the great quasi-saint, the peak quasi-saint, and the great perfection quasi-saint.

And Wu Xu at this moment is at the level of the great perfection quasi-saint.

In the future, after Hongjun became a saint, the three corpses were passed down to divide the realm.

At this moment, Wu Xu is at the realm of the two corpses quasi-saint.

And above the two corpses quasi-saint, there are three corpses quasi-saints.

Then there is the great perfection of the quasi-saint who is the unity of the three corpses.

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