"Yes, I think the ancestor is right. After so many years, I think the ancient clan needs to change. Since you don't want to go, give this opportunity to Yao'er. Let her be a companion to Lianshan!"

Bi Wentian thought about it, laughed, and directly twisted Cao Xiaochun's words. Since Bi Wentian didn't want to go, then leave the remaining quota to his granddaughter!

Can't waste it, right?

Hearing this, Cao Xiaochun was a little amused. These two old guys trust me a lot. Are they really not afraid that I will sell your two granddaughters in a package when the time comes?

Bi Wentian sighed, rolled his eyes, and then said helplessly.

"Elf King, do you think what we are doing is weird?"

"But there is no other way."

"You also know that the land of the Bi Yue Ancient Clan is in the Western Universe, so we inevitably have to deal with the gods."

"Although they have some concerns, they are used to being overbearing. There are some things that we cannot confront head-on, and we have to consider all the tribesmen."

"Since Yao'er and Lian Shan emerged, the gods have been eyeing them and are even preparing to force them to marry. My Bi Yue Ancient Clan may be looked down upon by many people in the universe because of what we have done, and they will say that we are playing both sides.

"But there is one thing that will never change, that is, we will always be one of the ten thousand tribes in the universe, and no matter what, we will never betray them."

"We have been blocking the forced marriage from the Gods Alliance for a long time, and we have been a little powerless recently. This method is the best we can think of at the moment. If the two juniors have the opportunity, they may still meet. "

"If they don't have this fate, then let them follow the glory of their ancestors. "

Speaking of this, Bi Wendao sighed. If there was no other way, who would be willing to do this?

In fact, even if Cao Xiaochun didn't come, Bi Wendao also planned to take his granddaughter to the forbidden land. Even if he died there, it would be better than falling into the hands of the gods.

They didn't have the courage of the night elves to move their entire clan like the night elves did. This was where they were born. No matter what the future held, even if they died, the Bi Yue Ancient Clan would fall here.

Looking at the other party's melancholy look, Cao Xiaochun felt that this was not pretended. In this case, he didn't say much. He only brought two people. If he really encountered a crisis, he could use Dingxianyou to teleport them back directly.

After coming here, it was equivalent to having a coordinate, just raising your hand to do it.

After making up their minds, everyone first bowed respectfully. After protecting Cao Xiaochun for a while, he planned to set off directly. After all, if he delayed here for too long, Jiang Yan would be in more danger.

He released the weak Gu again, turned into a young but handsome appearance, and took Cao Xiaochun to the port.

He quickly cleared an area, and soon Bi Wentian came here with two so-called helmsmen.

Bi Yaoyao, a god in the early stage of cultivation, wore a red skirt, tall and slender, and her appearance was also one of the top existences in the universe. Compared with some female gods, she was slightly better.

Unlike Bi Yaoyao's passionate personality, Bi Lianshan gave Cao Xiaochun a feeling of cold!

She was wearing a silver robe and tall, especially her long legs over 1.2 meters long. Once you are caught by this thing, you will be in great danger. With a cold and stubborn temperament, you can only watch from a distance. The feeling of being able to play with.

As soon as the two women came here, they set their sights on Cao Xiaochun. Bi Wendao had already told them about Cao Xiaochun's identity, so the two women did not dare to say much now, for fear of offending this person.

After all, this is the Demon Lord Liantian, an existence that kills without blinking an eye. Now, they actually have the opportunity to go to the forbidden land with such a legend.

When they first heard about this, they were still a little confused because of the things in the Gods Alliance. Bi Lianshan was in a bad mood, especially when she heard that for her own wishes, grandpa actually planned to accompany her to that unknown place.

But I didn't expect that grandpa actually invited such a powerful person!

Is it easy to invite such an existence like Cao Xiaochun? What kind of price is paid is simply unimaginable.

After hearing the explanation , she was relieved, but the two were still a little afraid of Cao Xiaochun...

The huge port, because it was late at night, the sea was already dark. Although Cao Xiaochun could see everything here clearly with his cultivation, such a scene still made people feel a little depressed.

Bi Wendao walked forward slowly, and saw a black stream of light shooting out from the center of his eyebrows. A small black boat appeared and slowly floated on the sea.

The moment it came into contact with the sea water, it continued to expand. Soon, a huge hull of 200 meters long and 82 meters wide appeared in front of everyone.

The big ship was pointed at the bottom and wide at the top. There were three attics on it. It looked huge. Judging from the size of the hull, it was not a problem to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

And the hull was made of extremely luxurious materials, and its hardness was comparable to that of a divine emperor.

While the soldiers were transporting supplies to the ship, Bi Wendao looked at the strange dragon boat in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

"I entered the realm of God in ancient times. After testing my talent, I was favored by my ancestors and obtained the production plan of the strange dragon boat."

"From then on, most of my efforts were put on it. I personally found and refined every material. It can be said that this flying boat witnessed my practice."

"I originally thought that it was my final destination, but I didn't expect that it would have another purpose today."

The strange dragon boat, made from the blueprints from the forbidden land, can keep you from getting lost in the endless sea, and can also resist the strange auras on the sea.

If you want to enter the forbidden land, you can only rely on this thing.

"Lord Elf King, the Endless Sea is in the lower plane, but we have opened up a route here, which can directly pass through the void and reach the edge of the Endless Sea. This way, you can save a lot of time.

"This is what our ancestors figured out. According to the records in the ancestral books, the environment and even the spiritual power of the forbidden land are completely different from the universe, and even our ability to fast completely will disappear now."

"So our clan has prepared the necessary food for you, I hope this rumor is false."

"But it's better to be prepared. "

The Bi Yue Ancient Clan moved quickly. After preparing everything, when Cao Xiaochun took the two women on board, many people came to the port. They were all members of the Bi Yue Ancient Clan. Cao Xiaochun also noticed that there was a middle-aged couple with red eyes at the moment, as if they were parting forever.

But when the two women saw them, they forced a relieved smile.

Looking at this scene, Cao Xiaochun felt that the cohesion of the Bi Yue Ancient Clan was still very strong.

Without wasting time, after a simple greeting, Bi Lianshan came to the control room. With a huge roar, the strange dragon boat started!

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