The forbidden land is just a name given to this place by the outside world. In fact, this place itself is equivalent to a small world, but the environment and aura of this area are different from any other place.

Here, the divine power is called the power of gods and demons. There are a total of 3,000 countries in the world corresponding to the legendary 3,000 demons, and the 3,000 demons are called the guardian spirits of the country here.

Basically, each country has the name of the guardian spirit in its name, such as the current Kamikaze Kingdom, which worships the wind demon.

Although no one has ever seen this demon, this concept is engraved in their bones.

According to legend, the people of all countries are descendants of demons. The education they received since childhood is to practice hard and be ready to dedicate everything to the demon in exchange for the continued protection of their descendants.

And kings like Feng Qingyu have been blessed by gods and demons since they were born, and the price is that they sacrifice themselves after breaking through the half-step creation.

Originally, everyone in the forbidden land followed this concept and even thought it was natural, until one day, an outsider came to the Chaos Kingdom.

At the beginning, everyone was still coveting, after all, they had never heard of other worlds outside after so many eras.

After the Chaos Kingdom captured the man, everyone knew through his words that the world they were in was a place of exile. These so-called demons were just ominous things forcibly detained here by the great god called Pangu.

Soon, the news spread throughout the forbidden land, and everyone was panicked. They felt like monkeys locked in a cage, accepting slavery from generation to generation.

After this, the forbidden land opened the Age of Exploration. The pioneers of many ancient countries took the lead and wanted to go outside to take a look. They didn't want their relatives and people to be trapped in a so-called rule and separated from generation to generation.

But soon after they set foot on the sea, the originally calm sea surface began to change. Huge waves swallowed up the carefully made ships of everyone, and the masters of many countries were buried by the strange power under the sea without any room for resistance.

As endless disasters came and countless people died and injured, they found that they could no longer get out of the sea of ​​the forbidden land. Once someone set foot on it, the country he was in would suffer a century-long disaster.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was desperate. The prophets of the Three Thousand Kingdoms were infected by the outsiders. The more difficult it was, the more they had to resist.

Since the insiders couldn't get out, let the outsiders break it all!

After deciding on this plan, the Three Thousand Kingdoms used their last resources to create the blueprints of the strange dragon boat, hoping that the powerful outsiders could create the strange dragon boat and break the curse here with power.

In order to release the blueprints, the profession of the prophet completely sacrificed himself and dissipated in the forbidden land.

Everyone also settled down, accepting the annual sacrifice while waiting for rescue.

But this process has been waiting from the ancient times to now.

During this period, many outsiders were swallowed by the sea on the edge of the forbidden land because they came at the wrong time. Some lucky people, although they successfully entered the forbidden land, their strength has reached the point of exhaustion.

After various inquiries, they learned that the outside world had already regarded the forbidden land as their last resort for breakthrough. Generally, no one would be willing to go to this unknown place unless there was no hope of breakthrough.

It was not until this news came out that they learned that the outside world had misinterpreted the meaning of the forbidden land in the ancient times. They thought there was an opportunity for them, but they did not know that it was just a huge cage.

Not only Feng Qingyu and his friends were desperate, but even the strong men who came here also fell in endless despair. They wanted to break it all, but since the prophet disappeared, no one could spread the news. Therefore, the plan of the Three Thousand Kingdoms that started in the ancient times was completely shattered.

As time passed, in the endless despair, the Three Thousand Kingdoms inevitably split. Countries like Feng Qingyu still had hope, so they would pay attention to the news of outsiders and give them help in time.

But now, more than 80% of the countries have adopted a broken pot attitude, completely surrendered to the exploitation of the demon god, and began to hunt outsiders, trying to block all the news and make people compromise with the current reality.

"There are 3,000 designs of the strange dragon boat, corresponding to 3,000 countries."

"Although most of the materials above are the same, there are some subtle differences. Each design will send you to the corresponding country, so I just said that you are lucky to get the design of the Kingdom of Wind."

Feng Qingyu shook her head helplessly. She had explained this to many people before, and without exception, they all collapsed, and she was mentally prepared.

After all, the forbidden land is an existence that can only be entered but not exited, and the previous recovery of Cao Xiaochun and their strange flying boat was actually Feng Qingyu's selfishness. She wanted to use these things from outside to make a last-ditch effort in the future.

After hearing Feng Qingyu's words, Cao Xiaochun's expression was inexplicably a little strange. This approach sounded very familiar. It seemed that the God of Destruction who died in her hands some time ago was also cultivating descendants and using them to improve himself.

The only difference is that the God of Destruction has a good control over his descendants, and there has been no rebellion, while on the side of the forbidden land, these people clearly know the truth.

"These things that master individual laws really don't make any progress in doing things. Even if you want to fool your descendants, at least do it better."

"However, from this point of view, they don't seem to be able to completely control your thoughts and actions."

Hera sneered and said disdainfully.

This method was not used by the Gods' Alliance in ancient times. Only the Gods of Order were still keen on doing it.

After all, this method not only has a long time span, but also has extremely low efficiency. It is time-consuming and laborious, and it is prone to accidents.

Therefore, the Gods' Alliance thinks it is more convenient to directly extract the origin of the God of Order, which is simple and crude!

When Hera said this, Feng Qingyu was stunned at first, and then she felt funny for no reason. It seems that the misunderstanding caused by the information gap is really a bit deep. Does this woman know what the demon is?

If she knew the truth, she would know how ridiculous what she said was.

"This is the first reason I said. As for why I said you are lucky to come here during the day, you will soon know what the real horror is at night."

Feng Qingyu's voice became more serious.

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