Hearing this, Feng Qingyu nodded. No matter what happened, the only thing she could do now was to do her best to ensure the safety of the Kingdom of Wind. If nothing could be changed in the end, then she would try her best.

"The entire Wind Legion is dispatched and the people are urgently gathered in the Palace Square. We will advance and retreat together."

Feng Qingyu said seriously, just as everyone was preparing to take action, a sword intent that could cut through the sky emerged in the void.

The moment the sword intention appeared, the violent thunder calamity seemed to feel something, and there was a trace of fear!


There was a scream, and the dense sword net directly covered the thunder tribulation. At the same time, the phantom of the jade seal full of demonic energy suppressed it directly. The thunder tribulation that could have destroyed the entire Kingdom of Wind actually disappeared under the two powerful offensives. !

"My Queen, don't panic, it's just a minor situation that has been resolved now."

The figures of Zhi Ying'er and the two girls appeared, looking down at Feng Qingyu and the others. Their appearance was exactly the same as the oppressive feeling when the gods first came to the world in ancient times.

"That strange thing just now, was it them?"

Feng Qingyu exclaimed in disbelief. She knew that Cao Xiaochun's cultivation was stronger than anyone here, but what she didn't expect was that even the women who looked like maids around him were so terrifying.

You know, that was a thunder catastrophe, and from the looks of it, it was more terrifying than the thunder catastrophe that the God Emperor encountered when he broke through. With the power of the Kingdom of Wind, he probably didn’t even have the strength to resist it, but now, it’s such an understatement. was suppressed.

Also, what on earth did they do to trigger such a terrifying formation?

As Zhi Ying'er and the two girls fell, Hera's figure emerged from the void, slowly came to Feng Qingyu, glanced at everyone first, and then said proudly.

"Your suffering will end starting tomorrow. Fortunately, it was us you met at the beginning, and your performance did not make anyone disgusted."

Hera's words were very casual, as if the demons outside who were rioting because of the thunder tribulation were just ants that were suppressed casually.

And the reason why she came out was entirely under Cao Xiaochun's order, to give Feng Qingyu a reassurance first.


After the words fell, a deafening sound rang directly from the side hall where Cao Xiaochun was, and a black stream of light directly shattered the entire palace and shot straight into the sky. The power of the Wind Demon God produced cracks like spider webs at the moment of contact with the black light, and even Before anyone could react, the barrier that maintained the lifeblood of everyone in the Kingdom of Wind shattered!


The moment the barrier was broken, the demons outside seemed to feel something, and let out bursts of excited wails, and then rushed towards the gap above like locusts crossing the border!

"No, the barrier is broken!"

Feng Qingyu reacted with a shocked expression, and hurriedly wanted to step forward to stop the destruction of the black light, but the next moment, boundless black energy exploded in the entire sky.

A flag slowly fell from the cracked sky, and the overwhelming black air continued to spread, covering the sky like a torrential flood.

As for those demons who followed one after another, the moment they came into contact with the black energy, the resentment and power of law in their bodies boiled instantly. While their whole bodies were stagnant in place, their entire bodies slowly dissipated, turning into particles like soot, and were Flag absorbed.

Such a strange scene made the audience take a breath of cold air. In an instant, there was no other sound except the wailing of the ghosts.

Feng Qingyu's delicate body trembled, and her whole mind went blank.

These things are evil demons. Even the lowest cultivation level has the god level. They are the nightmare of everyone in the forbidden land. But now, these evil demons that can destroy the entire Kingdom of Wind have turned into ashes under that strange flag. !

Thinking of this, Feng Qingyu looked at the flag in the sky that was constantly emitting black mist. The flag was not big, only three meters long at most. The flagpole was made of jade-like white bones and looked seamless.

The flag is made of human skin covered with black scales, with countless runes carved on it. The runes look chaotic, and if you stare at them for a long time, you will feel like your soul is being sucked out.

There is also a bone flute and a pure white jade mountain hanging on the flag. As the black air continues to spread, the two strange things buzz, and one glance at them is full of horror.

Such a thing is definitely not a righteous magic weapon, and the strong sense of oppression makes people feel desperate.

But just such a thing turned out to be the nemesis of the evil spirits in the Forbidden Land. None of the successive evil spirits could break through the defense of the flag, and they dissipated without even getting close.

"The effect is good. Next, you will become the blood food of this spiritual treasure."

The indifferent voice echoed through the sky, and Cao Xiaochun's figure appeared next to the Ten Thousand Souls Flag.

Cao Xiaochun looked at the demonic figure, smiled coldly, and then tapped lightly.


A huge black hurricane formed in the sky, like an indestructible black hole, drawing in endless demons on the earth.

As the number of demons absorbed increased, a huge eye appeared in the center of the black soul flag!

The eyes were slowly opened surrounded by black energy. At the moment when the bloody eyes were fully opened, the entire Kingdom of Wind seemed to have formed a huge field, and the speed of melting demons increased at a speed visible to the naked eye!

【Chaos Soul Banner】

[The best innate spiritual treasure]

Refined from the resentment of the Golden Crow and the curse of the God of Order, it is an extremely powerful thing.

Putting the Chaos Ten Thousand Souls Banner on the top of the head can make oneself invincible. The spiritual treasure is a restraint of all soul objects. It can devour souls and collect spirits. It collects everything. The soul that falls into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner will become a slave of the banner for the host.

It can also emit chaotic death light to directly hit the primordial spirit and godhood.

Looking at the introduction of the spiritual treasure, Cao Xiaochun's eyes flashed with excitement. Although the quality of this spiritual treasure did not reach the level of innate treasures, its own ability has surpassed most treasures of the same level.

More importantly, Cao Xiaochun's original intention was not to use it as a means of attack, but as a military talisman for a large army!

The endless demons in the forbidden land are one of his goals. The Chaos Ten Thousand Souls Banner can collect these things for his own use. It can be said that these things that give gods a headache will become Cao Xiaochun's greatest combat power.

Looking at everything in front of him, Cao Xiaochun was very excited. After exhaling heavily, he whispered.

"Just wait for the day to come..."

After he finished speaking, Cao Xiaochun activated the power of the Holy Infant and increased the power of the Chaos Ten Thousand Souls Banner to its maximum. In an instant, the sky and the earth lost their color, and the entire earth began to tremble. Those arrogant demons also changed from hunters to prey of the Ten Thousand Souls Banner!

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