Because the flying boat did not need to hide at night to avoid the attacks of the demons, Cao Xiaochun and his party were very fast and reached the border of the Destruction Empire in less than half a month.

The Chaos Ten Thousand Souls Banner had undergone a qualitative change after being swallowed up continuously during this period. It was only one step away from stepping into the Chaos Supreme Treasure. Its appearance had also changed. The color of the banner became darker, and it was surrounded by three thousand thumb-sized souls. The power of the laws they carried was different, but it contained all the three thousand great ways.

From a distance, these souls looked like streams of light, and they seemed to perceive the power of threats, but if you look closely, you will find that they are all complete forms, and they will also absorb the other party's divine power unconsciously, which is very strange.

What surprised Cao Xiaochun even more was that when he opened the spiritual treasure to the limit, the number of demons did not decrease at all.

As they got closer, Aisha and Alice felt a little uneasy, so they went back to the Nine Demon Tower and planned to use the dark factor to explore the vicinity first.

And find the exact location of Jiang Yan.

Zhi Ying'er, Messiah, and Hera were not so sensitive and continued to follow Cao Xiaochun.

Soon, a huge city located on a huge plain appeared in Cao Xiaochun's sight.

The city is located on a barren plain and looks very abrupt from a distance. Cao Xiaochun looked at the towering city wall in the distance, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The Empire of Destruction is worthy of being one of the top forces in the forbidden land. Its magnificent scale is much better than that of the Kingdom of Wind. The black city wall surrounding the entire city has a taste of ancient times, and the rolling yellow sand from the outside world cannot leave a trace on it.

Even the wall is like a mirror, reflecting bursts of light.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Yellow Stone, a strange material born at the beginning of chaos, is indestructible and can also rebound the attack of the power of law. If you add a little bit of it when refining the Divine Emperor's weapon, the quality of the artifact will be enhanced by one grade. Such a thing is a rare existence.

The Destruction Empire actually used this material to build the city wall. Let’s not talk about whether this is a waste of natural resources. With such a foundation, not only Cao Xiaochun, but also Zhi Ying’er and other girls beside him were a little shocked.

“Is there no weapon refiner in the entire forbidden land?”

“With so many Nine Heavens Mysterious Light Stones, it is enough to form a cavalry of 8,000 heavy cavalry wrapped in the God Emperor’s weapons.”

Hera sighed and sighed.

The forbidden land is now like an undeveloped treasure land. With so many Nine Heavens Mysterious Yellow Stones, if the God Alliance knows about it, they will take this area at all costs.

"Are you talking about forgers?"

"Of course there are. In the forbidden land, there is a forging kingdom. They are descendants of the forging demon god. Many weapons of the three thousand countries are made by them."

"However, the giants in the forging kingdom are rare, just like the alchemy, medicine, and mechanical kingdoms. They don't contact anyone. If you want to ask them for help, you have to contact the kingdom of business and trade through the exchange of materials."

Feng Qingyu explained slowly.

These kingdoms control the weapons, pills, potions, and technology of the entire forbidden land. They are also peace-loving races. If there is any kingdom that can make the Destruction Empire afraid, it is the alliance they formed.

Although the forbidden land has such a system, they produce very few high-level weapons and pills. This is because the demon gods behind them were the first to fall and left very few inheritances.

And those giants seem to be cursed by the forbidden land, and their talents are much lower than those of creatures in other kingdoms.

The simplest thing is that from the ancient times to the present, no amazing genius has been heard of there. They are all mediocre existences.

And because of their size, their children can't walk and talk until they are ten years old, and every giant is very fond of alcohol. Their life seems to be very simple, that is, they live in drunkenness every day. If you have good wine, it is easy to get all the powerful artifacts from these countries.

Listening to Feng Qingyu's explanation, Cao Xiaochun nodded. It seems that the descendants of the demon gods here have been affected to some extent, and their personalities are very extreme.

This extreme does not mean that their emotions are unstable, but they are very biased towards a certain point. For example, the country of refining weapons and the country of refining pills want to live a stable life, and they are all lying flat.

Feng Qingyu and his group tend to save the suffering, which can be seen from their attitude towards outsiders.

Although such behavior is good, there is no defense.

It is also thanks to the fact that the Wind Country encountered those people of the Biyue Ancient Clan who had no hope of breaking through. The people of the Biyue Ancient Clan are generally less ambitious.

If they had encountered a super power like the gods or the Yin-Yang Dao Sect, the Kingdom of Wind would have become a puppet long ago, and based on this, it would have fought for hegemony over the entire forbidden land.

So, the three thousand kingdoms in the forbidden land are still lucky to have survived until now.

Although the suppression of Pangu's heart is a curse for them, it also protects them in disguise.

With a sigh, Cao Xiaochun looked at the people passing by below. He found that these people, whether in clothing or appearance, all have the characteristics of their own kingdoms.

Obviously, they are all descendants of the three thousand demon gods, and their appearance has inherited some of the characteristics of the demon gods.

Just go here, you can see a fierce man with a pair of pink rabbit ears, and a weak-looking girl with some fierce fangs and tiger-like skin patterns.

These are all normal here, and judging from their appearance, they have all come here after a long journey, and their goal is to destroy the empire.

"They are all countries that need to pay tribute among the three thousand countries. According to the time, these people set out in advance and went through hardships to come here, waiting for the date of offering, and finally took the flying boat back."

Looking at the people coming and going, Feng Qingyu took the initiative to explain that although these creatures look strange, they are the most miserable countries in the forbidden land like themselves. Not only do they have to resist the invasion of demons, but they also have to pay tribute to those powerful countries to obtain protection and prevent their countries from being invaded by other radical forces.

In fact, Feng Qingyu wants to break these rules more than anyone else, but their power and background are too different from others. Even the demon god who protects them is more than a step behind in the ranking.

Now that the sacrificial ceremony of the destroyed country and the tribute period coincide with each other, I am afraid that this city will definitely not be peaceful in the future.

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