After returning to the portal, Cao Xiaochun was not in a hurry to go back, but found a shop nearby to collect materials.

Because there are so many people going to the dungeon every day, many small shops like this have opened here. The bosses rely on collecting materials and then reselling them, and the profit in the middle is quite considerable.

In this chaotic era of the advent of games, no material is redundant, even if it has no effect, but as long as you say that it can replenish the kidneys, you don’t have to worry about not being able to sell it!

Just after entering the door, a girl in uniform slowly walked over.

"Hello, sir, I am the owner of this store, Wang Gang, may I ask if there is anything I can help you with?"

Hearing the rough voice, Cao Xiaochun was stunned. After raising his head and taking a closer look at the curvy girl, he seemed to feel a little incredible in his heart.

As if sensing Cao Xiaochun's surprise, Wang Gang slowly explained.

"I am a Seraphim transferee, because the Seraphim body is hermaphrodite, but because of my bad luck, some mutations have occurred in me."

Wang Gang's attitude is very good. Obviously, she doesn't care about Cao Xiaochun's doubts. After all, he is not the only one who has such a reaction.

"Seraphim?" This is a rare profession, and it can be ranked in the top ten among auxiliary professions.

Compared with priests and healers, Seraphim can not only heal people, but also add various buffs to people. No matter where they are, they are extremely popular.

There is a general of the Seraphim profession in the Jiuzhou army. It is claimed that as long as he is there, half of the entire Jiuzhou army will not be injured on the battlefield!

From this rumor, it can be known that Wang Gang is definitely not simple.


"I have some materials here. I wonder if your store will accept them?"

Cao Xiaochun exhaled and apologized for his previous differences.

"Of course, can you let me see what the materials are?" Wang Gang said with a smile.

Cao Xiaochun didn't waste time seeing this. He lightly wiped his fingers, and a marching backpack appeared in his hand. He took out the things inside one by one.

"I have twelve well-preserved level 6 goblin skulls and eighteen pairs of dark night cat demon claws. Please help me estimate how much these things are worth."

Cao Xiaochun poured out all the things and said lightly.

Goblin skulls can be made into handicrafts. Because of their peculiar shapes, they are very popular in the upper class. If he hadn't been unable to carry them with him, he would have collected all the goblin skulls in full this time for leveling up, instead of choosing a few of the highest level and well-preserved ones.

As for the claws of the dark night cat demon, Cao Xiaochun originally planned to collect them and bring them back to practice the skeleton Gu, but after subduing the two sisters of Pinoxu, he changed his mind.

Although the skeleton Gu is higher in attack than the locust Gu, in terms of practicality, it is far worse. After all, a skeleton Gu cannot attack multiple targets at the same time like the locust Gu.

Since he had the two sisters of Pinoxue, he was not lacking in this attack power, so Cao Xiaochun planned to sell all the cat demon hand bones.

"It seems that you have gained a lot from this adventure."

Looking at the tactical suit on Cao Xiaochun, Wang Gang could judge that this should be a student who had just changed his job. He could kill so many monsters in one adventure, and he seemed to be a powerful professional.

Wang Gang took out a magnifying glass and slowly observed the materials, judging the value of the skull and hand bones. Generally, the smaller the flaws of such ornamental things, the higher their value.

After about fifteen minutes, Wang Gang put down the magnifying glass in his hand and said to Cao Xiaochun with a smile.

"It's incredible. Among these dozens of materials, the flaws have reached an inaccessible level, and they are so clean. I guess the customer has cleaned them for a long time. Don't worry, I will give you a satisfactory price."

Because most of the materials are taken directly from monsters, it is normal to have some blood and fishy smell, and sometimes they may even be a lump.

This was the first time she had seen someone as particular as Cao Xiaochun since she was a child helping her parents run the store. Because of this, she had a good impression of the young man in front of her.

"Haha, it should be."

Cao Xiaochun obviously didn't want to talk more about this topic. How could it be dirty? First, all the blood was drained, and then the meat was eaten up bit by bit. The only thing left was the locust Gu polishing it with saliva.

"Then these things will be settled for a total of 80,000 yuan. What do you think of the price?"

After calculating the price carefully, Wang Gang said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you for your trouble, sister."

Because the price Wang Gang offered was very fair, Cao Xiaochun had no objection to it.

"Okay, I'll put the materials into the warehouse first, and then give you the money."

After saying that, Wang Gang took out a tray, put all the materials in it, and slowly walked to the back of the store.

Seeing that he still needed to wait, Cao Xiaochun was bored, so he wandered around the store. The counter was very delicate, but it was basically data models, not real objects. If someone wanted to buy, the merchant would take it out from the warehouse after selecting something.

This not only prevents thieves, but also prevents some treasure appraisers from coming to pick up bargains. It should be said that although this store is small, the infrastructure is quite complete.

Just as Cao Xiaochun was bored looking at the data model in the store, a smell of blood caught his attention.

Following the smell of blood, I saw some materials similar to monster hand bones piled up in the corner. It may be that they didn't have time to deal with them, so they looked bloody.

Out of curiosity, Cao Xiaochun released the Eye of Truth, and instantly the real information about the bloody things appeared in front of him.

[Ogre Hand Bone. Black Iron Grade]

[Attribute: Bones]

[Introduction] The monsters hidden deep in the forest live in tribes and live by capturing humans and beasts.

Cao Xiaochun glanced at it and saw that there were about a dozen bones here, which were basically very common materials. However, the information reflected by the smallest hand bone on the far right caught his attention.

[Ogre hand bone. Black iron level. Mutation]

[Attribute: Bones]

[Introduction] The mutated ogre has a trace of dragon energy in its hand bones, making it a perfect material.

Seeing this introduction, Cao Xiaochun's eyes were filled with joy. Unexpectedly, there was something really good in this humble material.

Although I don't know how to make equipment, I can make it into a bone flute. Originally, the music control Gu was the most handsome method among Gu masters!

Although I don't understand music now, it seems that Li Hanyi is quite proficient in this kind of thing. If she is good at playing the flute, I don't mind asking her to teach me. I believe she won't mind if my roommate for two years plays the flute or something. Do yourself this little favor,

"Long wait, guest." Just when Cao Xiaochun was thinking about how to buy the thing, Wang Gang took out a wad of money and slowly walked out from the backstage.

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