Because there was not much time left before the end of the exam, Cao Xiaochun and his group gave up the idea of ​​going out to level up. Instead, they gathered together and talked about their future ideas. As they spoke one idea after another, time passed slowly.

When they received the prompt from the coordinate teleporter, they slowly stood up. With Xu Laoba's operation, they finally ended the seven-day journey.

When he opened his eyes again, Cao Xiaochun had returned to the familiar playground, but unlike when he just set out, the teleportation array was full of medical staff on standby, and the periphery was also full of ambulances.

Those high-spirited students seemed to have changed when they came out.

When they saw familiar classmates and teachers, they couldn't help crying. Some of them were ragged and hungry, and some were carried away by medical staff as soon as they walked out of the teleportation gate.

God knows what they went through in these seven days.

Cao Xiaochun didn't care about it. He checked his physical condition with the doctor, and then slowly came to the task submission place with Li Hanyi and his group.

The person who registered was an old man with gray hair. He would experience such a scene once every June, so he was no longer surprised.

Zhang Dingding, level 5, 10 ice souls, 90 points, excellent

Xun Taotao, level 5, 12 ice souls, 92 points, excellent

Gu Xiaoxiao, level 5, 8 ice souls, 88 points, excellent

Zhang Sanfeng, level 6, 20 ice souls, 100 points, excellent!

The old man was identifying the ice souls in the coordinate transmitter and scoring the students one by one. In fact, this exam was very simple, and there was also an unspoken rule.

That is, if the students can stay in it for seven days, they will get 80 points, and each ice soul is one point. If they can get 98 points, they can choose to take the college entrance examination of some excellent universities.

After all, it was the first time to go to the dungeon alone, and it was already very good to be able to achieve this level.

In fact, on the first day of the exam, countless people gave up the exam, including some combat professionals.

Looking at the students' results, the old man was quite satisfied. This year, 10% more materials were submitted than in previous years, which means that one-tenth more people can choose a higher-level university.

I also have some impression of the man named Zhang Sanfeng. He awakened a wind mage. In an environment like the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain, he has some blessings. It is reasonable for him to achieve such results. He is another good seedling.

He took the teleporter from Cao Xiaochun and looked at the name. The old man was stunned for no reason.

Cao Xiaochun? The student who awakened the Gu Master profession?

He raised his head slightly and looked at the handsome boy in front of him. He couldn't help feeling a little sorry. Such a handsome guy, it's a pity.

But since he can come here to submit materials, it proves that he has worked hard. That's it. If he only has one or two Ice Souls later, I will use my permission to give him two points.

After all, it is also a hidden profession, right?

Cao Xiaochun's coordinate transmitter was slowly placed into the instrument. The instrument was slightly stuck and then a line of words popped up quickly.

[Cao Xiaochun, level 8, 300 ice souls, equal to Shui Yunji's record, the information has been transmitted to the official website of Jiuzhou University system! ]

? ? ? ?


A mechanical voice broadcast made the old man and the people beside him stunned, and then there were bursts of inhalation!

"Level... 8? 300 ice souls?" The old man's eyes widened, full of disbelief. Damn, is there something wrong with the machine?

Students who can achieve this result have appeared in the school. After all, every ten years or so, students will awaken some advanced professions or hidden professions.

Therefore, if these students have excellent results after the first experience, they will directly transmit their results to the college system. It can be said that they are already the designated students of Capital University!

And this result is basically based on the level and ice soul!

Each teleportation coordinate device can carry 300 ice souls, which is already the limit, but there is no limit on the level. Generally speaking, when you reach level 7, you can be said to be internally selected!

Level 8 is generally something that only powerful hidden professions can do. Although Cao Xiaochun's Gu Master profession is the only one in the world, the limitations of that profession are also known to the world.

So how can this situation not be shocking!

"Fuck, Cao Xiaochun has reached level 8! You call this the weakest profession?"

"This is almost directly internally selected for Capital University!"

"Oh, I know, it must be because of Li Hanyi, he definitely hugged someone's thigh!"


The originally quiet submission place suddenly burst into exclamations, curses, envy, and jealousy, as if everyone didn't believe their ears!

Seeing this, Cao Xiaochun didn't say much. He had guessed the current situation before he came out, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

In the shocked eyes of the old man, Cao Xiaochun took back his transcript, slowly stood aside, waiting for Xu Laoba and others to submit the task.

The old man sat on the chair and exhaled a few times, then took over Li Hanyi's transmitter. It was obvious that he had not yet recovered from the shock.

[Li Hanyi, level 8, 300 Ice Souls, equal to Shui Yunji's record, the information has been transmitted to the official website of Kyushu University system! ]

? ? ?

Damn, another one!

Li Hanyi's result almost made the old man jump up. What the hell is going on? Even Shui Yunji, the student who formed a team with her last year, didn't have such a situation!

After carefully checking the machine and confirming that there was no problem with the machine, the old man seemed to accept the reality.

The wailing on the side became louder, and some people even almost bit their back teeth.

"See, I said it, Cao Xiaochun must have hugged a thigh, God is unfair, why don't I have such luck!"

The restlessness here also attracted the attention of the Academic Affairs Office. The pot-bellied Dean of Teaching came over in confusion and his expression was not much better after hearing the old man's report.

The whole person seemed to be in a daze.

[Xu Lao Ba, level 8, 300 ice souls, equal to Shui Yunji's record, the information has been transmitted to the official website of Jiuzhou University system! ]

[Li Wenbin, level 8, 300 ice souls, equal to Shui Yunji's record, the information has been transmitted to the official website of Jiuzhou University system! 】

[Hong Jianjun, level 8, 300 Ice Souls, equal to Shui Yunji's record, the information has been transmitted to the official website of Jiuzhou University system! 】

Three almost identical reports again, as if they accepted the reality. Except for the exclamations that were getting louder and louder, there was no different sound in the whole audience.

The Dean of Studies took the transcripts of Cao Xiaochun and his group, his hands seemed to be shaking a little. After checking them carefully, he raised his head and said in a trembling voice.

"Are you from the same team?"

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