Because there were only three, it was obviously not enough to share. Therefore, Cao Xiaochun threw the choice back. The more it was at this time, the more he couldn't make a decision by himself. After all, as a good man like him, he had to take everyone's feelings into consideration.

"Humph, men!"

Hearing Cao Xiaochun's words, the girls were not fools. This kind of words might be used to deceive young girls who were not experienced in the world, but to deceive them, it was still too much to think, right?

"I don't need this thing, and this monster is really ugly."

Li Hanyan shook her head. The empress also wanted to reward herself with a dragon egg, but she refused.

Li Hanyan was not interested in pets, and the most important reason was that she really didn't have the talent. Li Hanyan had a clear understanding of herself.

After all, raising a rabbit, if you raise ten rabbits, it's good if two survive, so let them go...

"I don't need it either. As an elf, the earth and the forest are my companions."

Ceres also shook her head. Although the king-level combat power is extremely tempting, this kind of big guy, summoning it takes up a lot of terrain, sometimes it will affect her attack habits, so weighing the pros and cons, Seres also chose to give up.

"In this case, let Yun'er and Han'er contract these three Devourers. You shouldn't refuse it."

Cao Xiaochun shook his head helplessly. Unexpectedly, these three king-level pets were actually despised?

If this matter is known to others, they must point at their noses and scold them.

Devouring Demon: "You are great, you are noble, you know you are a saint, but the reason you despise others is really infuriating."

Shui Yunji and Li Hanyi didn't have so many thoughts. After all, this journey, with their cultivation, they are just like soy sauce. Although they are both hidden professions, their own cultivation cannot participate in such a battle.

Now there are three king-level combat forces here. Although it is a bit ugly, Cao Xiaochun's toad is more unique, so sometimes, appearance is not important.

"How about this, Han Yi and I each have one, and the rest will be used as the resources of the Qilin Army, specifically for fighting and research. What do you think?"

Shui Yunji thought about it and said quickly, the monster of Devouring Demon has never been seen before. If something can be researched, it will be of great benefit to the entire Jiuzhou!

Cao Xiaochun has no opinion on this. If this thing can be reproduced in batches, Jiuzhou can conquer the universe tomorrow. Okay, attribute balance equals infinite defense. Is this a joke?

In the end, Shui Yunji chose the blue giant egg, and Li Hanyi chose the pink one.

Seeing this, Cao Xiaochun exchanged three slave Gu from the system. After the Gu worm sucked blood, he used Gu magic to force it to recognize the two women as the master, and then dissolved the slave Gu into the giant egg. Next, just wait for hatching.

Just as Cao Xiaochun was about to move forward, a cold wind suddenly blew, and the surrounding environment was instantly distorted, and an independent space appeared.

Except for the square under his feet, there was magma everywhere.

A big man with silver hair and yellow skin floated in the air, looking down at Cao Xiaochun and the others.

Faced with this sudden situation, everyone was extremely alert, because they couldn't even see the cultivation level of the man in front of them.

You know, Li Hanyan and Seres are genuine Saint-level masters. If even they can't see this person's cultivation level, there are only two possibilities. The first is that he is just an ordinary person, and the second is that this person's strength is much stronger than them!

And according to the current situation, the first possibility is impossible.

"No need to go forward, this is your planned destination."

The man slowly fell from the air and walked slowly towards Cao Xiaochun.

Cao Xiaochun looked at the information fed back by the system, frowning, because this man called Almighty Matga was a genuine god-level strongman, and the pressure he put on himself was stronger than when he faced Tamamonomae and Yamata no Orochi before!

"There is no need to be so alert. If I really wanted to kill you, you would have died when you just entered the Gran Forest."

Looking at the alert people in front of him, Matga smiled lightly and said casually.

"Two old friends, at least we have fought side by side. There is no need to be so surprised to see me?"

"Have you forgotten that the Tartans and Antun are one and the same?"

Matga turned around and looked at the surprised Cheng Huang and Fei, teasing as if he had met an old friend.

"I didn't expect that you are still alive and your strength is still so well preserved."

Hearing Matga's words, the two beasts quickly came back to their senses and said bitterly that before they came here, they had thought of meeting the chief of the Tartans, but they didn't expect that his strength was so well preserved. This was a complete miscalculation.

"It's just luck. If the elf goddess who fell in this forest hadn't tried to sneak attack and take over my body, I would not have recovered to this extent."

"But you are a bit miserable. Do you need me to help you get rid of the contract?"

Mattga sat cross-legged and said with a smile.

"Thank you, but I don't need it. I think it's good now."

Fei shook his head.

"Since you discovered us early and sacrificed so many people, you don't want to play a cat and mouse game with us out of bad taste, right?"

"Tell me your purpose!"

Fei slowly stepped forward and sent a voice message to Cao Xiaochun.

"My Lord, try to wake up Lynn. This guy's strength is not something we can deal with right now. If you want to run, only your little ghost can do it!"

"What if I say yes?"

Mattga narrowed his eyes and looked at Fei seriously.

But he soon put on a smile again.

"Hahaha, just kidding."

"To be honest, the reason I brought you in is that I am interested in the young man next to you. I have some questions to ask him."

"As for the tribe..."

"You also know what kind of existence the Elf Goddess was in the so-called ancient times."

"When they stopped the Elf Goddess, they were infected by her god-level. Except for the Devouring Demon, everyone else will sooner or later become the walking corpses of the God's servants. I can't save them, so your arrival can be regarded as a relief for them."

As if he didn't want to say too much, Matga waved to Cao Xiaochun and changed the subject.

"Young man, come and chat with me. I haven't spoken to you for a long time."

Looking at Matga's enthusiasm, Cao Xiaochun didn't understand his real purpose, but he was sure that Matga had no intention of killing him.

Just when Cao Xiaochun was about to step forward, Li Hanyan stopped him and shook his head gently.

It was too dangerous for this unknown strong man to rush over!

"It's okay. Don't worry."

Cao Xiaochun patted the back of Li Hanyan's hand and comforted her.

Slowly walked forward and sat down in front of Matga, Cao Xiaochun said respectfully.

"Meet the chief of the Tartan tribe..."

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