" Bodhi Patriarch?"

Hearing the domineering words of the phantom, Cao Xiaochun sighed in his heart. He originally thought that Sun Wukong's master was just a powerful person with a mysterious origin. Unexpectedly, Bodhi Patriarch was actually one of the three corpses of Yuanshi Tianzun!

In other words, Sun Wukong is essentially the true disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun!

"Demeter should not be able to escape, right?" Cao Xiaochun looked at the space that had been completely imprisoned. Facing such a vast sealing force, even Demeter would have no chance of escape.

The Styx Patriarch nodded. Although Bodhi Patriarch is now just a remnant soul left behind, the strength he burst out is definitely half-saint. With Demeter's current state, she should not be able to escape.

At this moment, Demeter's face was extremely gloomy. It was Yuanshi Tianzun who sealed her in the Liantian Coffin. All the suffering she suffered came from this person in front of her.

Unexpectedly, after sealing her, Yuanshi Tianzun actually kept a backhand!

"Do you think you are still the Yuanshi Tianzun of the past?"

"It's not that easy to keep me here!"

Demeter shouted, and the origin of her body gathered. In an instant, a long emerald green dragon emerged, and the roar resounded through the sky!

As long as she broke through the seal of the secret realm, even Yuanshi Tianzun could not keep her here!

"My friend, please borrow Pangu Banner and Nine Demon Tower."

Looking at the terrifying attack in front of him, Yuanshi Tianzun seemed very indifferent. After a slight smile, he turned his head and said to Cao Xiaochun.

In response, Cao Xiaochun just nodded, and then released Pangu Banner and Nine Demon Tower.

As Yuanshi Tianzun waved his hand, the two spiritual treasures seemed to be sensed and flew straight to Yuanshi Tianzun.

"I could seal you back then, and I can do the same today."

As soon as the words fell, the entire space suddenly shook violently, and the Pangu Banner burst into rays of light. Cao Xiaochun clearly saw that the secret realm, which had been in ruins after the war, was restored at a speed visible to the naked eye under the reflection of the rays of light!

A long sword condensed from the chaotic energy appeared, with the sword body wrapped with the avenue runes, and an indescribable chaotic energy enveloped the entire world.

Under such an aura, Demeter's attack was like a firefly meeting the sun. In that dazzling light, the light of the firefly was not worth mentioning at all!

"My friend, look carefully, the Pangu Banner has the four mysteries of breaking, establishing, prohibiting, and destroying."

"The mystery of breaking: tearing chaos, splitting time and space, and opening up the boundless!"

As soon as Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, the long sword flew straight towards Demeter, piercing through the opponent's chest at a speed that was difficult to capture with the naked eye!

"The secret of establishment: divide yin and yang, regulate the five elements, and generate infinite!"


Another voice fell, and the entire Yuxu Palace seemed to be guided by the law. While it was constantly repairing, the various original forces between heaven and earth seemed to be summoned, forming a series of iron chains to lock Demeter!

"The secret of prohibition: chaos, chaos, endless evolution!"

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

After the law of the road controlled Demeter, the long sword on the chest began to melt. While invading the opponent's body, the chaotic energy directly locked Demeter's godhood!

"The secret of destruction: break the world, break the past and the present, and destroy countless!"


The power of destruction gathered, Demeter's eyes were red, and her delicate body softened and knelt in the air. Countless pains came out, causing her to kneel on the ground.

"When you have enough cultivation and use the four mysteries in the Pangu Banner, even saints will not be your opponents. With the various spiritual treasures you have obtained, it is not impossible to kill saints."

"Every spiritual treasure on you is a rare thing. Since you have obtained them, you should inherit the meaning of their previous owners and protect this world well."

Yuanshi Tianzun was like a kind teacher. While doing it, he explained the wonderful uses of various spiritual treasures to Cao Xiaochun, crushing the originally domineering Demeter.

"Unfortunately, Demeter's physique is too special. Even in my prime, I can't kill her. The land is immortal and the goddess is immortal. The gift given to this woman by Gaia Tiandao is too terrifying."

After explaining the use of the spiritual treasures clearly, Bodhi Patriarch sighed and looked at Demeter with an angry face and said slowly.

"Hahahaha, old man, you can't kill me!"

"Even if you seal me in the Liantian Coffin again, it won't be long before my brothers and sisters will rescue me again. Now you are just a remnant soul that is about to dissipate!"

"What else can you do to stop me!"

Demeter was shrouded in golden light. The terrifying power of the seal made her unable to mobilize a trace of divine power. Although her face was full of unwillingness, she soon started to mock.

No matter how strong Yuanshi Tianzun is, it is only a flash in the pan. It won't be long before he can break the seal again, because his brothers and sisters are recovering!

"It's really a headache, but I think your plan is going to fail. Since the Liantian Coffin can't kill you, then I will suppress you in the Nine Demons Tower this time. I believe that wherever you go, you will naturally have a way to deal with you."

"My friend, am I right?"

Yuanshi Tianzun chuckled and ignored Demeter's threat. Instead, he turned his head and teased Cao Xiaochun.

Although I couldn't see the face of the phantom, I could clearly feel that there seemed to be a hint of frivolity in the originally strict tone...

Hearing this, Cao Xiaochun raised his eyebrows. If Demeter was sealed in the Nine Demon Tower without any resistance, even if he couldn't kill her, he would at least have nine ways to make her surrender. Nine ways!

Just as he was about to reply, Cao Xiaochun suddenly thought, how could Yuanshi Tianzun know that he had a way to solve it? Could it be that this person could see through other people's thoughts?

Thinking of this, Cao Xiaochun's words were stuck at the corner of his mouth, and he didn't dare to say anything more.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't care about this. He waved his hand and the Nine Demon Tower burst out. With a strong suction force, Demeter disappeared before she could react.

As soon as Demeter entered the Nine Demon Tower, the terrifying demonic energy instantly turned into iron chains, locking her body. Next to her, Ares was lying on the ground in anger, and the source of the demon was eroding Ares' body.

Just as Demeter was trying to break free, a very charming voice came out, and Venus, wearing a pure white veil, slowly appeared in the tower.

"Tsk tsk tsk, isn't this the goddess of the earth?"

"It seems that your experience is worse than mine."

Venus came to Demeter with a disdainful look, throwing a red rope and animal skin handcuffs in her hand.


"Why are you here!"

Demeter looked at the familiar figure in shock, and cried out in surprise. How could Venus be in this Nine Demon Tower, and from the looks of her, it seemed that she could move freely in the tower!

"You will know soon, but this first floor is not suitable for you. Before entering the ninth floor, you still have to make some preparations."

"Wild cats can retain their nature, but at least, they have to dress up, so that they look like conquerors."

The smile on Venus's face became brighter and brighter. She gently stretched out her hand, and the source of desire was condensed in her hand, and gently pressed it on Demeter's beautiful face...

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