Venus' words seemed extremely confident. Even she didn't expect that what was sealed inside was actually this thing!

Pandora's Box was a product of the early Gaia Heavenly Dao. At that time, the characters had just been born, and Prometheus stole fire from the sky and gave it to humans who had just been created.

This behavior made Zeus very angry and felt that his authority was violated.

For this reason, Zeus decided to let the disaster come.

He ordered the god of fire to create a woman, named Pandora, and gave her all the advantages of the gods. Each god gave her a trace of the original power.

At the same time, Pandora was given an extremely fierce curiosity.

After marrying Pandora to humans, Zeus gave her a sealed box and told her not to open it at any time.

But because of Pandora's strong curiosity, one day, she opened the box. Before anyone could react, a black smoke that harmed the world flew out of the box and soon filled the whole world.

From then on, everyone knew that the box was full of disasters, diseases, disasters, plagues, sins, jealousy and other things. They were taken away from the shortcomings of the gods. It was a means for Zeus to destroy mankind and cleanse himself at the same time.

Because the disasters were all over the world, Zeus announced that he would destroy his world and reshape all living things!

At this time, the goddess of wisdom Athena couldn't bear to see such a spiritual seed disappear like this, so she quietly gave up hope. It was because of this thing that Noah's Ark was built, and the only fire of human beings in the Gaia world was preserved.

Because Pandora's Box itself is a divine emperor weapon, after being recovered by Zeus, the box absorbed the souls and merits of all ancient figures and achieved self-evolution.

Zeus ordered the god of fire to integrate Pandora's soul into this artifact as the keynote to control the artifact, and at the same time raised the quality of Pandora's Box to the peak of the divine emperor weapon!

Cao Xiaochun looked at the Pandora's Box that was constantly rotating in front of him with surprise. He had heard of the legend of this thing, but he didn't expect that there was such a secret in it!

In other words, this Pandora's Box represents the disaster of Gaia's world!

Venus looked at Cao Xiaochun's expression, pushed Daji away, and continued to take credit.

"Demeter was one of the main participants in this plan. As the goddess of the earth, she has no mercy on these creatures."

"Master, you can refine this Pandora's Box. No matter where it is placed, it is a big killer. Even in the current God Alliance, not all of them have reached the god level."

"When you meet them in the future, you can use Pandora's Box to massacre the city..."

Looking at Venus's actions, Cao Xiaochun raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, this woman is really trying her best to help herself now. This perverted personality is actually the main god representing beauty in the West.

It should be said that Gaia Tiandao's eyes are really unique in selecting people.

"Representative of Western disasters?"

"Good stuff!"

Cao Xiaochun looked at the Pandora's Box in front of him with burning eyes, and a plan came to his mind.

Such a divine weapon is at best a icing on the cake for me.

I don't lack equipment now, but this kind of thing that gathers the origin of all gods, plus the characteristics of disaster, is clearly the best material for refining Gu.

If Pandora's Box is refined into a fairy Gu, while the crisis is intensified, it is also a powerful means for me.

Thinking of this, Cao Xiaochun couldn't help but get excited. The catastrophic Gu worm is not only overbearing, but also can add luck or curse things to it. In this way, even if I face the main god in the future, this Gu worm can still play a role!

The most important thing is that Pandora's Box absorbs the merits of the ancient human race. With this thing, the Gu worm can obtain a characteristic of killing people without being affected by cause and effect!

After carefully recalling the refining method of the Gu worm of the heavens, Cao Xiaochun soon thought about what kind of Gu worm to refine!

The Great Disaster Gu, a fairy Gu of disaster plus luck, the Gu worm is made up of all the negative energy between heaven and earth, and the quality is determined by the preciousness of the material quantity!

The method of refining the Great Disaster Gu is very simple, and it basically depends on the rarity of the materials.

Cao Xiaochun can completely use the Pandora's Box in front of him and cooperate with the Devouring Gu to refine a brand new Great Disaster Gu.

It can not only allow it to inherit the original characteristics of the Gu worm, but also use the characteristics of the Devouring Gu to allow it to continuously devour the negative energy of the world after it is born!

Thinking of this, Cao Xiaochun's smile became more and more obvious. He gently slapped Venus and asked her to get up from him first. He turned his eyes to Pandora's Box. After slightly adjusting his state, he gently moved the nine Devouring Gu exchanged from the system to fly out and surround the box.

"It seems that the journey of collecting souls has to speed up."

Looking at the soul point that can only go in but not out, Cao Xiaochun sighed. Although there is no pressure now, it is better to take precautions.

He exhaled heavily, and a series of Gu Jue turned into runes and shot directly into the Pandora's Box.

At the moment when the two came into contact, Cao Xiaochun could clearly feel that the terrifying black energy inside came alive at this moment, like a hungry tiger, frantically gnawing at the hard-earned meat.

In response, Cao Xiaochun did not panic, but accelerated the output of the Gu Jue. Soon, he felt that the whole room was filled with a repressive atmosphere, and the surrounding sounds completely disappeared, as if the five senses were deprived at this moment.

As Cao Xiaochun's movements continued to speed up, the Devouring Gu and Pandora's Box slowly merged, and the Gu runes transformed into thick and sticky black liquid that enveloped the entire box, making bubbles appear one by one.

Feeling the sense of intimacy gradually forming in the magic box, Cao Xiaochun smiled slightly.

Sure enough, these Immortal Gus that rely on overbearing materials are easy to refine. As long as the materials are perfect, the birth of Gu insects is a certainty.

This process lasted for three days, but during the final warm-up stage of the Gu insect, Cao Xiaochun withdrew his divine power and waited for it to be born automatically.

"There is still some time before the weapon refining competition. Let's take advantage of this gap to improve our cultivation first."

Thinking of this, Cao Xiaochun looked at the extremely beautiful Venus and said with a smile.

"It's been a while since you became the God-Emperor, and Demeter is the God-Emperor."

As soon as these words came out, Venus trembled, and she naturally understood what Cao Xiaochun meant.

"I also ask my lord to allow me to leave my god-level cultivation so that I can continue to serve you..."

After saying that, Venus turned her head, looked at Demeter who looked unconvinced, and said coldly.

"After so many years of lessons, don't you still know how to assess the situation?"

"If you don't want me to crawl over here, I have to ask the master to do it himself!"

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