Liu Xuan nodded and said, "Well, for a beastmaster in the first four stages, the awakening, extraordinary, transformation and nirvana realms are all driven by the breakthrough of pets. After nirvana, humans themselves will have magic circuits and give birth to their own physical strength."

"Realm means physical energy, and mental power represents spiritual energy. The two complement each other. But if you want to contract more pets, you must rely on the breakthrough of mental power. Mental power itself is extremely difficult to cultivate. The currently known methods are limited to killing special "empty spirits" in the magic cave to obtain their empty hearts, or forcing your own spirit at the critical moment of life and death."

"There are also magic cave mimicry fields in major beastmaster universities that can upgrade people from the Lingyuan realm to the Lingxi realm. I heard that this is a special technology learned from the demons in the magic cave."

The students nodded again and again.

Everyone's understanding of mental power and realm is very superficial.

Liu Xuan's theoretical storage and friendly sharing made everyone have a lot of good feelings towards her.

Shangguan Ling smiled: "Well, it's very well said."

"In short, in addition to the common blood food and combat methods, the cultivation of pets can also be improved through special talents."

"And if a beastmaster wants to become stronger in the early stage, in addition to improving his own realm, it is more important to contract a powerful pet!"

"Every time the mental power realm is upgraded by one level, you can contract an additional pet."

"And the currently known realms of mental power are Lingyuan, Lingxi, Linghu, Linghai, Lingyuan, and Lingyu. Students, the magic cave mimicry field can help you improve your mental power in the early stage, and the road ahead depends on your own gains in the magic cave."

Talking about the topic that Su Yu was interested in, Su Yu asked:

"Then teacher, if I want to contract a second pet, do you have any recommendations?"

Everyone took a breath.

Yes, Su Yu's mental power had been upgraded to Lingxi by the magic cave mimicry field yesterday!

Although it is not necessary to complete the S-level task to give the reward of mental power infusion, it is indeed enviable to be one step ahead!

Shangguan Ling said: "Well, that's a good question."

"We beastmasters mainly rely on the combat effectiveness of our pets."

"At present, powerful beastmasters generally follow several principles, the first of which is the sequence number!"

"Classmates, the sequence number is the iron rule in the magic cave! It doesn't mean that the one with the higher number will definitely beat the one with the lower number. The number reflects the order of the magic circuit from strong to weak."

"Often, the higher the sequence, the stronger its own magic circuit, and the easier it is to have a strong talent."

"If you can encounter the upper sequence numbered in the top 100, try not to miss it. If you can encounter the legendary God-era sequence numbered in the top 10, then you don't have to consider whether it is compatible with you, just make a full-strength contract!"

"The God-era sequence is extremely rare. There are only a handful of owners in the entire Daxia. Only the principal of this school has a pet with the God-era sequence."

Su Yu agreed deeply.

He had a deep understanding of the power of the God-era sequence every night.

But he didn't expect that the God-era sequence was so rare!

But it makes sense.

Arya's most powerful talent is the power of immortality.

No matter how serious the injury is, she can recover as long as she has enough blood.

And she will not be killed no matter what. If she is drained of blood, she will only fall into a dead sleep.

She is already at a height that ordinary pets cannot reach.

Shangguan Ling continued, "The second fit is our beastmaster's own talent, which is easy to understand. For example, Li Xu's A-level talent, Light Spirit Protection, can greatly increase the speed of his pet, so he is more inclined to choose a flying or speed-type pet."

"The third is the choice of a few people, the resonance of the same system. The overseas country of Milica has studied that if the pet belongs to the same system, it often produces an excellent chemical reaction. For example, classmate Su Yu, in addition to vampires, the Moonlight Apostle of Sequence No. 62 and the Dead Apostle of No. 377 are all in the same system."

"But I want to remind everyone that since it is extremely difficult to improve mental power, it is often better to have nothing than to have something of inferior quality! Of course, this is for our top class-, ordinary beastmasters naturally find the second pet as soon as possible."

Afterwards, Shangguan Ling continued to answer questions and resolve doubts.

Su Yu also fell into thought.

Alia is very strong, it is really... better to have nothing than to have something of inferior quality.

Otherwise, not only will he not be able to help Arya in the battle, but he will also likely become a burden to her.

I really need to ask Arya's opinion on this matter. What if she gets jealous?


Arya knew what Su Yu was going to say. She gently lifted Su Yu's chin with her fingers and whispered in his ear:

"I don't object to you finding a second pet."

"It's just too weak.'s existence is not worthy of sharing a man with me~"

"At least, you should find someone in the top ten of the sequence."

Su Yu was shocked.

Sequence of the Age of Gods? Sister, I am lucky to meet you!

"Don't show that expression, little guy. I know there is a place in the Demon Cave that has descendants of the Age of Gods. I will help you catch them back when the time comes."

"Tsk tsk, I heard that after that tribe transformed, they..."

Su Yu's eyes lit up.

He hugged Arya and kissed her fiercely.

You are really my treasure!

I have a bad stomach and I love to eat soft rice by nature!

Shangguan Ling saw this scene and her face froze.


"My classmate, it is important to cultivate feelings with your pet, but this is in class, can you restrain yourself a little! "

Su Yu came back to his senses and found that the people around him were looking at him with envy and jealousy, so he quickly apologized.

But the class was already in an uproar.

"Qikexiu, are all vampire girls so pretty? I'm jealous, my second pet must be contracted with a vampire!"

"Stop it, I've seen vampires, but the only vampire so pretty is Senior Sister Alia!"

"Damn it! You deserve to die, Su Yu!"

Finally, the class ended in a commotion.

Shangguan Ling shook her head repeatedly.

Su Yu is extremely talented, but he is really restless.

After the big class ended, Shangguan Ling left seven people.

Among them were Su Yu and Liu Xuan.

"Let's get to know each other."

"From now on, I will be your mentor."

"At the same time, I can tell you that as my students, Shangguan Ling, you all have to participate in the preliminaries of the Nine Schools Alliance Exchange Competition! "

The exchange competition will be held in half a month.

Su Yu actually didn't understand why the time was so tight.

Li Xu was puzzled: "Teacher, why is there an exchange competition as soon as the school starts? I remember last year, wasn't it two months after the school started?"

Shangguan Ling frowned: "Now I can tell you that the exchange competition is not a fixed time. The school is responsible for suppressing the demon cave. It must arrange the time according to the situation of the war on the front line. You may not have a clear concept of how important the exchange competition is."

"I say this, in addition to the fact that Daxia will allocate funds based on the results, it also determines the order in which the nine universities will form elite forces to suppress the demon cave."

"We humans are not strong in the demon cave."

"Last year, the Imperial Capital Yuling University won the championship, and the time to suppress the disaster demon cave we were responsible for was one day late, which resulted in the death of 1,462 beastmasters in Red Stone City and 391 missing, including my..."


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