Mu Qianyu turned her head away, not wanting to pay attention.

But Gu Jingyi and the boys behind him were so angry that their teeth itched.

They all knew about the bet between Su Yu and Gu Jingyi, and they also knew that Mu Qianyu had been ordered around like a maid these days.

If they lose again, will the students of this generation of Jianghe University still be able to hold their heads up in front of Su Yu?

Different from the Demon Spirit and the Emperor Spirit.

Su Yu was born in the Demon Spirit, and he was unwelcome in the school, but everyone was united outside the school.

Emperor Spirit... Su Yu is now barely half of the Emperor Spirit, and he also helped the Demon Guards sweep the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cave in one fell swoop. The resentment of the Emperor Spirit students towards Su Yu has basically turned the page.

Only Jianghe University has never been able to get a good deal from Su Yu from the beginning to the end.

Mu Qianyu said softly: "Ignore him, every word he said is a rhetoric to make us lose our minds."

After spending the past few days with Su Yu, she felt that Su Yu was actually a good person... but he was very good at psychological offensive.

And she once again clarified her heart.

She and Su Yu were not from the same world. She was slightly dazzled by his glorious past and overwhelming wealth before, but now she was determined to draw a clear line and defeat him openly at the Winter Lake Festival.

She would return the Demon-level God Age Relic to Su Yu no matter what.

This was a matter of principle, and no compromise was allowed.

Several people nodded.

Gu Jingyi and Fan Yanhai looked at each other. The two of them were the main force in this encirclement and suppression of Su Yu.

After being fully prepared, everyone stepped into the teleportation array.

In the mimicry field.

The breeze blew gently, and thousands of large lakes and lakes appeared in front of Su Yu. The clouds rolled and the area of ​​the ocean and lakes was far greater than that of the land, and this wide water flow would eventually flow to the Forbidden Sea.

In terms of area alone, the Thousand Lakes Demon Cave is the size of the four Eternal Tribulation Demon Caves, with a total area of ​​4 million square kilometers.

A light curtain popped up in front of Su Yu.

[Location: Thousand Lakes Demon Cave

Mission: Mermaid Tears in the Deep Sea

Difficulty: SS

Mission Introduction: There is a deep-sea relic in the sea near Bishui City that has been conquered by humans. There is a deep-sea gem in the relic called Mermaid Tears. It can be ground into powder and used as medicine to prolong life. Take it back.

Winter Lake Festival Rules:

The competition ends when the Mermaid Tears are taken back, and the points are +1000

Defeat the Nirvana Realm and above beasts, and the points are +10

Eliminate the competitors, and the points are +100]

The rules are simple and the purpose is clear

The difficulty is that this is an underwater battle.

Especially in deep-sea battles, the water pressure under the deep sea is hundreds or even thousands of times higher than the atmospheric pressure, and it is extremely inconvenient to move.

If the beastmaster had not been reborn and reborn, he would not be able to survive safely under the deep sea.

This is also the problem that humans are facing in the Thousand Lakes Demon Cave today.

The combat power of the beastmaster will be greatly reduced under the sea.

Su Yu frowned, it was a bit troublesome.

"Ling'er, is there any way?"

Yan Ling'er nodded slightly.

Born in Jiangnan Province, how could she not be prepared for the Thousand Lakes?

The two pets she contracted were both water-attributed pets.

One was naturally like Mu Qianyu, the emperor of the ocean, the Blue Sea Whale King.

The other was Sequence No. 123 Golden Silk Spirit Algae, which had the ability to proliferate in large quantities anywhere underwater, provide oxygen to the shelter, resist water pressure, and supply magic.

She threw the golden silk algae into the water, and the tumbling golden silk surrounded Su Yu and the others, forming a golden silk soft armor.

"Then... get in the water."

According to the task prompt, the Mermaid's Tears are three thousand meters below the sea.

With the help of Yan Ling'er's Blue Sea Whale King, everyone dived into the deep sea.


Gu Jingyi and others did not choose to dive immediately, but gathered first.

There were fifty groups of hundreds of people participating in the Winter Lake Festival regardless of age, and Gu Jingyi contacted thirty groups in the middle.

He ordered: "According to our research on Su Yu, too many people are likely to be a tactic of fueling the fire. People of the same realm will be controlled by the vampire's ability."

"Similarly, if the alien beast breaks in, it will be a hindrance. You twenty-two groups of Nirvana are responsible for the outer defense of the marine alien beasts. Don't let any alien beast enter the battlefield. The other group will get the Mermaid's Tears."

"The rest of you follow me to encircle Su Yu!"

"Let him know that the deep sea is our home court!"

Mu Qianyu felt something was wrong and whispered: "Jingyi, why is it different from what we agreed?"

"If we want to win, we have to win him fair and square. Even if we win with so many people, how will others see our school..."

Gu Jingyi explained: "Qianyu, don't be too soft-hearted."

"Treat this as a war and treat him as an enemy we want to kill. Naturally, we have to do everything we can."

Mu Qianyu frowned and said: "But he is not an enemyAh, but..."

"Qianyu!" Gu Jingyi was a little unhappy: "Listen to me, I don't want you to be wronged."

Mu Qianyu was silent. She wanted to teach Su Yu a lesson but...

Gu Jingyi said coldly: "Go and do it!"


The crowd watching outside was in an uproar.

"Wow... Jianghe's people are possessed. They shamelessly besieged Su Yu right away."

"Maybe they are too embarrassed to lose too many times?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, thirty groups against one group, I think Su Yu is in trouble this time. "

"Yeah, they didn't even give Su Yu a chance to control the sea beasts, and they made preparations for both situations, attacking Su Yu while stealing the base, which is a bit shameless..."

Huang Wenbo slightly supported his forehead.

Who came up with such a shameful tactic?

Winning is not glorious, but losing is a big loss!

Gu Jingyi is not like this usually...

He sighed secretly, was Su Yu really affecting his mentality?

He is too shallow...


Let Su Yu grind these people. Although Qianhu Demon Cave is a disadvantageous battlefield, most of Jianghe's students have a kind of The unruly spirit, those who can survive in a disadvantaged battlefield will have a self-important foundation.

But Qianhu has never had a true genius of all races.

The appearance of Su Yu made these students face themselves, which is also a good thing.

In the mimic field,

When Su Yu and his group dived to two thousand meters, their movements were already a little sluggish.

Su Yu tried to punch and his movements were more than three times slower.

This is still the premise of the physical body of the Star Realm.

If it were an ordinary person... they would have been crushed by the water pressure.

"Ling'er, something is wrong. Isn't there any strange beast in the ocean of this Qianhu Demon Cave?"

Yan Ling'er said: "It's a bit strange."

"No matter where you are, there are many marine beasts."

On the scoreboard, people continue to kill beasts to gain points.

Su Yu's group only encountered a few Nirvana beasts at the beginning, and currently has 80 points, almost at the bottom.

Su Yu thought for a while: "No. "

He looked around: "Heh, you're just playing these little tricks."

"Since you've followed me, come out quickly."

In the deep sea, the perception of mental power is much slower, and you can't perceive it without concentrating.

In the ocean, seven groups of people floated in from seven directions.

"Su Yu, you have no chance of winning in the deep sea."

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