The giant dragon soared in the sky.

The participation of the dragon clan turned the situation around.

There were too many enemies.

The Abyss clan had six demon lords, plus the five demon lords who were the protectors of Chi Muyan and Chi Muluan, a total of eleven.

Although this group of demon lords were not from the Age of Gods, they were just the alien demons of the No. 96 alien demon clan, belonging to the lower race of the Age of Gods.

Therefore, the four myths of mankind could barely hold out.

But the participation of the dragon clan, the five dragon lords completely turned the situation around.

The dragon clan was different from other races. The number of dragons on Dragon Nest Island was far less than that of the Well of Gods and Demons and the Forest of Light and Shadow, and there was no corresponding lower race like other Age of Gods.

Its nominal lower race No. 95 sub-dragon species were all hybrids bred by the dragon clan and other creatures.

Therefore, these five dragon lords were all from the Age of Gods!

This was also one of the reasons why Dragon Nest Island stood at the top of the restricted area with only less than one-tenth of its number.

What's more terrifying is that there are six Demon City Lords, four Gifted Elf Elders, ten Myths, and more than sixty Demigods behind...

Jiang Qiyin, the president of Jianghe University, looked slightly condensed and his face was heavy.

Whether they can hold on here is the key to whether the Thousand Lakes Demon Cave can be suppressed.

But the situation is desperate...

Unless it is the last resort, he does not want to reveal something...

Jiang Qiyin glanced at Su Yu from a distance.

He clenched the spear in his hand.

Since the bet is on him, why not make a big gamble!

Just when he decided to take action at this moment,

Su Yu pulled Qu Xuanyin back to the formation, with nine more white tail feathers in his hand.

Four human myths landed in front of the formation.

The two sides were facing each other across the bamboo hut, but Su Yu said, "This demon lord, your master was just killed by me, and his body is still warm. You are so anxious to jump out. Are you really not afraid of what your subordinates think?"

"Also, do you think you will win?"

"It's ridiculous that you are forced into a desperate situation! And you don't even know it."


The nine tail feathers in Su Yu's hand, along with the artifact Red Lotus Phoenix Sword that he had snatched from Huang Qiyue, slowly rose into the air, like a ray of rosy clouds in the daytime, illuminating the sky.

The restriction left by the Snow Feather Sky Fox to deceive all living beings, although it has lost its beauty, is not useless.

This is a divine secret treasure!

Even if the years have passed and the divine power has been consumed, it still has the glory of the past!

A group of demon lords and dragon lords were confused by Su Yu's words, thinking that this was just the stubbornness of an ant before death. What threat is there if you offer a divine secret treasure that has lost its power?

Demon Fish Venerable sneered: "Su Yu, you don't think this thing can save your life? It's just wishful thinking..."

He didn't finish his words.

Yan Ling'er beside Su Yu suddenly came back to her soul and said loudly: "Su Yu!"

Two spiritual arrays shine!

Using the talent of the spirit body's soul division, carefully and quietly set up the transmission spiritual array on the transmission channel and complete it before the final moment.

Nine tail feathers, the artifact of the mythical monster, on the transmission channel, Su Yu snapped his fingers.

"Shine, the final miracle!"

Boom! !

The brilliant power of the fallen sky, the weeping of the world that destroyed the god-level secret treasure, the interweaving of white and red lotus, tore a hole in the originally extremely stable space channel!

Boom! !

The wild dance of red and white tore the space, and the moment the god-level secret treasure shattered, the space turbulence surged, and the monsters in the space channel tore together!



The screams came one after another, and the sounds of flesh and bones being crushed revealed the tragedy in the space!


The chain explosions that exploded one after another seemed to reveal the fall of more than one demigod and mythical realm!

The Demon Fish Venerable and the other Venerables were pale.

Just this moment of carelessness gave Su Yu the opportunity to secretly destroy the space channel? ?

Su Yu's ability is to detonate the secret treasure!

It can detonate any secret treasure of any realm!

Chi Muluan must have died under this move!

You are willing to use even the god-level secret treasure to blow up the channel, are you a human! ?


The golden words on the Fengyun Ranking in the sky appeared one after another.

[No. 482 on the Life Demon Ranking, the Lord of Zixuan City, Shigu, fell! ]

[No. 977 on the Life Demon Ranking, the demigod Shiling of Zixuan City fell! 】


Blood rain pours down!

A demon city lord in the Land of Disaster fell! Six demigods fell!

The passage between the Thousand Lakes Demon Cave and the Disaster Demon Cave is permanently cut off! There is no possibility of connecting them again!

A desperate blow!

Countless demons fell silent. The slap in the face was too fast, too sudden, and too tragic. There was not even a little preparation!

And Su Yu laughed wildly and said, "Why"Demon Lord, where is your arrogant tone?"

"Aren't you sure of victory and can kill us at any time?"

"What about now! ?"

"I, Su Yu, tell you, I didn't plan to escape the battlefield alive when I entered Qianhu! In this war, either I will die here or I will kill you!"

"You are the ones being defeated now! What do you think the rest of my Daxia people are doing! ? ”

The golden characters on the list of heroes did not stop.

[422nd on the list of life demons, Biyue, the lord of Bishui City, was killed in the city! Wu Maming won!]

[415th on the list of life demons...]

At the moment when Su Yu made a desperate attack, Wu Maming and Jiang Huairen took down two more demon cities.

Now four of the seven demon cities in the Thousand Lakes Demon Cave have been destroyed!

And the Great Xia people adopted a large roundabout tactic, with two pincer attacks to block the forbidden sea.

Now the only three remaining demon cities and the forbidden area demons have become caged birds!

"What about now?"

"Stupid fish?"

"Have you ever thought in your life that all your myths will fall in the land of the Thousand Lakes one day? Will they die at the hands of humans? Will they lose to me, a Nirvana junior, who said one more word because of your stupidity and cut off your retreat? "

The Demon Fish Venerable felt a chill on his back.

Although... they still had an advantage on this battlefield.

But once they became a bird in a cage...

At this moment, the entire strategy of Daxia was laid out in front of all the demons in the Demon Cave.

With a weak force, at the cost of giving up the Land of Disaster and Red Stone City, and using the Holy Domain's personal involvement as bait, they finally caught all the big fish in the Forbidden Zone and the Thousand Lakes!

Su Yu shouted: "Brothers, I said our struggle is not meaningless!"

"Today, even the Demon Cave, the Forbidden Zone, and the Ranking of the Wind and Clouds will record this moment! The human race of Daxia, I, and your blocking here will completely wipe out the demons in the Forbidden Zone, and achieve the greatest annihilation war in the history of our human race!"

"Hold them for two hours!"

"Take up your weapons and fight side by side with your pets!"


Two hours is the death knell and requiem of the demons!

The teleported demons were in chaos.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly! ”

“Open a hole and meet up with the Demon City!”

“Break through the forbidden sea, otherwise we will be surrounded!”

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