The fire shadow looked at the scroll curiously, and curiously stretched out his claws to touch the skill scroll.

The flame burned from the scroll.

It burned out completely in almost an instant, without even leaving ashes.

Although he closed his eyes, Jiang An could still feel a dark light blooming in front of him.

This was the light that belonged to the Black Iron level skill.

Just when Jiang An was a little frustrated, he suddenly felt his heart beating violently.

The dark light gradually disappeared, and then it was replaced by a bright white light.

This is...

Jiang An suddenly opened his eyes, his face full of shock.

Diamond level!

This is definitely a special light that only diamond-level skills can have.

Is it really a hit?

No, no, it was the light of the black iron-level skill that just appeared. The reason for this change was that my heartbeat suddenly increased.

Jiang An instantly remembered his talent.

Heart of God.

Could it be that the change in skills was caused by talent?

With excitement, Jiang An quickly opened his panel and stared at the skill column. Sure enough, a new line of skill prompts appeared.

[Congratulations on learning the new skill Shadow Skill Twin]

[Shadow Skill Twin (lv1): Diamond-level skill, consumes a lot of spirit value, can specify a skill of the summoned beast you own to copy and release, resulting in 60% of the effect of the summoned beast's skill. ]

It is really a diamond-level skill.

Jiang An was very excited. As we all know, summoners have very few skills that can directly cause damage. They are usually skills that amplify summoned beasts. That is why the early combat effectiveness of summoners will be greatly affected by summoned beasts.

However, this Shadow Skill Twin can greatly change this situation. After all, each of the skills that Flame Shadow has mastered at the moment is a king bomb level, whether it is the Fiery Storm or the Flame Tail, they are very useful.

When I have other summoned beasts in the future, this Shadow Skill Twin will undoubtedly play a greater role.

It is simply a magical skill.

Jiang An immediately wanted to try it, and he silently thought in his heart.

A phantom appeared behind Jiang An.

The phantom looked exactly like Flame Shadow, even the expression and movements were exactly the same.

The flames rose from the phantom's tail, and the replica of the Flame Tail was quietly released.


The phantom's tail hit the desk.

The flames spread to the desk in an instant, and the desk was burned to ashes in almost an instant.

The dean's roar came from downstairs, "Jiang An!!! What are you doing!!!"

"I'm asking you what you are doing!!!"

The lights were turned off quickly, and Jiang An got into the quilt and pretended nothing happened.

Full of expectations for the Bamboo Forest Mountain Range, Jiang An fell asleep with Yan Ying in his arms.


Early the next morning, Jiang An couldn't wait to take a car to the edge of the city.

Originally thought that this place was close to the edge of the city, there should not be much traffic.

But unexpectedly, the number of people far exceeded Jiang An's expectations, and everyone was dusty, wearing all kinds of equipment, holding weapons in their hands, and many people had monster blood on their bodies.

It was completely different from the student life that Jiang An had been exposed to before.

Most of the shops around were selling potions and equipment, and Jiang An even saw a lot of massage shops.

"Spring Breeze Massage, let you enjoy the pleasure of spring breeze. PS: After the massage, there will be an additional mental power recovery BUFF, don't miss it if you pass by."

"Sister massage, absolutely sisterly!"

"Full-level massage skills, blood circulation and blood stasis! Speed ​​up health recovery! A must for adventure!"

Passing by these shops, Jiang An did not stop until the words "Adventurer Association" appeared in front of him, and he finally got interested.

The Adventurer Association is one of the associations organized by the official organization.

In theory, all personnel who have changed their jobs, whether they are life professions or combat professions, can become a member of the Adventurer Association.

You can accept or post a variety of tasks in it.

Anyway, you have to go to the Bamboo Forest Mountain Range, register as a member of the association, and accept some tasks that can be completed easily to make money, just killing two birds with one stone.

Stepping into the association hall, it was packed with people.

"Is there anyone hunting the magic wolf in the Bamboo Forest Mountain Range? Three are missing one! Come on, output!"

"The Flame Mercenary Group recruits ten

Newcomers above level 1 are welcome to join us!"

"The herb-collecting escort mission needs an assistant, come on!"

The lively voices came one after another, and many people would choose to find a partner to form a team here.

The staff was very efficient, and it was Jiang An's turn in just a few minutes.

"Hello, I want to register as a member of the association, and then help me check if there are any tasks for hunting monsters in the 8-10 range in the Bamboo Forest Mountains, with more generous rewards."

"Okay, please show your ID."

As the staff spoke, they looked up and saw Jiang An's obviously childish face and the lovable flame shadow on his shoulder, and they were stunned for a while.

However, they were obviously professionally trained, and they quickly recovered and registered for Jiang An.

Then they handed Jiang An a membership card and a badge.

The relevant information was clearly written on it.

[Jiang An, a member of the first-level Adventurer Association, current points: 0]

"It has been done for you. Regarding the tasks you consulted, there are currently two items that meet the requirements. Please check. "

[Task: Hunting Demonic Wolves]

[Task Description: Demonic wolves are rampant in the Bamboo Forest Mountains, seriously affecting the surrounding ecology, so the Adventurer Association is now looking for adventurers to hunt demonic wolves."

[Task Reward: You can get a bonus of 100 yuan and a point for each demonic wolf killed, with demonic wolf teeth as the basis for killing. Note: Demonic wolf teeth are a must-drop item. ]


[Task: Collect Slime Mucus]

[Task Description: Because the pharmacist needs a large amount of slime mucus to refine potions, this task is released]

[Task Reward: Every three portions of slime mucus can be exchanged for a bonus of 100 yuan and a point. ]

Jiang An frowned. The rewards for these two tasks are not generous, especially the slime mucus, which can only be exchanged for 100 yuan for three portions.

It's a bit of a loss no matter how you calculate it.

His eyes swept across the task list, and suddenly a gray task attracted Jiang An's attention.

【Mission: Hunting the Demon Wolf King】

【Mission description: The rampant demon wolves must have caused the appearance of the Demon Wolf King BOSS. In order to completely solve the problem of the rampant demon wolves, a bounty is now offered for killing the Demon Wolf King. 】

【Mission reward: Killing the Demon Wolf King will earn you a bonus of 50,000 yuan and 500 points, with the Demon Wolf King's teeth as the basis for killing. Note: The Demon Wolf King's teeth are a must-drop item. 】

"Can't I accept this mission?"

The staff explained: "Sorry, hunting the Demon Wolf King is a mission that can only be accepted by second-level association members because of its high degree of danger."

"You have just registered and currently only have the authority of a first-level association member, so you cannot accept it for the time being."

"This is also to prevent some adventurers from rashly challenging high-difficulty missions and causing unnecessary losses. Please understand that when your points reach 100 points, you can automatically upgrade to a second-level member."

Jiang An nodded and understood the general mechanism of this adventurer association.

"Then accept the task of hunting the demon wolf first."

If you meet the Demon Wolf King, you can kill him first, and then accept the task after reaching level 2.

The staff member said, "Okay, I have accepted it for you."

Seeing that Jiang An was so young, the staff member reminded him, "If this is your first time to go to the Bamboo Forest Mountain Range, it is recommended that you find someone to form a team. After all, the environment in the wild is very complicated, and even the strategy will inevitably have omissions."

"And hunting the demon wolf is currently a permanent task, and there should be many people who can form a team."

Before Jiang An opened his mouth, a hearty laugh came from the counter next door.

"Hey, is there anyone else going to hunt the demon wolf?"

"Why not join us?"

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