The plan was a good one, but it was still necessary to be careful about the scale.

His purpose was to muddy the waters and never give Tang Dinghai any chance to attack.

But if Tang Dinghai was really driven crazy and killed people regardless of other people's opinions.

With his strength, none of the people present were his opponents.

The corner of his eye swept over Tang Ruxing and Tang Dinghai, who were suspended at a height of one meter.

The expressions of the two of them at this moment were uglier than eating shit.

But he could still see Tang Ruxing holding the corner of Tang Dinghai's clothes, and Jiang An was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, fortunately.

It seems that this old man has a good psychological endurance after all.

Tang Dinghai didn't pay attention to Jiang An's little action at this moment, but glared at Wei Qing!

If Jiang An was younger, they could understand why he did this.

But why did Wei Qing just say that!

And more importantly, why did he have such serious injuries!

Tang Dinghai's face turned pale, "Nonsense! When did I use skills to hurt people!"

"You are making this up!"

Knowing that his grandfather was not good at dealing with such things, Tang Ruxing quickly interrupted.

"Lord Wei Qing, why do you have to do this trick?"

"This Shanhai Command Center is full of surveillance. If we really take action, how can we avoid surveillance."

"Since you said we took action, why don't you show the surveillance footage and you will know everything."

Jiang An's face changed slightly.

Not to mention that Wei Qing had turned off all the surveillance recording equipment when talking to her, and even turned on the props to prevent information leakage.

Even if there was surveillance, how could Wei Qing provide it?

Wouldn't that also expose the content of the conversation between her and Wei Qing?

At that time, Tang Dinghai would definitely pursue her even more!

Tang Ruxing's plan was extremely vicious.

She naturally didn't know that Wei Qing had turned off the relevant equipment from the beginning.

They just thought that they couldn't prove their behavior if they couldn't produce the surveillance. If they produced the surveillance, even if they exposed the process of Tang Dinghai exerting mental pressure on Jiang An, they would also know the content of Wei Qing's communication with Jiang An.

No matter what Wei Qing chose, they would not lose!

Wei Qing also frowned, and for a moment he didn't know how to refute.

At this moment, Jiang An suddenly found that there was an inexplicable mental connection in his mind.

This mental connection was different from the connection between him and Yanying.

It was more like a way to communicate privately.

And somewhat surprisingly, Jiang An clearly felt two completely different consciousnesses from this spiritual connection.

A gentle voice suddenly sounded in Jiang An's heart.

"Go on."

"Enrage Tang Lihai and make him attack you."

"Only then can I attack."

Jiang An had never heard this voice before, and it was able to establish a spiritual connection with him silently in the presence of so many people.

The opponent's strength is probably far beyond his level.

Jiang An's eyes moved slightly, and he scanned the surroundings but did not find anything unusual.

However, when his eyes swept over Wei Qing, Wei Qing suddenly nodded at him.

Then another consciousness in the spiritual connection sent out a voice.

"Do as he says, and I will explain to you later."

The owner of this voice was Wei Qing.

Jiang An quickly calmed down.

No matter who this mysterious strong man is, it is obvious that he is on his side, and he has already communicated with Wei Qing.

No wonder Wei Qing would just resort to self-mutilation to anger Tang Lihai.

Now everything makes sense.

More importantly, since Wei Qing would approve of this plan.

This means that this mysterious man must be stronger than Tang Lihai!

No, to be precise, he should be far stronger than Tang Lihai.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to attack before Tang Lihai attacks him.

Jiang An exhaled slowly.

In this case, what he has to do is not simple.

No need to worry about anything at all.

There is only one goal! Go all out to anger that old man!

Let him attack him!

At this moment, Tang Ruxing saw that Wei Qing and others were silent, and thought that he had finally found a breakthrough point.

"Everyone saw it, they couldn't take out the surveillance at all."

"All this is their dirty water!"

Tang Ruxing's eyes swept across the crowd below.

Sure enough, many people were shaken by his verbal attack.

"Yes, if Jiang An and the others are fine, why don't they show the surveillance?"

"It's a bit outrageous. Which side is the truth?"

"No, are you blind? Can't you see the injuries on Lord Wei Qing's body?"

"Anyway, it's a bit strange. I think we should wait for the surveillance first."

Tang Lihai looked at his granddaughter with a hint of satisfaction.

Although his granddaughter is not a combat profession, but just an ordinary life profession.

But she has a sharp mouth.

Therefore, she is deeply loved by him.

At this moment, Jiang An, who had been silent, suddenly shouted loudly.

"Shameless things, aren't you so fearless just because the teacher turned off the surveillance equipment when talking to me?"

"But although we don't have surveillance in the office, we have surveillance in the corridor outside!"

"There is solid evidence that old man Tang Dinghai broke in rashly relying on his strength!"

"Do we still need to retrieve the surveillance for this? There were others outside the door at that time. If I remember correctly, Lord Bai Ge was also there!"

Bai Ge was stunned when he was suddenly called by Jiang An.

Then seeing that everyone's eyes were all on him, he gritted his teeth and said honestly.

"Wei Qing did invite only Jiang An and Tang Ruxing."

"Tang Ding...Mr. Tang entered on his own."


The crowd was in an uproar.

Bai Ge's words undoubtedly became the last weight on the scale, making everyone lean towards Jiang An and his team.

Some people even had a guess in their hearts.

"Perhaps they had planned it when they first saw this first-level dragon."

"When Jiang An and Wei Qing were communicating without surveillance, they broke in rashly, forcibly suppressed the two, and killed people to win their favor."

"But I didn't expect Wei Qing would rather protect his students with his life."

"That's why Jiang An escaped successfully!"

"Fuck, that makes sense."

"These two are so shameless!"

The highest level of lies is half-truth and half-false.

Since it has been clearly proven that part of it is true, the other part can easily deviate in the direction that Jiang An wants to deliberately guide.

Tang Ruxing was anxious and angry at the moment, seeing that one blame after another was put on her grandfather.

She knew that she had completely failed this time.

Unless she could take out the surveillance at that time, there was no way to explain it clearly.

This time it was really mud falling into the crotch, it was shit if it wasn't shit!

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