The first time I saw him was when he was about to die.

"Shadow Skill Twins!"

"Copy: Flame Storm!"

Jiang An had a faint smile on his face, and a phantom flame shadow appeared behind him.

The flame-like patterns kept twisting, becoming more and more vivid.

Until the flames suddenly appeared.

The Shadow Skill Twins skill was shown to the world for the first time.

Although the copied skill only had 60% damage, at this moment, Flame Shadow's Flame Storm had just been upgraded to level 2, and the damage had been greatly increased.

So even though it was a copied skill.

But the power did not decay too much.

The flames gradually spread outward with Jiang An as the center.

The elite mutant demon wolf felt the violent energy and the increasingly outrageous heat wave from Jiang An, and fear flashed in its eyes. It subconsciously wanted to turn around and run away.

However, it felt the pain of the burning flames as soon as it twisted its body.

The fur was scorched and a sizzling sound was heard.

The flames covered the whole body along the fur.

The horrible damage instantly emptied the health bar of the elite mutant demon wolf.

Not only it, but also the other demon wolves that had originally launched the attack, all fell and became charcoal beside Jiang An.

The air was filled with a burnt smell.

A golden light rose from Jiang An and Yan Ying at the same time.

Finally reached level eight.

Mainly because they were in a team state. If Jiang An upgraded alone, I am afraid that the experience gained from the two waves of flame storms in front of Yan Ying would be enough to upgrade.

The effect of the upgrade immediately cleared the fatigue of the man and the beast, and the state was restored to the best.

And until this time.

Tan Gong and others finally reacted, looking at Jiang An with shock in their eyes.

Is this a fucking Fire Fox Summoner?

Whose summoner is so outrageous? A Fire Fox can release a terrifying skill like Flame Storm, which is already very powerful, and Flame Shadow released it twice in a short period of time! ! !

If this gets out, I'm afraid all summoners will hope that their companion summoned beasts are Fire Foxes!

The skills released by Jiang An just now are even more exaggerated. As we all know, the combat ability of the summoner in the early stage is completely dependent on the summoned beast, and most of its own skills are some skills that assist the summoned beast. This is why most auxiliary professions cannot give auxiliary skills to the summoned beast.

A summoner who does not have combat ability in the early stage actually released a terrifying Flame Storm?

The key is, isn't this Flame Storm a skill for mages? How can a summoner release it!

Yan Tianhao's expression was extremely subtle. As a level 10 mage, he had not yet learned the skill of Flame Storm. He did not expect that a summoner could not only summon beasts but also summoners.

The damage was terrifyingly high, and he could kill elite mutant monsters beyond his level!

The pride that was originally hidden had completely disappeared, and only admiration and shame remained.

A gray figure suddenly flashed past Yan Tianhao.

Yan Tianhao was stunned at first, and when he reacted, he heard Tang Mianmian's scream.

He hurriedly turned his head, and then his eyes were red and bloodshot.

A demon wolf bit Tang Mianmian's right arm fiercely, who had no power to fight back.

The corrosion effect on the teeth made Tang Mianmian frown, and tears kept flowing down her cheeks.

"Damn beast!"

Yan Tianhao threw out a series of fireballs from his staff, and Zhuo Cha also reacted and quickly shot out explosive arrows.

The two of them attacked together and killed the demon wolf.

But Tang Mianmian's right arm had been bitten off.

The shocking wound was frightening.

The edge of the wound was corroded by the demon wolf's saliva.

Tang Mianmian endured the discomfort, raised her hand and threw out a purification, which eliminated the corrosion effect, and then fainted.

Yanying, who had recovered his best condition, began to hunt the nearby demon wolves.

Tan Gong and Jiang An returned to the boulder and frowned at Tang Mianmian's miserable condition.

"It's all my fault..."

"It's all my fault... If I hadn't been distracted..."

Yan Tianhao hugged Tang Mianmian with a face full of self-blame.

Tan Gong pulled Yan Tianhao up and said, "Alright! Now that you know you are wrong, take responsibility like a man."

"Tang Mianmian is not dead. As long as we find a senior therapist, the severed limbs can be reattached!"

Hearing this, Yan Tianhao seemed to have found his backbone.

Tang Mianmian carefully put away the broken arm.

"Yes, it can be restored as long as we find a senior healer!"

"Go back to the city! We have to go back to the city to save people!"

There were dense footsteps nearby, and Tan Gong and others immediately became alert.

But soon they saw the dress of the people coming and breathed a sigh of relief.

The people coming were the rescue team from the Lin'an military.

The leader held a huge sword, wearing metal armor, and his level information was also exposed on his head.

[Sun Yang, Great Swordsman, Level 22]

Sun Yang raised the great sword and scanned the surroundings, and he was stunned.

There are indeed many magic wolves here.

But they have all turned into charred corpses, and only a dozen surviving magic wolves have escaped after the group frenzy.

After scanning Tan Gong and others, his eyes were full of disbelief.

As a garrisoner for many years, he naturally knew that Tan Gong's team was experienced, but their level was not particularly strong. If they could deal with more than a dozen magic wolves at the same time, it might be okay.

But there were more than a dozen pieces of black charcoal on the ground, at least close to a hundred.

With so many magic wolves, even if he was alone, it would take some effort.

And the price paid by Tan Gong and his team was just the auxiliary injury?

Putting away his inner surprise, he ordered his men to clean up the other magic wolves, and he went forward to understand the situation.

After learning about the elite mutant magic wolves over there, Sun Yang frowned.

"Something is wrong. Even elite magic wolves should not have such a strong mind. According to what you said, these magic wolves deliberately set up traps just to hunt adventurers!"

"This news is very important."

"You come back with me first! I need to organize all the news and report it!"

"It just so happens that your companion's injuries also need treatment."

While speaking, Sun Yang couldn't help but cast his eyes on Jiang An, who had a calm expression.

He had already learned the general situation from Tan Gong.

If Jiang An had not been there, Tan Gong and his team would have been killed in this riot of demon wolves.

Hundreds of demon wolves were not something Tan Gong and his team could handle, and they couldn't even wait for rescue.

He was a little impatient to take them back to find out the details.

In addition to the fact that the situation of the mutant demon wolf was a little strange.

He was also very curious.

Jiang An was obviously only a level 8 Fire Fox Summoner, how could he play such a powerful role and save the entire team.

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