The old man was very angry, but he was still very young.


[Race: God Fox (purity 10%)]

[Gender: Female]

[Strength: 80]

[Spirit: 200]

[Swiftness: 200]

[Constitution: 150]

Jiang An's breathing became rapid. After activating the blood of God, even if it was only 10% pure, all attribute values ​​were multiplied by ten. This attribute was enough to beat ten of himself.

At the same time, Jiang An also noticed another line of prompts on the panel.

[The blood of God has been activated, the current purity is 10%, and the next level upgrade requires 10 levels. ]

It's so strong now, but it's only 10% pure?

Thinking about what it would look like after reaching 100%, Jiang An couldn't help but raise his lips. Those terrifying black shadows might be the future state of his summoned beast when it reaches 100% purity!

"I don't think I've given you a name yet. Should I give you a name?"

Jiang An murmured, touching his chin.

"How about calling you Xiaohong?"

The fire fox's tail immediately stood up, and the hair on it stood up.

"It seems not very satisfied?"

"What about the little fox?"

This time, before it could react, Jiang An said, "No, no, it sounds too weird."

Thinking of its agile appearance when it jumped just now, Jiang An's eyes suddenly lit up, "Why not call you Flame Shadow!"

The fire fox's happy snoring came to his ears, and it was obviously very satisfied with the name.

"Well, then I'll call you Flame Shadow!"

After lying on Jiang An for a while, Flame Shadow suddenly jumped down, squatted on the ground and carefully ate the broken eggshell.

After eating all the eggshells, it seemed to be still unsatisfied, and looked at Jiang An pitifully.

Jiang An then remembered that he forgot to prepare food for it.

He searched the Internet for food suitable for summoned beasts.

A variety of foods came into view, and then he added the option of fire fox, and then three options jumped out.

The first one is the cheapest fox food, which is specially developed for owners of fire fox pets. It is cheap and cost-effective. Five hundred yuan can buy nearly half a month's food.

The second one is the rat meat produced by killing the mole monster. It is the favorite food of fire foxes in the wild. The price is much more expensive than fox food. Five thousand yuan can buy half a month's food.

As for the third one, it is a high-level food prepared by a special life professional pet nutritionist. The advantage is that it is not only nutritious, but also has the effect of making summoned beasts energetic and accelerating status recovery. Of course, there is only one disadvantage, expensive!

Depending on the level of the nutritionist, the price of a serving of food ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang An chose the second option to place an order.

The account balance was instantly reduced to just over 5,000 yuan.

"Spending money like water!"

Not long after, the mole meat was delivered to Jiang An.

The aroma of the meat after unpacking it made Yan Ying's eyes go straight.

Taking out one of the processed meat strips and holding it in his hand, Yan Ying immediately rubbed it on Jiang An's legs.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be a little foodie."

The meat strip was handed to Yan Ying's mouth, but Yan Ying did not eat it immediately. Instead, he opened his mouth wide and a small flame spurted out of his mouth.

After the meat strips were roasted by the flame, a unique fragrance instantly spread, and it began to eat it voraciously, and from time to time it made a cheerful cry.

"You are quite good at eating. You should work hard tomorrow to kill monsters and level up."

"The stronger we become, the more we can buy you high-quality nutritious meals!"

When Yanying heard about high-quality nutritious meals, he nodded frantically while eating.

After eating this strip of meat, Yanying was obviously full.

Seeing that it was getting late, Jiang An finished washing up and was about to take Yanying back to the summoning space when he lay on the bed, but he felt that Yanying was somewhat resistant.

Then Yanying jumped onto the bed lightly and curled up in Jiang An's arms, snoring comfortably from time to time.

"You are good at finding a place."

"Then sleep like this."

"Tomorrow the novice dungeon will wait for you to show your skills!"


Early the next morning, Jiang An took the bus to the novice dungeon.

As soon as he got on the bus, Yanying instantly attracted everyone's attention with his cute appearance.

"Oh my God,

That fire fox is so pretty!"

"Ahhh, so cute, I want to pet it, why is my fire fox not as cute as it."

"Hello handsome guy, can I take a picture of your fire fox?"

Looking at the extremely popular fire fox, Jiang An shrugged helplessly. The cute appearance of this little guy is really popular with both men and women. The key is that it doesn't like to be put into the summoning space by itself, and it has to rely on itself.

But it is very well behaved, so Jiang An just let it go.

Soon Jiang An came to the place where the novice copy was located.

The novice copy is a copy specially designated by the Huaxia Empire for the trial of newcomers. The danger level inside is the lowest, but at the same time, the copy requires a level of 1-8 to enter. As long as it does not exceed level 8, it can enter again. However, every time you enter the copy, regardless of whether you pass it or not, there will be a one-day cooldown. Time, you can't enter again within a day, which can be regarded as a mandatory day of rest.

One day may not seem long, but it is very important for college entrance examination students who only have one month left, so basically everyone will choose to form a team of 4-6 people to enter the dungeon, and the choice of teammates is also very important.

Although the experience of killing monsters will be reduced when multiple people form a team, you can kill a lot more monsters, and the overall experience will increase instead of decrease.

However, for Jiang An, solo is obviously a wiser choice.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the dungeon, I heard a lot of people shouting for the news of team formation.

"Jiang An! Here, here!" One of the voices was particularly loud.

Fatty Qian ran over breathlessly with a shield in his hand, "I have found a team, and there are exactly five of you with us!"

There were three people following Fatty Qian, one of whom was a girl Jiang An didn't know, but the other two were very familiar to Jiang An.

They were Sun Mei and Zhang Bingyang.

Zhang Bingyang's face was a little strange, "Fatty Qian, the friend you are talking about is not Jiang An, right? "

Zhang Bingyang tried to suppress his smile as his eyes swept across the flame on Jiang An's shoulder.

"Isn't this a fire fox? Your summoned beast?"

"No, Fatty Qian, we are not being unreasonable."

"We have two hidden output professions and one auxiliary. It's already very good that you can form a team with a meat shield profession. You said it's okay to bring a friend to play output."

"But the damage of a level 1 fire fox may not be enough, right?"

Zhang Bingyang's voice was not small. Coupled with the abnormal phenomenon of yesterday's job transfer, he has already attracted much attention. This little episode instantly attracted the attention of many people, and many people turned their eyes to this side.

"Hey, isn't this Jiang An? Is the fire fox standing on his shoulder?"

"Tsk, summoners are not popular in the team, and this fire fox... I'm afraid it depends on whether there is a rich woman willing to take it."

"But his fire fox is really cute. I really want to hug it and rub it hard."

"What's the use of cuteness? It can't be eaten. ”

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