The scene in front of him flashed.

Before Jiang An opened his eyes, he heard a girl's scream.

"Be careful!"

He heard a sound of breaking air, and opened his eyes.

A hideous demon wolf was close at hand, and Jiang An could even see a few bloody meat strands mixed in the teeth of the demon wolf.

Yanying jumped out of his arms in an instant, and a raging flame had already ignited on his tail while he was still in the air, and Yanwei pulled out.


Yanying could easily deal with the demon wolf when he was only level 8, so it was no problem at this moment. The blood bar of the demon wolf was instantly cleared as soon as he touched it.

The girl who reminded him seemed to be a freshman who had just changed jobs in another school. She was shocked to see that Jiang An, who was about the same age as her, could easily deal with the magic wolf.

Jiang An nodded to thank her, then looked around and found that the place was already in a mess due to the rampage of the magic wolves, and a large number of magic wolves seemed endless.

Fortunately, several copy whirlpools were backed by the mountain wall, and the vendors who had originally set up stalls were all gathered together at this moment. The meat shield profession and warriors were at the front, and the mage archer stood in the inner circle.

The auxiliary and those who needed to rest were in the most core and safe position.

Although these people had not received formal military training, they had been in the copy for many years and they quickly formed a formation, and in this way they barely supported the defense against the attack of the magic wolf.

The magic wolf just now happened to break through the defense boundary and met Jiang An who had left the copy.

"Ah!" Suddenly a scream came.

A soldier had just killed a demon wolf, and before he could catch his breath, another demon wolf immediately emerged from his side and bit him hard.

He had to temporarily choose to retreat and let others take over for a while.

However, the substitute was also covered with wounds.

The entire defense line had long been in danger!

"What's the situation?" Su Chan asked in surprise: "Although there are demon wolves rampant in the Bamboo Forest Mountains, this is too exaggerated."

"And where are the guards? Where are the guards of Lin'an with such a big commotion?"

Jiang An's eyes swept over the people who were fighting hard around them. They were all trying to resist the demon wolves. Many of them were covered in blood. He even saw Sun Mei and others who were pale and exhausted.

After such a long time of resistance, the meat shield profession in the front had already been shaky, as if it might be torn apart by the demon wolf in the next moment.

He retracted his gaze and looked up at the sky.

In the sky, arrows flew across and ripples appeared.

"Shuiyue Cave?" Jiang An was a little surprised.

At this moment, Wang Hu in the rest area also noticed Jiang An, and was immediately refreshed. He quickly pulled Jiang An back to the core safety zone.

There was a huge wolf claw mark on Wang Hu's chest, and he was obviously seriously injured. Fortunately, with auxiliary treatment, the wound has stopped bleeding and the blood bar is gradually recovering.

Su Chan was also quite impressed by this person who made money by betting on the clearance time. At this moment, she hurriedly asked: "What happened, why are there so many demon wolves suddenly?"

Wang Hu's expression was bitter, "I don't know, these demon wolves appeared inexplicably, and no one noticed their source at all."

Then he pointed to the sky, "And someone has set up a formation in advance to block all signals. Now people below level 20 in the entire Bamboo Forest Mountain Range can only enter but not leave."

"Although people above level 20 have not been tested, it is likely that they cannot enter."

"We all guess... it is... the evil disciple of the abyss..." Wang Hu's teeth were almost broken when he mentioned the last four words!

"Abyss Evil Cult? What's the purpose?" Su Chan's voice was a little colder.

"Except for the Abyss Evil Cult, no one would do such a cruel thing. As for the purpose..." Wang Hu looked at the deepest part of the Bamboo Forest Mountain Range.

The bamboo that was about to pierce the sky had stopped growing at this moment, and the color became more and more emerald green.

Jiang An and Su Chan finally noticed this bamboo.

The two of them were shocked, looked at each other and said in unison: "Bamboo Forest Secret Realm!"

Su Chan immediately reacted, "We can't let those evil disciples enter the secret realm. The strong people who are cultivated by them with good things are the biggest troubles for our human race!"

The Abyss Evil Cult are all people who worship the Demon Legion. If they make them stronger, wouldn't it mean that the rear will be lost.

Jiang An nodded in agreement, but his reason was not

It's so high-end.

The secret realm is such a good thing, of course I have to find a chance to share a piece of it!

"Clear the magic wolf first, at least we have to ensure our safety before considering the secret realm."

With a thought, Yanying jumped out of Jiang An's arms, and Chu Lian's state was lifted!

The lush hair grew wildly in an instant, and the body size also grew larger.

The two fox tails of orange passion and secret purple weirdness swayed slightly behind it.

The eyes of the assistants and those who were resting were instantly attracted.

Jiang An took Yanying to the front where the pressure was the greatest.

It happened that a meat shield profession was attacked by three magic wolves at the same time, leaving a body of injuries, and had to retreat and rest for a while.

"Brother, you hold on first!!! I'll be back soon after a rest!"

Jiang An stood in his position as it should be. Seeing that Jiang An was so young, the other people around him attracted the magic wolves around him one after another, reducing the pressure on Jiang An as much as possible.

In this situation, if there is a gap on any side, the entire formation will eventually be lost.

Seeing this scene, Jiang An quietly took out a whip in his hand and whipped Yan Ying's body.

Under the red light, Yan Ying was dispatched!

Phantom clones!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh——

Countless Yan Ying suddenly appeared in numbers comparable to the magic wolves, and they immediately attacked the magic wolves as soon as they appeared.

Fiery Storm!

Flame Tail!

Tearing Claws!

Phantom Enchantment!

Various skills were thrown out by Yan Ying clones as if they were free. Although the damage of some clones had been reduced to the level of scraping, such a large number of clones still attracted the attention of many magic wolves.

For a moment, everyone's pressure was greatly reduced.

Now everyone's eyes could not help but cast on Jiang An and Yan Ying.

Sun Mei was no exception. There was a hint of surprise under her pale and tired face.

He's here, there should be help!

After releasing the phantom clone, the real Flame Shadow did not stop, but rushed towards the direction where the demon wolf pack was most dense.

There were dozens of elite mutant demon wolves entrenched here.

According to previous experience, they should be the commanders of these demon wolf packs.

The elite mutant demon wolves flashed with human-like threatening light in their eyes, and they let out a series of low roars.

Countless demon wolves all rushed towards Flame Shadow, trying to drown Flame Shadow with human sea tactics.

And they retreated quietly, always keeping a relative distance from Flame Shadow.

It was the attack range of the gold-level Fiery Storm.

Seeing this, Jiang An's mouth corners slightly raised.

It seems that this behind-the-scenes manipulator is still a little afraid of Flame Shadow, and even considered the attack range of the gold-level Fiery Storm.

It's a pity that it's useless!

Now Flame Shadow has mastered the platinum-level Fiery Storm!

The flame pattern on the flame shadow's body twisted and emerged.

The fire burst out.

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