Back at the Adventurers Association, Zhang Yuan walked to the reception desk.

A sweet-looking girl with a professional smile asked in a nice voice: "Hello, how can I help you?"

Zhang Yuan got straight to the point: "I found a new copy in the wild."


The girl immediately registered the information on the computer, "Please log in here. The Adventurers Association will confirm the copy information within one working day and issue rewards to you."

Zhang Yuan asked again: "By the way, I heard that after the new dungeon is discovered, the first person to clear the nightmare level difficulty and submit a clearance strategy can get extra rewards, right?"

"Yes sir, after the Adventurer Association evaluates the level of the dungeon, if your level is appropriate, you can try to conquer the dungeon."

"I have already cleared the nightmare difficulty of that dungeon. Can I submit the guide directly?"

"Okay...what did you say?"

After the girl answered subconsciously, she was stunned for a moment and looked at Zhang Yuan with a look of disbelief: "Have you cleared the nightmare difficulty of the new dungeon?"

These days, there are actually many people who have discovered new dungeons, but after discovering the new dungeon, they rashly challenge the nightmare difficulty level of the dungeon without waiting for the Adventurers Association to determine the level, and they still come back alive. That's really a long time to come.

After all, everything in the new copy is unknown, and no one will think that they will live longer.

"That's right."

Hearing Zhang Yuan's affirmative answer, the girl was in a daze for a moment, then came back to her senses and said quickly: "Please wait a moment, I will inform the manager."

Now this situation is no longer something she can handle at the front desk.

Not long after the girl left the reception desk, a middle-aged man wearing a black formal suit, a white shirt and a black vest, with oily hair and stubble came out.

"Hello, my name is Li Anping, and I am the manager of the West Lake Branch of the Adventurers Association."

Li Anping quietly used detection techniques on Zhang Yuan.

[Zhang Yuan, sword formation master, level 16. 】

A level 16 sword formation master?

Li Anping was startled. Although he had never heard of Zhang Yuan's profession, the nightmare dungeon that a professional of this level could clear should be around level 8-12.

If this level of dungeon is inside the city wall, it can also be used as a novice dungeon to train students, but if it is in the wild, it is of little value.

After all, novices will not go to the wild, and professionals who can go to the wild will not need dungeons below level 12.

However, a dungeon is a dungeon. According to the association's regulations, even if it is a level 1 dungeon, the Adventurers Association must record it and monitor the energy index of the dungeon at any time to prevent the dungeon from becoming abysmal.

A series of thoughts flashed through Li Anping's mind, and then he smiled and said politely to Zhang Yuan: "Shall we go inside to talk?"

"Okay." Zhang Yuan smiled back and also used the Source of the Abyss on Li Anping.

[Li Anping, Fire Mage, level 40. 】

The magician who has advanced to the level of fire mage is a strong man.

Zhang Yuan silently confirmed Li Anping's strength and followed Li Anping to the manager's office.

Li Anping opened the refrigerator and asked, "What do you want to drink?"


"Sorry, I don't have it here. You can go to the refrigerator and get what you want to drink."

Li Anping poured himself a glass of brandy, sat down with the wine, leaned back on the chair, and said leisurely: "Tell me where the copy you found is, and the specific information about the copy."

Zhang Yuan just came to get the reward and didn't care about Li Anping's attitude. He replied: "The new dungeon is located deep in the Goblin Forest ten kilometers away from the West City Gate. It is a level 15 hidden dungeon."

"A hidden copy of level 15?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Li Anping's eyes, "I heard from the front desk that you mastered the nightmare difficulty of that dungeon, didn't you?"

Zhang Yuan: "Is there any problem?"

Li Anping glanced at Zhang Yuan's level again, and then asked: "Then why are you reporting the dungeon information alone, where are your teammates?"

Zhang Yuan: "I did it alone."

"Single brush?"

Li Anping sat up a little straighter, his expression more serious, "You continue."

Although he has never seen the profession of Sword Formation Master, a level 16 professional can clear a level 15 nightmare copy alone. The Sword Formation Master is guaranteed to be a rare level hidden profession, and may even be a legendary level!

It must be taken seriously.

Zhang Yuan: "The name of the dungeon is Shadow Forest Dungeon. The common monsters in the dungeon are mediocre, with strength and constitution of around 1,000. It is easy to solve. The key is the dungeon boss, which is a boss with specialized mental attributes. Ten thousand, other attributes are zero..."

Li Anping's expression became more and more exciting when he heard Zhang Yuan's words, "You said that the strength and physique of level 15 ordinary monsters in the dungeon are as high as 1,000, and the mental attributes of the dungeon boss even reach 10,000?"

Zhang Yuan: "What, is there a problem?"

Li Anping raised his eyebrows and said, "Child, do you know that there is a penalty for lying about dungeon information? With a mental attribute of 10,000, this can catch up with many bosses at level 30 or 40."

"Let's not talk about whether a boss with this attribute will appear in the level 15 dungeon. Even if it does exist, how do you defeat it alone?"

Zhang Yuan: "If you don't believe it, you can send a team to confirm first."

"Also, I would like to remind you that it is best to have a priest or a paladin in the team. The boss has a resurrection skill. It cannot be killed by conventional means. You must extinguish the 4 candles around the altar. After extinguishing the candles, the boss will release the death curse. If the team does not have purification skills, it is extremely easy to lose members.”

Seeing Zhang Yuanyan's certainty, Li Anping's expression became serious, "I will arrange a team to determine the level of the dungeon. If you are not lying, this may be a special dungeon opened by the abyss monster, and the Adventurers Association will give you generous rewards."

"Until the copy information is confirmed, please do not leave the Adventurers Association."

Zhang Yuan: "No problem, I just want to go to the exchange."

"You can do it yourself. I'll excuse you now."

Li Anping nodded slightly to Zhang Yuan and hurriedly left the office.

If the dungeon information brought by Zhang Yuan is true, then there is a high probability that the level 70 abyss boss that escaped a few days ago has fled to West Lake City. It is not a coincidence that the previous novice dungeon has become abyssal, and the newly discovered hidden dungeon is also very likely to become abyssal!

If you don't conquer the Abyss dungeon in time, the consequences will be disastrous!

This kind of thing must be reported to the top management of the association!

Zhang Yuan didn't know that he had dropped an information bomb. While thinking about what rewards he would get, he walked to the exchange to sell materials and buy the number of uses of the Destiny Star Array.

Two God's Stones, in exchange for Chixiao Refining Level 3, are already comparable to legendary weapons.

It is said that legendary weapons can even bring some unexpected benefits to the wearer.

However, legendary equipment is a secret for every professional, and Zhang Yuan doesn’t know what the benefits are.

Of course, he would find out soon enough.

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