Zodiac sign 4, in the sword array, every time you attack an enemy, other enemies in the sword array will receive 10% splash damage.

With a zodiac sign of 5, attacks within the sword formation will definitely hit a critical hit. The critical hit rate is doubled and converted into critical hit damage, and the critical hit damage is increased by an additional 100%.

Zodiac sign 6, in the sword formation, ignores the enemy's defense.

Chi Xiao, attack +3000, critical hit rate +70%, critical hit damage +400%.

Zhan Lu, attack +1000, damage +100%.

When Zhang Yuan used Spirit Storm, he opened all the life seats and equipped Chi Xiao and Zhan Lu at the same time.

Jiang Yecheng saw the necklace on Zhang Yuan's chest glowing strangely, and immediately felt a fatal threat!

"not good!!!"

Without any hesitation, Jiangye City deployed a water shield!

boom! ! !

The mental storm swept away in all directions. All the monsters within a radius of 500 meters, plus Jiang Yecheng and Wang Hu, were instantly swallowed up by the mental storm!

At level 48 Jiangye City, his water shield did not play any defensive role, and his soul was annihilated on the spot!

[Successfully killed Jiangye City. 】

[Successfully killed Wang Hu. 】

[Successfully kill the hare, experience +1]

[Get the equipment Water Magic Book, get the equipment Flame Staff. 】

A large number of kill information quickly flashed on Zhang Yuan's panel. With Zhang Yuan as the center, a radius of 500 meters directly became a dead zone.

Jiang Yecheng and Wang Hu lay straight on the ground, bleeding from their orifices, and looked extremely painful before death.

"You asked for this."

Zhang Yuan looked at the two corpses on the ground indifferently, without any pity in his eyes. He turned his spirit into agility, then used his skills to ride the wind, and left the scene as quickly as possible.

This place is very close to the city of Xihu, and the noise he made just now was very loud. It is estimated that many professionals have already rushed here.

He didn't have time to dispose of the body.

Shortly after Zhang Yuan left, a group of novice professionals who were leveling up monsters nearby arrived at the scene and found the dead Jiang Yecheng and Wang Hu.

"Kill, kill!"

After Zhang Yuan left the scene, he did not return directly to the city. Instead, he came to the Raksha River dungeon and entered the dungeon to level up in front of many professionals.

After all, Wang Hu is the youngest son of the Wang family, and the Wang family is one of the largest families in West Lake City. It also has a large guild with thousands of combat professionals. Wang Hu's death will definitely cause an uproar in West Lake City.

Although there was a level 48 high-level professional among the dead, no one would have thought that it would be Zhang Yuan who was level 19, but Zhang Yuan still had to forge the alibi that should be forged.

When he started killing people, he carefully calculated the time it would take for him to rush from Yunhai Mountain to the Raksha River dungeon at normal speed. He would use his skills to catch up with Wang Hu from Yunhai Mountain, kill them, and then use his skills to kill them again. It takes about the same amount of time to reach the Raksha River copy on site.

As for his attribute conversion and wind-riding skills, it is impossible for the Wang family to know about them.

In this way... even if the Wang family knew that there was a conflict between Zhang Yuan and Wang Hu, the Wang family would not suspect Zhang Yuan when Zhang Yuan had an alibi and a level 48 bodyguard died.

After Zhang Yuan spent an hour to clear the Raksha River dungeon, he returned to West Lake City and went to the exchange to sell the excess equipment and materials in the storage space. When the sale came to the end, Zhang Yuan looked at the bed lying in his storage space. Those two pieces of equipment.

[Water Magic Book (Platinum): Spirit +1000, water magic power +30%, available at level 40. 】

[Flame Staff (Platinum): Spirit +300, fire magic power +30%, available at level 15. 】

Two pieces of platinum-level equipment, one of which is level 40, should be sold for tens of millions in total.

Zhang Yuan hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to let these two pieces of equipment stay in his storage space.

Although these two pieces of equipment are platinum-level standard equipment, and there are many of them on the exchange consignment shop, these two pieces of equipment appeared on the West Lake City Exchange just after Wang Hu and Jiang Yecheng died. Even fools know the problem.

Including the 3 million transferred by Guan Xin and the equipment and materials for monster spawning, Zhang Yuan now has 3.28 million in his account. He is not short of money for the time being, and there is no need to take risks to sell the two platinum equipment.

"Less than a month after changing jobs, the account balance has gone from more than one thousand yuan to more than three million yuan. This combat profession is really a ruthless money-making machine."

Zhang Yuan sighed with emotion. As a wealthy man, he spent 100,000 yuan to buy 10 bottles of intermediate healing potions and put them in the storage space.

Although he will automatically recover his physical strength after deploying the sword array, if he encounters a situation where the enemy's attack power is high and his physical strength is too late to recover, the instant recovery of the healing potion can save his life.

When life was at stake, Zhang Yuan did not dare to save money.

As for the skill scroll worth 100,000 yuan a piece, Zhang Yuan was not willing to buy it.

Three million is only thirty pieces, and if you smash them all, you may not awaken a new skill. He feels that it is best to just grind the copy of the skill scrolls honestly.

Zhang Yuan stayed in the exchange for several hours, clearing out the materials in the storage space. After that, he went to the mall to buy some gifts for his grandmother and aunt, and then slowly returned home.

It had been more than 20 days since I saw my grandmother and aunt, and Zhang Yuan began to miss them.

When I got home, it was dinner time. Grandma was cooking in the kitchen, while my aunt was practicing her voice in the living room.

"Hey! Rare visitor!"

When my aunt saw Zhang Yuan coming back, she said, "Mom, that bastard is finally back!"

"I'm a bitch, what are you?"

Zhang Yuan retorted, took out the gifts he bought from the storage space, and piled them into a small mountain in the living room, "Big bastard, I brought you a gift."

"Hey! The little bastard is so developed!"

When the aunt saw the pile of gifts, her eyes suddenly lit up. She jumped directly into the pile of gifts and unpacked them without politeness.

Grandma walked out of the kitchen and saw a pile of gifts in the living room. She couldn't help complaining to Zhang Yuan: "You kid, why are you wasting money on such useless things when you just made money? Now you are still in the starting stage, money should be used for to update the equipment.”

Zhang Yuan smiled and said: "Grandma, I have made millions these days, and these gifts add up to tens of thousands of yuan, which is less than a basic skill scroll, so it doesn't matter."

The aunt's eyes suddenly glowed with gold, "How many millions? Is a combat profession so profitable?"

Zhang Yuan scratched his head and said with a smile: "Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so profitable. A piece of junk equipment can be sold for millions."

"Wow! Why didn't I get a combat career? I could hold a concert, sing and dance for a few hours, and earn tens of thousands of yuan in appearance fees!" The aunt looked at Zhang Yuan with an angry look, "Yuanzi, I So jealous of you!”

"Mom! I also want to have a fighting career! I won't be a singer anymore!"

My aunt started to roll around in the pile of gifts!

"Look at the way you are obsessed with money!" Grandma rolled her eyes at my aunt, and then said: "You two clean up the living room and then eat!"


Under the supervision of grandma, Zhang Yuan and his aunt cleaned up the living room, and then the three of them enjoyed a rare family dinner together.

During the dinner, Zhang Yuanyin forgot about the murder and told about all his adventures these days. He heard his aunt exclaim repeatedly, and the grandmother, who had always been steady, also had a happy smile on her face.

"Motoko, you really didn't disappoint grandma. Keep up the good work, don't relax, and pay attention to safety."

"Okay grandma."

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"I'll open the door."

Zhang Yuan put down his bowl and chopsticks and went to open the door, only to see a panic-stricken Li Anping standing at the door.

"Manager Li? Why are you here?"

"Zhang Yuan, there was a murder in the north of the city, do you know?"

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