Everyone Draws Cards To Change Jobs, And I Draw Full Health!

Chapter 48 The No. 1 Scholar In The Country

After the additional trial restarted, Zhang Yuan turned on the full-fire mode and began to massacre the abyss monsters in the dungeon. His points soared at a rocket-like speed.

At the same time, Chen Yun also cleared away the abyss breath, extracted the video of Zhang Yuan's secret copy, and handed it to Bai Zhengguo.

The two watched Zhang Yuan's battle video together.

"This kid has actually picked up a new weapon, and he is also immune to water-based attacks. No wonder he is not afraid of the two abyss demons. He is born to be the nemesis of these two abyss demons."

"Lao Bai, not only that, look at Zhang Yuan's large-scale group attack skills. The power seems to increase with the increase in the number of enemies. Otis and Ista were both frightened. If this goes to the battlefield, it will be completely A strategic level forbidden technique, he can actually release it six times in a row!"

"Huh? This mental skill..." Bai Zhengguo narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he thought of something.

"Lao Bai, what did you find?"


Bai Zhengguo shook his head and said to Chen Yun: "Set the confidentiality level of this video to top secret, and delete all the copies of the video in the trial light tower, leaving only this one in my hand."


When Bai Zhengguo reviewed Zhang Yuan's battle with the Abyss Demon, the additional trial also ended, and Zhang Yuan's points had exceeded one million!

[The exam is over and all candidates will be sent copies. 】

Zhang Yuan killed the last abyss monster and saw the pop-up prompt on his panel. He couldn't help but sigh: "It's a pity that the speed of refreshing monsters in this dungeon is too slow. It would be great if I could summon monsters in large quantities like Otis." ”

Zhang Yuan withdrew the sword formation and was teleported to the square below the light tower.

Appearing with him were other candidates who had participated in additional trials.

However, unlike Zhang Yuan, others did not know about the abyss demon invasion. They only knew that there were some technical problems in the trial light tower, which caused the exam to be suspended for a period of time.

At this time, all the candidates were still excitedly discussing how many points they had obtained in the Secret Realm Dungeon, completely unaware that they had already survived a huge crisis.

Li Xueer and Miao Shulan walked over together, "Idiot, how did you perform?"


Zhang Yuan replied, looking at the two women holding hands in surprise, "When did your relationship become so good?"

Li Xueer smiled and said: "Didn't there be problems with the dungeon before? Sister Shulan and I were teleported to the same room. She taught me a lot of skills. Now I have more than 30,000 points. Isn't that awesome?"


Zhang Yuan nodded and looked at Miao Shulan again, "What about you?"

"Not bad, more than fifty thousand."

"A human shield profession can kill four hundred abyss monsters in six hours. You are pretty awesome!"

"It's far behind compared to you."

Miao Shulan was not proud. After she saw Zhang Yuan's strength for the first time, she had given up the idea of ​​competing for the provincial champion.

"The college entrance examination is over and the final exam results have begun to be announced."

A majestic voice came from the light tower, and then on the huge light screen outside the light tower, the scores of all the candidates were refreshed.

[1st place: Zhang Yuan, points: 1,100,000. 】

[2nd place: Jiang Yun, points: 80,000. 】

[3rd place: Miao Shulan, points: 53,000. 】

[4th place: Li Xueer, points: 32,000. 】

The results of all the candidates were announced, and Zhang Yuan's score of 1.1 million was soaring, and the whole audience was in an uproar.

"Over one million points?"

Li Xueer and Miao Shulan both looked at Zhang Yuan in shock, "How did you do it?"

They expected that Zhang Yuan's points would be very high, probably more than 100,000, but they did not expect that Zhang Yuan's points would be so high!

One million and one million points, what is this concept?

One abyss monster scored 100 points, which means Zhang Yuan had to kill more than 10,000 abyss monsters in the trial copy!

Are there really so many abyss monsters in the dungeon?

Jiang Yun, who was not far away, saw the rankings on the giant screen, his body trembled violently, and his face was full of disbelief: "Is this possible? What on earth did he do, and why was he able to kill so many?"

"I applied to view the exam video. Something must have gone wrong!"

Jiang Yun raised his hand and said loudly, questioning Zhang Yuan's results.

Not only Jiang Yun, but also many candidates and teachers from various schools felt that there was an error in the system. Your record of the highest score in the college entrance examination was only 100,000, but Zhang Yuan's score exceeded one million. This is indeed an exaggeration.

"This exam was personally supervised by Bai Zhengguo, the president of the Adventurers Association. The scores of all candidates are true and valid. The application to view the video is rejected."

A cold response came from the trial tower, and the expressions of everyone present became extremely exciting.

"Lao Bai is actually in charge, so no one can cheat!"

"The candidate named Zhang Yuan is too perverted, right? How did he get so many points?"

"If we could understand it, wouldn't we be geniuses?"

Bai Zhengguo has a very high prestige in the Daxia Empire. At this time, no one questions Zhang Yuan's achievements anymore, including Jiang Yun.

"The results have been announced. It is hereby announced that Zhang Yuan from Jiangnan Province has become the top scorer in this year's national college entrance examination."

"The number one scholar in the country! Feng Gaoyuan, did you see it? My student is not only the number one scholar in the province, but also the number one scholar in the country. Jiangnan Province has never produced a national champion, right?"

"Feng Gaoyuan, don't forget our bet. Pack your bags when you get back. I'll report to West Lake No. 1 Middle School after the summer vacation!"

Ning Qin was so excited that he danced and slapped Feng Gaoyuan like crazy.


Feng Gaoyuan's face was full of disbelief. He never thought that Jiang Yun would lose!

But with the huge points gap in front of him, Feng Gaoyuan had no choice but to admit defeat to Ning Qin, gritting his teeth and said: "Ning Qin, you won. I didn't expect you to be so lucky. Such a treasure!"

"Don't worry, I will keep my promise and teach in your school."

Ning Qin grinned and said, "Don't put on such a bad face. Our West Lake No. 1 Middle School has a genius like Zhang Yuan. It will definitely be a famous school in the country. By then, even if you want to come to our school to teach, you won't be able to apply!"

Feng Gaoyuan: "Ning Qin, I just want to know now, how did Zhang Yuan earn more than one million points?"

"I can't tell you anything else. I can only say... on the first day he entered the novice copy, he just cleared the abyss copy."

"Ah?" Feng Gaoyuan was petrified on the spot.

Zhang Yuan felt very calm when he heard the examiner announced that he had become the number one scholar in the country.

There is no surprise in this result.

"Idiot! You actually became the top pick in the country. Isn't this amazing?"

At this moment, Li Xueer's eyes were filled with stars, and she looked at Zhang Yuan with admiration, "As expected of you!"

"It's just a fluke." Zhang Yuan was not complacent at all, "I'm still far away."

He was telling the truth. Compared with the demons of the abyss, he was still far behind.

"Idiot, do you know that saying this is very offensive?"

"Have it?"

"You guy... forget it, I'm used to it too."

Li Xueer rarely got angry and smiled at Zhang Yuan: "No matter what, we are classmates again."

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