As the raging rabbits on the outskirts of the forest were slaughtered, Zhang Yuan began to advance deeper into the forest, and the levels of the monsters he encountered began to slowly increase.

[Successfully kill the black pig, experience +4]

[Successfully kill the red-eyed hyena, experience +6]

[Successfully kill the Crazy Rabbit King, experience +10]

Zhang Yuan advanced steadily, and all the monsters on the road were instantly killed without any suspense, and a large number of them were killed. The monsters in the dungeon were not refreshed as fast as Zhang Yuan could kill them.

In less than an hour, a beam of light rushed out of Zhang Yuan.

Another upgrade.

Strength is increased by 10 points, agility and constitution are increased by 5 points, spirit is increased by 30 points, critical hit rate is increased by 1%, and critical hit damage is increased by 10%.

[Skill proficiency is improved. 】

[Sword Array (Level 2): ​​Expand the sword array and continuously consume mental energy. Within a radius of 20 meters, critical damage will be increased by 110%. 】

[Sword Control (Level 2): ​​Control flying swords and attack in the air. The power depends on the quality of the sword, your own mental power and skill level. 】

"Huh? Can skill proficiency be improved?"

Zhang Yuan found that his "Sword Formation" and "Sword Control" levels had improved, and he immediately locked onto a Level 5 Crazy Rabbit King not far away.

A flying sword instantly penetrated the body of the Crazy Rabbit King!


[Successfully kill the Crazy Rabbit King, experience +10]

[Successfully kill the Crazy Rabbit, experience +1]

[Successfully kill the black pig, experience +4]

Another series of kills and upgrades flooded the screen, and Zhang Yuan didn't even know where those monsters died!

"Now one flying sword has 1579 damage, and ten flying swords have 15790 damage. Then don't I have the ability to kill level 10 bosses instantly?"

Zhang Yuan's brows jumped when he saw his injuries.

He is only level 3 now, his weapon is a blank slate, and his skill level is also very low, but his damage has already caught up with a level 40 fire mage.

Even if he doesn't have the 10-fold increase in Sword Immortal's talent, this professional strength is extremely exaggerated.

"Unbalanced! This profession is so unbalanced! Fortunately, this is the only profession, and I am the only one who can bear this injustice!"

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but complain to other professions, and with tears in his eyes shot a violent rabbit king in his field of vision, and his experience bar increased again!

According to Zhang Yuan's current upgrade speed, he can reach level 12 and break through this dungeon in one day at most.

The most important thing is that because of the bonus of Life Zodiac 2 and Life Zodiac 3, Zhang Yuan Yujian does not consume mental energy, and his physical strength will continue to recover in the sword formation. He does not need to go out for supplies, saving a lot of leveling. time.

It takes others a week to reach level 12, and this requires a good team configuration and tacit cooperation from teammates to achieve it, but Zhang Yuan can clear this dungeon in one day. The gap is too big.

Although the mandatory requirement for admission to Kyoto University is level 19, professionals with level 12 can already be admitted to a university, level 13 or 14 can choose a good 211, and level 15 can enter 985.

It can be said that Zhang Yuan was promoted in one day, but many students could not be promoted in one month!

While Zhang Yuan was still killing people in the dungeon, many students had already withdrawn from the hidden dungeon to receive treatment and supplies.

Although the hidden dungeon has high experience, the monsters' attack and defense are also high. The students all entered at level 1. A team killing dozens of rabid rabbits in two hours is already a pretty good result.

Several principals had already set up a table outside the dungeon. They gathered around to drink tea, chat, eat melon seeds, and comment on the students who came out.

"Yes, it's only been two hours. Sun Li from our school has already reached level 2. He should be able to reach level 4 today and hopefully reach 985."

"Wang Bin from my school is also pretty good. He still has 10% less experience to reach level 2. It won't be a problem to choose a better 211."

"By the way, Lao Qin, it's been almost two hours, so the kids who are doing it alone should be out for supplies, right?"

"Well... it should be soon."

Ning Qin nodded and glanced back and forth at the entrance to the dungeon. What he was most worried about was Zhang Yuan who was doing it alone. After all, news of students dying in the dungeon appeared every year. He was really afraid that Zhang Yuan would be alone in the dungeon today. .

Generally speaking, the student team will come out for supplies in about two hours, and the level when they come out can also determine the student's leveling speed.

Based on the experience of this hidden dungeon, if Zhang Yuan can reach level 3 when he comes out for supplies for the first time, he is expected to hit Kyoto University.

However, Zhang Yuan still did not come out until all the students had withdrawn from the copy supply.

Li Xueer, who had been promoted to level 3, wiped her sweat with a towel and walked up to Ning Qin: "Principal, has the idiot come out?"

"Wait a moment." Ning Qin shook his head, "He hasn't come out yet."

"Not out yet?" Li Xueer's expression changed slightly, "How is this possible? It's been more than two hours, hasn't his mental energy been exhausted?"

Although you can bring spirit-restoring medicine into a dungeon, the number of times it can be used is limited. Once your mental energy is depleted, you cannot use skills and must go out of the dungeon to replenish them.

Ning Qin: "Maybe Zhang Yuan's skill consumption is low. Wait a minute, the government has not monitored the student's death."

Hearing Ning Qin's words, Li Xueer breathed a sigh of relief.


Suddenly, a group of heavily armed government troops arrived nearby and blocked the entrance to the dungeon. The students who were supplying supplies outside the dungeon whispered, not understanding what was happening.

When the principals saw this, their expressions changed and they all stood up.


Xia Chaoyang, the captain of the government army, stepped forward and saluted several principals: "Sorry, the military has detected abnormal fluctuations in the energy index of this dungeon. We need to close the dungeon and check for hidden dangers. I am afraid that the leveling activities of each school will be temporarily put on hold. Today we will Please take your students back first."

Ning Qin quickly said: "Captain Xia, I still have a student in the dungeon, can you wait for him to come out first?"

"Are there students?"

Xia Chaoyang frowned, then glanced at his watch and said: "This energy fluctuation may be caused by abyssal infection. If not dealt with in time, this copy may become abyssal, causing immeasurable losses to people's property, so I I can only give you half an hour.”

Ning Qin nodded: "That's enough. My student has been in for more than two hours. No matter what, he should be out in half an hour."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Xueer couldn't help but clenched her little hands and looked worriedly at the copy blocked by the military, "Idiot, you have to come out quickly!"

At this time, Zhang Yuan, who was missed by everyone, had reached the middle of the forest and reached level 4.

Zhang Yuan looked at his attribute panel.

[Name: Zhang Yuan]

[Occupation: Sword Formation Master (only)]

[Level: 4 (3.00%)]

【Strength: 140】

[Agility: 120]

【Spirit: 220】

[Physique: 120]

[Professional special attributes: critical hit rate (13%), critical hit damage (130%)]

[Talent: Absolute Luck (Level 1), I am the Sword Immortal (Level 1)]

[Equipment: Iron Sword Box (10/10), Imperial Merit Badge]

[Skills: Sword Formation (Level 2), Sword Control (Level 2)]

[zodiac sign: six lives]

"It took more than two hours to reach level 4. This speed is not bad."

Zhang Yuan was quite satisfied with his upgrade speed. He thought that the further he got to the back, the slower his upgrade speed would be.

But in fact, he relied on the splash damage of the zodiac sign, plus the real damage of the zodiac sign 6 that ignores defense, turning the sword array into a slaughterhouse for monsters.

As long as the monster is within a radius of 200 meters, it will die after refreshing.

The only thing that made Zhang Yuan unhappy was that he couldn't make Feijian automatically find enemies, and he couldn't be the shopkeeper.

"The monsters around here refresh too slowly. It seems we have to continue moving deeper."

Zhang Yuan picked up the sword case and moved forward, with no intention of exiting the copy.

At the same time, deep in this hidden dungeon, the level 12 boss Cyclops was sleeping soundly on the stone bed.

Suddenly, beside its stone bed, purple bubbles slowly seeped out of the ground.

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