Su Ming took out several bottles of healing potions and gave them to Yan Ze and Jiang Yunqing.

"Drink them first to recover from your injuries, and keep the rest for the BOSS later."

Then everyone continued on their way.

Su Ming carried Ji Yao on his back and followed Jiang Lan closely.

On the way, Ji Yao occasionally groaned in pain as soft as a mosquito, and her breath was weak.

At least... she was still alive.

Su Ming was a little worried, but he had to return to the Tianta Realm to save her.

"After weighing it, your plan is indeed better." Jiang Lan suddenly said while on the way.

Her voice was crisp and capable, and she was wearing a black robe.

Even with a black cloak covering her, it was difficult to hide her curvy and mature figure.

When she lowered her head, no one saw it, and her eyes became a little cold.

She suddenly felt that after so many years of business confrontation, she was almost as pedantic as those old people and company bosses in high positions.

Being with this group of young people, she can finally find some bloodiness...

She used to be too conservative and didn't dare to take risks, but now, she wants to turn herself back into a job-changer.

"Now that the family is destroyed, there is no one to rely on."

"You really need to find some fighting skills."

Jiang Lan knew the situation of her and her sister. They couldn't protect themselves without strength.

She held her gun tightly and ran in front.

After Jiang Lan led everyone through a ruined cemetery, they saw a horrible scene.

In front of them, a large pit of burning corpses came into view!

The circular corpse pit with a diameter of ten meters and a depth of about five meters was filled with rotten corpses of villagers with corruption, all of which had been burned.

Flies and insects were dancing, maggots were everywhere, and the wriggling pus seemed to have life.

This corpse pit is not wide, but it is disgusting enough.

Although the remains have been burned, it is obvious that the corruption virus in the corpses has not been completely eliminated.

The pit is full of ashes and charred meat, emitting a strong stench.

Even Su Ming felt his stomach churning.

"This pit is the BOSS area, and the BOSS has not appeared yet."

"After you are ready, take a step forward, it should be able to alarm the BOSS." Jiang Lan said.

"Sister, since the BOSS has not been triggered, how do you know this is the BOSS area?" Jiang Yunqing asked with some doubts, holding the staff.

Jiang Lan took out a small pendant from her waist, which was flashing red light.

"This pendant is a gift from my mother the day before my eighteenth-year-old awakening day."

"To help you get good results in the novice vice."

She said with her eyes lost in memories.

"When approaching the BOSS area, it will gradually tremble violently. If it enters the BOSS battle area, it will emit red light."

"However, it can only be effective for E-level and lower sub-devices."

"The hidden BOSS cannot be found, it is only effective for ordinary BOSS, but it is enough." Jiang Lan put away the pendant and said.

"It's better if the BOSS is not triggered, so that no one will rush over to get in the way." Yan Ze said, taking out his bow, and there was already murderous intent in his eyes.

If the location of the BOSS has been discovered, then the Zhang family and other individual players may think that everyone will use the method of killing the BOSS to escape here, and will set up an ambush in advance.

So this is a good thing for everyone.

Su Ming took out a dark blue quiver and handed it to Yan Ze.

This is the equipment he got when he killed an archer before.

After the aging, it reached the middle grade of platinum.

"This quiver is called Endless Blue Brilliance. It consumes mental power and can draw arrows infinitely. The arrows inside will have a water-attribute enchanted attack."

"And, after equipping it, this quiver can also provide a 5% critical hit chance."

Yan Ze nodded, took it, and tied it on his back.

With the relationship between the few of them, there is no need to say thank you.

Su Ming gently put Ji Yao behind a tree and let her sit up leaning against him.

Then he walked to the corpse pit and pulled out his Frost Flame Death Mark Broken Sword.

"Are you ready?"

Su Ming looked around at everyone and asked with a stern look in his eyes.

Everyone nodded. Although Yan Ze and Jiang Yunqing's mental power had not recovered much, there was no time to delay now. They had to start the battle immediately!

Su Ming took a step forward, and his majestic aura immediately disturbed the BOSS here.


The next moment, a dazzling burst of fire and cracking light immediately broke out in the rotting corpse pit.

Intense heat gushed out, thick smoke and stench rolled, and countless corpses made crisp sounds.

The pitch-black charred bones twisted and squirmed, gathering towards the center.

In the end, it condensed into a rotten giant made up of countless corpses.

The rotten giant was more than six meters tall, covered with pus and maggots.

Because it was made of charred and rotten corpses, it was covered with densely packed dead heads, dead hands, feet, and arms, hanging on its body, as scary as spider leg hair.

[World BOSS has appeared, coordinates...]

Suddenly, this news was notified to all players in the server.

Su Ming immediately scanned the BOSS's information, praying that there was no second stage, so that he could kill it as quickly as possible!

Otherwise, after hearing the news of the world rules, other players will soon come over!

[Source of Corruption·Burning Giant (BOSS)]

[Corpses infected with corruption were thrown into this deep pit, but the villagers did not know that burning could not eradicate the corruption in the corpses... So, the corruption inside the corpses gathered in one place, and over the years, it eventually infected everything and spread out, becoming this. 】

【Level: Level 28】

【Current HP: 100%】

【Strength: 652】

【Constitution: 425】

【Agility: 131】

【Spirit: 2】

【Luck: 10】


【Source of Corruption: It is the source of corruption disease, and can control all corrupt villagers. The blood, pus, and corpse residue in its body are all attached with corruption virus. Once infected, it will be infected immediately】

【Mouth of Fire Sores: It was born in the fire, and can spit out green corpse-burning poisonous flames from its mouth. The flames are accompanied by rot damage】

【Fragile Flesh: Negative passive skill, its whole body is made of charred corpses, so its body is extremely fragile, weak to blunt and impact damage, and has no self-healing ability】

【Rotten Wail: It kneels and howls, emitting rotten sound wave attacks, which can make people who hear it feel severe pain all over the body and skin ulcers】

【Giant Hammer: Its hands are clasped into a hammer, raised high, and smashed down suddenly. 】


The second-level BOSS is just as I expected, not very powerful!

It even has a negative passive ability that weakens its combat power.

This makes it easier to deal with.

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