Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 105: Troop expansion drawings! Don't stop and keep going! Take the initiative to expose

When the Immortal Demon Team returned, the first thing they did was naturally hand over all the loot to Xiao Mo. Read 520 official website

A strange hook-shaped weapon, a pile of immortal magic stones and soul crystals, and an ordinary-looking blueprint.

The strange hook-shaped weapon comes from the blood demon clan leader.

[Blood Demon Soul-Seizing Hook (Damaged)]

[Level: Top Weapon]

[Weapon description: A weapon from the blood demon clan leader, it has huge destructive power and can greatly increase one's own combat power]

[First function: Can be turned into a blood demon shield, with high defense]

[Second function: The weapon crafted by the blood demon clan leader has a certain deterrent effect on ordinary blood demons]

[PS: Non-blood demons equipped with this weapon will have a high probability of being attacked by blood demons]

Seeing this news, Xiao Mo curled his lips.

This thing doesn't suit him, and it's still in a damaged state, so there's no need to spend time repairing it.

Immortal Demon directly put the [Blood Demon Soul Seizing Hook] on the trading platform for sale.

The price of the transaction is five hundred immortal magic stones or five soul crystals.

As for why such a price was set, Xiao Mo thought very simply.

Although this hook is in a damaged state, it is still a top-notch weapon, and there must be many people who want it.

If it were an auction where the lords were allowed to bid on their own, I'm afraid the auction wouldn't have been completed after the beast wave ended.

But now he directly sets the price and sells it. If there is a lord who wants to own top-level weapons, he will naturally trade directly under the pressure of the beast tide.

However, both top-level equipment and top-level weapons appear on the trading platform for the first time.

This naturally caused a wave of enthusiasm in the [World Chat Channel] again.

[This hook is actually from the blood demon clan leader from the ninth level peak lord level! Awesome! 】

[It’s posted by Mr. Qianmo again! The boss is the boss! The beast tide is coming, but I still have time to attack the local forces! 】

[Don’t forget, their troops are immortals and demons! Naturally, they won’t take the beast tide seriously! In the eyes of immortals and demons, whether it is these blood demons or the beast tide, they are probably like ants! 】

[Boss Qianmo is still the black-hearted boy from before! A top-level weapon directly costs 500 immortal magic stones or five soul crystals! It really smells familiar! 】

[What are you talking about upstairs! This is a top-notch weapon after all! Even if it's damaged, it's still much stronger than high-end weapons! 】

【Yes! If you can find a good blacksmith and inlay a soul crystal into it, it will most likely be upgraded to a king-level spiritual weapon, and you will make a lot of money! 】

[It’s a profit, but I don’t know if anyone is willing to buy it. Five hundred immortal magic stones, this is a sky-high price! 】

[I don’t care if anyone buys it, I can’t afford it anyway! Slip away! 】

Xiao Mo didn't pay attention to the popularity of the chat channel.

Time is very tight, and his attention is already on the unknown drawing.

[I found an unknown drawing, should I identify it immediately? 】


Naturally, identify it immediately!

Suddenly, the soft light of appraisal once again enveloped the drawing.

After a moment, the light of identification dissipated, and the true appearance of the drawing appeared in front of Xiao Mo's eyes.

[Special drawing name: Initial troop expansion]

[Grade: low level]

[Function: After use, the number of initial troops can be randomly expanded. The number and initial rank depend on the luck of the lord! 】

The information about the drawing made a surprise appear on Xiao Mo's face.

Today's luck is really over the top.

Unexpectedly, I got a special drawing again.

The special drawing last time was for the evolution of the troops, but this time it was for the expansion of the initial troops.

However, the number of troop expansions and the initial rank completely depend on the luck of the lord.

Thinking of luck, Xiao Mo couldn't help but think of the little brat Dou Xiaodou.

That is the real child of luck. Even if he is ten, he will not be able to catch up with the little brat.

Of course, come to think of it, Xiao Mo didn't intend to give this drawing to the little kid.

It's not that he is stingy and reluctant to part with it, it's just a waste to give it to a little kid.

Compared with the goblin troops and the fairy and demon troops, the price/performance ratio is really low.

Even if the little brat can expand a hundred goblins, and Xiao Mo can only expand one immortal demon, then this one immortal demon can defeat a hundred goblins.

[Do you want to use the low-level troop expansion drawings immediately? 】


"Yes! Use it immediately!"

Xiao Mo muttered softly.

As the words fell, the drawings in his hands gradually disappeared, and a burst of golden light directly hit the double-sided statue of immortals and demons.

Then, gold and red light shone in the [Immortal Demon Reincarnation Pool].

The next moment, golden or red light balls flew out of the reincarnation pool and flew directly in front of Xiao Mo.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Mo felt his heartbeat speed up slightly and his breathing became a little heavier.

"1, 2, 3...11, 12..."

Xiao Mo carefully counted the balls of light flying in front of him, with a bright smile on his face.

More and more light balls flew out of the turning pool, and Xiao Mo kept chanting four words in his heart.

"Don't stop! Keep going! Keep going! Don't stop!..."

However, the reality made him feel disappointed for a while.

I saw the two kinds of light on the [Immortal Demon Reincarnation Pond] suddenly disappeared.

There were only sixteen light balls hovering in front of Xiao Mo.

"Oh! Didn't we agree not to stop and continue!"

Just at the speed at which the light ball flew out like a bubble just now, it kept flying like this.

When the beast tide comes, he will definitely be able to form a small army of nearly two hundred immortals and demons under his command.

However, Xiao Mo just sighed helplessly, knowing that this was impossible.

This is just a low-level [Military Expansion Drawing]. If it were intermediate or high-level, it might be able to reach this level.

[Congratulations, Lord! If you have a low-level arms expansion drawing, you will get +16 initial arms! 】

Hearing this prompt, Xiao Mo smiled widely.

This is tantamount to actually using the sixteen arms of the [Immortal Demon Reincarnation Pool] for free.

He had worked so hard to upgrade the reincarnation pool, and so far, he had only obtained thirty-four types of soldiers.

Now it is just a low-level [Army Expansion Drawing], allowing him to add sixteen arms out of thin air.

Isn't this kind of thing just a matter of luck?

"It would be nice if this kind of thing could happen more often!"

Xiao Mo raised his hand and touched his chin, rolled his eyes, and directly sent a purchase message in the [World Chat Channel].

[Acquire the expansion drawings of various levels of troops, and those who are interested can add friends! If You Are the One - Immortal Demon Tribe Qianmo! 】

The number of troops is the weakness of almost all top lords.

Because the higher the level of the troops, the fewer they can be summoned.

It would probably take a long time to form an army.

Therefore, the [Army Expansion Drawing] is of great significance to all top lords.

Sooner or later, this kind of drawing will be exposed, and then many top lords will take notice of it and snap up it at a high price.

Therefore, Xiao Mo directly chose to strike first.

And it directly exposed his unit - the Immortal Demon Tribe!

It's like indirectly admitting that the troops under his command are the immortal and demon troops!

This undoubtedly once again caused a huge sensation in the circle of lords...

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