After hearing these words, the Elf Goddess couldn't help but show a hint of guilt on her face.

Because when she was protecting the Immortal and Demonic Empire, she didn't try her best as she said.

So at this time, I heard that Xiao Mo actually said that they were in an alliance and allowed the Earth Goddess Helena Dis, who was already at the peak level of the God Lord, to return to her hometown to take a look.

This act made the Elf Goddess extremely miserable.

So, at this moment, the Elf Goddess secretly made up her mind.

"No matter what happens in the future, we must stand on the side of the Immortal and Demonic Empire with an extremely firm attitude."

"Especially after the jihad breaks out, I must find the evil camp to settle this account!"

So at this time, the Elf Goddess felt that she could no longer stay here.

Because the holy war is about to begin, every pantheon is preparing closely.

I am afraid that I will not be able to survive when the holy war breaks out.

Although the nature goddess system is still very powerful, it may not be able to withstand the attacks of the alien demon clan.

Therefore, the Elf Goddess has been expanding the defense capabilities of her pantheon, and now there is only a short day left before the Holy War breaks out.

It made everyone feel this tense state.

So, the Elf Goddess said goodbye to Helena Dis, the Earth Goddess, after renewing their friendship.

However, at the same time, the lords of these gods and territories were nervously preparing to resist the alien demon clan.

There is a piece of news that is not conducive to Xiao Mo and is quietly circulating among the major gods.

That is, Xiao Mo has a method that can hunt down powerful gods, and then train them to become subordinates of his fairy and demon empire, so that these powerful gods will never wake up.

Moreover, not only that, the Immortal Demon Empire is also quietly hunting powerful gods, hoping to turn them all into tributaries of the Immortal Demon Empire.

These news were originally only spread in a small area and did not attract everyone's attention at all.

But the further it went, the more outrageous it became.

Some people actually said that the reason why Xiao Mo is so powerful is because he killed too many powerful gods and absorbed their divine power, which led to this situation.

Soon, this news was leaked to Xiao Mo.

But Xiao Mo just glanced at it lightly and didn't take these things to heart at all.

Because there are only two days left, when the divine war breaks out, no one knows how many gods will survive in the Yuanchu Continent.

Therefore, Xiao Mo did not take the news about these people into his heart at all.

I even think these people are really boring and have no sense of crisis at all.

So he only glanced at it and went about his business silently.

But although Xiao Mo didn't take the news to heart, some people remembered the news.

【World Chat Channel】

[Oh my god, have you heard that someone is spreading rumors about Mr. Xiao Mo?]

[I’ve heard it, I’ve heard it, it’s been going viral these past two days. 】

[Then do you think this is true? 】

[Surely it’s not true? It’s already said that it’s a rumor, so do you have any other questions? 】

[No, aren’t you all confused? Why is it that we are both the lords of the territory, but Big Brother Xiao Mo is so much more powerful than us? 】

[They are just strong, haven’t you noticed that they are better than us? Is there any doubt about this? 】

[That’s not necessarily true. Maybe they really used some evil magic? 】

[You wash people’s floors every day, are you their washing machine?]

【You are the one! Damn, I know you kid! 】

[Last time in another world, I saved you, Mr. Xiao Mo, but you still said that about him. Do you have any conscience?]

This sentence was said by Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory. He was now watching the quarrel between these people.

As a loyal fan of Xiao Mo, Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, was so angry that he almost punched the ground.

However, the man still said nonchalantly.

[What’s the big deal? At that time, he didn’t just save me, he saved everyone.]

[I'm just taking it easy, am I going to ignore the truth just for this? 】

This mad and crazy leader of the territory originally thought that as soon as he said this, someone would definitely agree with him.

However, most people are reviling him!

[You are simply the epitome of ungratefulness, it’s really terrifying! 】

[That is, I don’t want to be with you at all. I even formed a team with you last time. It’s really embarrassing! 】

[You shouldn’t feel ashamed, you should feel lucky. Once you teamed up with such a person without moral conscience, he didn’t drag you into the water, which is already very good]

[That’s right, Mr. Xiao Mo is obviously so kind. Not only did he save us, but he also took us away from there]

[But now when rumors are being spread about Boss Xiao Mo, this person actually follows those rabble and spreads rumors about Boss Xiao Mo. 】

【It’s so annoying! 】

In an instant, the [World Chat Channel] was filled with everyone's curses on the arrogant leader of the territory.

However, at this time, someone suddenly broke a piece of news.

[You all just wait, the Elf Goddess will take action on this, and she will definitely give Boss Xiao Mo a clean slate. 】

This was a comment made by an ID named "Weiwei doesn't eat sugar", and her tone was very affirmative.

【real or fake? 】

[I think it must be true. The Elf Goddess has such a good relationship with Mr. Xiao Mo. It shouldn’t be a surprise to help them, right? 】

[But the relationship between the goddess of nature and the fairy and demon empire is so good, will anyone believe this? 】

[I don’t care if others believe it or not, as long as I believe it! 】

[Lord of the territory, how did you know that the Elf Goddess wanted to clear Mr. Xiao Mo’s name? 】

[Yes, yes, you are making this up, right? Who is the Elf Goddess? How could she tell you these things? 】

However, no matter how these territorial lords asked, the ID named "Weiwei doesn't eat sweets" still didn't say a word, as if he was invisible. "

If it wasn't that she didn't want to reply to these people, it was because she had something to do now.

The owner of the territory who made such remarks was Tang Weiwei, who worked at the Elf Goddess.

She originally saw that the territorial lords were spreading rumors about Xiao Mo, and she was furious at that time.

Then he sent out the news he got.

But now she has something to do and is too lazy to talk to those people.

The elf goddess looked at the beautiful Tang Weiwei and said:

"Your strength is very special and you can take care of elves' magic. So if I give you to His Majesty, the Lord of the Fairy and Demonic Empire, do you think he would agree?"

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