Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 813: What should I do if the evil spirit is about to come?

"So, although I can't accept you now, you can still work together to avoid this difficulty!"

Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, is still a little worried.

"But without your help, Mr. Xiao Mo, those people won't listen to me..."

Xiao Mo didn't think it was anything. He patted the leader of Kuangtie Territory, Shi Tianqi, on the shoulder.

Then he said: "What are these things? Don't be discouraged now. I can provide you with some help."

"As long as you say that all this was arranged by me, and then release what [the game official] said, then no matter how much they object, they won't be able to dissatisfy you."

After Xiao Mo said this, he was surprised to find that Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, had his eyes straightened and his face turned red, looking very excited.

It was as if he was about to faint in the next second.

Xiao Mo was a little confused and could not figure out what was going on with Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory.

And because he was injured!

"You...you're okay..."

"Wait a minute! Don't move yet!"

Before he even finished speaking, he saw Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, suddenly shouting excitedly.

Xiao Mo didn't know what he was going to do, so he didn't move for a while.

The next second, Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, suddenly opened the official channel and took a photo of him and Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo: "..."

Thank you, I was embarrassed by you.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Mo watched helplessly as Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, put the group photo into the [World Chat Channel].

Xiao Mo said speechlessly: "Little brother, we are really doing business now. What are you doing?"

Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, said excitedly: "You are our idol now! You actually photographed me! I must leave a souvenir!"

Xiao Mo pointed to his [World Chat Channel] interface, and then asked:

"Then why did you post it in this? My face also went in, I'm a little embarrassed."

Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, was also a little shy at this time.

"Oops, I'm sorry, I forgot to consider your feelings for a moment."

"But, if I send you to the [World Chat Channel], it will definitely gain me a lot of face."

Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, looked at Xiao Mo and was still speechless. He immediately added:

"Oh, Mr. Xiao Mo, didn't you just say you wanted to help me? What kind of evidence, and this photo together, is it very convincing?"

Xiao Mo didn't bother to talk to him about this and said directly:

"Okay, okay, whatever you want, I can do it anyway."

"Let's discuss now, what should we do?"

Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, also put away his arrogant expression and asked:

"What exactly are we supposed to do now?"

Xiao Mo touched his chin, "I don't think this problem is very difficult. You just find a territory owner with a relatively large territory, and then live in his territory, and together we resist the alien evil spirits."

"That should be enough, right?"

Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, his eyes lit up. He really didn't expect to do this.

Now that he heard the idea Xiao Mo gave him, he immediately said:

"This is a really good idea, but our choice must be very particular. It must be placed near your castle!"

As he spoke, Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, stared at Xiao Mo's face, with a trace of prayer in his eyes.

"Boss Xiao Mo, you shouldn't mind this, right?"

He was really a little nervous at this time, because Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, didn't know whether Xiao Mo would agree to his request.

Xiao Mo smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I don't mind. I won't interfere in any place you choose."

"Because I feel that the more I take action, the [game official] may also intervene, so just leave everything to yourself."

Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, was very moved and said: "Brother Xiao Mo, you are such a good person, I will definitely listen to you!"

After saying that, Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, was about to leave here.

However, at this moment, a voice came into the ears of two people.

[Lord of the Yuanchu Continent, please be aware that there are still 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds before the alien demon clan is about to descend on the Yuanchu Continent. 】

[The location of the alien demon clan is temporarily unknown. Territory owners, please be prepared! 】

After Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, heard the notice from [Game Official], he immediately looked at Xiao Mo in horror.

Xiao Mo also looked at him and nodded slightly.

It shows that he also heard the announcement from [Game Official].

Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and felt that cold sweat was dripping from his forehead.

"There is less than a day left, that is, at 12 noon tomorrow, the alien demon clan will invade the Yuanchu Continent."

"Then what should we do now?"

Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, felt that his mind was in chaos and he couldn't remember what to do now.

Although the goddess of destiny had already released the news at the beginning.

She predicted that a clan of alien demons would land one day later.

However, since it was a prediction, they still had a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

There is still some hope that a clan of alien demons will land here.

However, [Game Official] gave them an accurate time at this time.

It made him nervous all of a sudden.

Xiao Mo glanced at him lightly, and then said:

"Don't panic, just do as I told you, and don't worry about other things. Anyway, we still don't know where some of the alien demons will land in the end."

"What's more, our current situation is much better than the local gods."

"They don't have any [game official] tips!"

Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, looked a little better now, and he nodded solemnly.

"Okay, I understand, Mr. Xiao Mo, I'm going to do the next thing now!"

After Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, left, Xiao Mo began to prepare closely for hunting down the alien demon clan.

That's right, it's "hunting" rather than "defense", because from the beginning, he never thought about backing down.

Instead, he thought that he must subdue all those alien evil spirits who have been in the Origin Continent for hundreds of thousands of years.

At this time, Tang Weiwei also came here.

Xiao Mo was not surprised when he saw Tang Weiwei.

Because he knew that the reason why Tang Weiwei came here must be the arrangement of the Elf Goddess.

"Boss Xiao Mo, I'm here now, and I won't cause any trouble to you! Please take me in!"

Xiao Mo smiled and nodded, not caring where Tang Weiwei was.

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