Even though the lords of these territories trusted Xiao Mo very much, they did not follow Xiao Mo on a rampage like Leng Tou Qing did.

After Xiao Mo saw the news, he understood it immediately.

He said very arrogantly:

[These demons are no different from the demons there. They are all the same and can improve our experience. 】

[As long as you dare to follow me and charge into battle, your level will increase very quickly! 】

[At that time, I can guarantee that each of you will at least be promoted to the god level and become a true god! 】

Although they will be able to enter the Saint level soon after arriving here, it is still a little difficult for them to enter the God level.

Even though they participated in the last [Alien World Evil Exorcism Event], less than 1% of the gods became god-level!

However, only by becoming a god can one become a true god and be believed by thousands of people.

Become a part of this Yuanchu Continent!

But now, for these territorial lords, a large part of them cannot become god-level. Their level is too low.

There is absolutely no such ability.

But now Xiao Mo said that he could make all of them above the god level.

This was like a stone that sent shock waves through thousands of waves. All the territory owners were shocked by Xiao Mo's arrogant speech.

[Why would you say that? 】

[Do you have any method now? 】

[Yes, Mr. Xiao Mo Xiao Mo! Leave this method to us! 】

[As long as we become god-level, then we will have a billion god-level gods! 】

【How terrifying this must be! 】


Suddenly, all the city guards were urging Xiao Mo to tell him the method.

After Xiao Mo saw the information, he snorted coldly.

[There is no free dinner in the world. You and I want to raise our level to a higher level. We must work hard on our own. Otherwise, what will you do for food? 】

【Rely on me? I'm not your father? What do you want to do? Do you still need my help? 】

[If you want to make your divine power higher, just kill those demons directly, so that your level will be higher! 】

At this time, the territorial owners were stunned when they saw the message Xiao Mo sent.

They thought that the method Xiao Mo mentioned was the one that could directly transform them into a god-king level.

Unexpectedly, they still need to hunt down evil spirits. So for this Ctrip to stay alive, what is the difference between this and death?

So for a while, all the territory owners felt that they had been deceived.

【How can you do this? Our strength is so weak, how can we defeat those evil spirits? 】

[If we want to improve our level, we have to hunt down demons, so what’s the difference between us dying and dying? 】

[Yes, yes, our strength is so bad, it is not worth mentioning compared to the evil spirits. 】

[If we really have to confront them, then we will really be doomed! 】


Everyone was very resistant to Xiao Mo's proposal because they wanted to get something for nothing. It would be better if they could improve their strength more easily.

[Whose fault is it? You are not willing, but I am! 】

However, at this time, another person made a different sound.

Then more voices came back.

【I am willing too! 】

【For strength! I want to rush up too! 】

[We can't just defend now, we are all the lords of the territory! You must be ambitious! 】

【I am willing too! I also want to defeat the demon clan! 】

[Me too, I want to improve my own strength! Become a god as soon as possible and join this place. 】


The lords of this group of territories all have a goddess's home as their prefix.

Everyone understood what was going on.

Surprisingly, so many people in the Goddess House spoke up for Xiao Mo.

However, the Goddess Family all admire Xiao Mo and are his best fans. This is something everyone knows.

So the owner of the territory jumped out and said it.

[Of course you are willing, you bunch of brainless women! 】

[Yes, yes, don’t be fooled by beauty! 】

【This will kill people! The demons outside are so powerful, maybe Boss Xiao Mo just wants you to be cannon fodder. 】

[You girls, you just know how to follow men. Don’t you know what will happen? 】

【You will die! 】

[Yes, yes, you can’t do that just because you have a crush on Mr. Xiao Mo! 】

[Don’t think that we are stopping you, we are here to advise you, don’t lose yourself because of beauty. 】

Amid the consolation from other male domain owners, another person spoke up:

[Hey, what do you mean? Could it be that those who are willing to follow Boss Xiao Mo are infatuated with Boss Xiao Mo’s beauty? 】

[Then I, a grown man, am willing to work with Mr. Xiao Mo, and I also like Mr. Xiao Mo? 】

[Are you doing all this inappropriately? 】

[And I think the reason why Goddess Family is willing to do it must be because they themselves are very powerful! 】

[You cowards, stop talking! 】

[It’s so embarrassing to the Lord of our territory! 】

[Even if you don’t want to, then we must be a boss Xiao Mo who did it. Anyway, if we follow the boss Xiao Mo, we can still have a few sips of soup even without us]

【That’s right! 】

[Think about it carefully, it is indeed the case! 】

[It seems that it is true, or the people who work with boss Xiao Mo, they all seem to be very awesome! 】

[Then I will also follow Mr. Xiao Mo! 】

[Big Brother Xiao Mo will definitely be very powerful, so I will follow Big Brother Xiao Mo! 】

【As long as we can win! 】


Suddenly, there were still many territorial owners who were willing to follow Xiao Mo. They all knew that Xiao Mo was very powerful.

Therefore, there is a vague thought in my heart that as long as I follow the boss Xiao Mo, I will definitely be very strong.

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