"What's wrong with evil? As long as it's useful! It's good if it's useful!"

"And she must be on our side. Even if she is evil, she is evil to the alien demon clan, not us!"

"What are you afraid of!"

"That's right! Goddess Jinliu'er is so powerful, and she is here to protect us. We shouldn't miss her so much."

"Although this kind of power is so unfamiliar to us, it does seem rather evil."

"However, the boss has many types of troops, some are weird, but nothing big."

"That's right! Anyone who has any objections to the goddess Jinliu'er is going against Shi Tianqi, the leader of my Kuangtie territory!"

As the leader of Kuangtie territory, Shi Tianqi, who had been saved many times by Jin Liuer, naturally he would not allow anyone to insult his goddess.

Everyone also reacted at this time, and now they were facing a group of inhuman evil demons.

We need stronger teammates who can defeat these evil spirits.

"Goddess Jinliu'er is so handsome. She turns feathers into silk threads and then directly kills evil spirits!"

"If I knew how to do this, I would definitely walk sideways!"

"Woooo! Not only is the goddess so beautiful, but she is also so powerful. How can we, the land lords who don't understand, live like this?"

"I really like the goddess so much, I don't know if the goddess needs leg pendants!"

However, compared to the praise that the lord of this territory paid to the goddess Jinliu'er, the demons held a completely different attitude.

The demon who was far away was thankful that he was not harmed.

"Oh my God, this is so inhumane!"

"But these demons died for the holy war... They are all heroes, and I will definitely remember this achievement!"

“In the name of Allah, please forgive me for my sins!”

"Oh, brother, don't be sad about this, they will live well in heaven..."

The alien demon clan whispered to each other, with a pretentious look of shame on their faces, and they kept saying words of repentance.

They didn't even have the slightest sympathy for the death of their companions.

They don't even have much fear of death.

Cold-blooded, brutal, bloody...

The category of demons seems to gather all the expressions of evil.

Even their expressions of fear feel a bit eerie.

Xiao Mo, who was standing in the territory, couldn't help but frown in surprise when he saw Jin Liuer's attack.

He really didn't expect that Jin Liu'er would have such a powerful move.

It really shocked him!

But he didn't think that the power used by Jin Liu'er was evil. Apart from feeling powerful, he had no other feeling.

Xian'er's beautiful eyes were full of admiration.

"As expected of the Heavenly Punishment Immortal Demon Soldier, her ability should not be underestimated!"

Xiao Mo nodded, "It seems that before this, Jin Zi's abilities were still hidden!"

"Are the Heavenly Punishment Immortal and Demon Arms really that powerful?"

Xian'er immediately said with great respect:

"Dear His Majesty the Holy Lord, you may not know something. The Divine Punishment Immortal and Demon Arms are an extremely special arm."

"Because of their own very powerful abilities, they are lacking in soul! This is what I have told you before."

"However, due to the Immortal Demon Reincarnation Pond, Jin Liu'er's shortcomings have been repaired!"

Xiao Mo expressed his understanding and looked at Jin Liu'er who was still killing him, showing a very satisfied smile.

At this time, the mother goddess Mirsilina, who originally stood up and prepared to kill everyone, was stunned when she saw this scene.

"Where did this monster come from? How can it be so powerful?"

"Why haven't I heard that you have such a powerful god? Is she also the lord of the territory?"

As soon as Zhao Tiancheng heard about the owner of the territory, he immediately lay down on the ground and pretended not to hear.

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, glanced at Zhao Tiancheng and said nothing when he saw the death look on his face.

"No, this is not the case. This is the army of the territorial lord. Generally, his strength is higher than that of their master. He is very powerful and has a larger number."

After hearing this, the mother goddess Myrslina felt more and more uneasy.

She did not expect that in just a few hundred thousand years, the original continent would undergo such earth-shaking changes.

A species she had never seen before appeared just like that.

"Ah! It hurts!"


"help me!"


However, at this moment, before Mother Goddess Mirsilina could continue to ponder, she heard another burst of screams.

Everyone looked back, and everything they saw was a scene of tragedy.

I saw that the feather arrows in the hands of the fairy and demon elves that were originally hovering in the tall buildings of the fairy and demon territory had been replaced by red and flaming arrows.

The arrows, which were like feather slits, burst out with wisps of flames that passed through the protective shield like flying catkins and floated into the alien demon clan.

But they saw those alien demons who had no time to dodge being attached to the red fireworks.

The next second.

"Bang! Boom!"

Their dry wings were instantly ignited, and fire rose from their bodies in an instant!

Although the damage is not high, the scene is terrifying enough!


Countless alien demons were frightened by this scene, and they let out deafening roars.

He kept retreating, trying to get away from this weird flame.

With their wings on fire, they were unable to fly into the air and could only howl on the ground.

The ground was trampled by intensive footsteps and began to shake violently, and the sound of wind whistling in the air as the alien demon clan flapped its wings.

It could only be waved in vain, but could not fly into the air again.

The battlefield fell into chaos in the blink of an eye!

Only the screams of the alien demon clan could be heard, as well as the smell of burning in the air.

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