The God of the End, Jesse Jones, calmed down instantly after hearing these words.

I also think this is possible.

"I think this guy has turned into a mad dog, and he might actually do this!"

"But what on earth will he do, is to ask his sister to attack us?"

Hearing these fluttering words, the God of Annihilation, Blood Butcher, looked at the God of the End, Jesse Jones, in disbelief, and roared:

"Isn't this enough?"

"Is it possible that you are now powerful enough to hang your sister up and beat her?"

The God of the End, Jesse Jones, covered his head and said irritably:

"That's not true, but I always feel that my sister has become a lot smarter this time. They shouldn't just attack us like that."

The God of the End, Jesse Jones, said hesitantly, but the God of Annihilation, Blood Tu, had a calm expression on his face.

"I always feel that something is wrong. I always feel that things are not as simple as you said."

Jesse Jones, the God of the End, lay down much more flatly and said to him very nonchalantly:

"Anyway, even if Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, hates us, he still hates Xiao Mo the most."

"Although we have made the Elf Goddess unhappy this time, she will definitely help us for the sake of peace in the Yuanchu Continent, so there is no need to worry about these things anymore."

The God of Annihilation, Blood Tu, saw the God of the End, Jesse Jones, looking like he had lost his fighting spirit.

Feeling very heartbroken, he was about to say something when he suddenly felt a powerful aura landing on their territory.

It was an evil demonic aura that was originally only far away, but it had already arrived in front of them in an instant.

The Lord of Nirvana, Blood Tu, looked serious, "The evil devil is coming!"

Jesse Jones, the God of the End, also felt it, and his eyes widened immediately.

"Why did it come so quickly? I was talking about them just now, but they have to come now!"

"No? They're not really going to attack us, are they?"

The expression of the Lord of Nirvana, Blood Tu, was not very good.

"No! That's not the case. I didn't feel the killing intent in them. There must be other things waiting for us."

The Lord of Nirvana, Blood Butcher, waved his hand and then issued the order.

"All evil gods obey. As long as evil spirits come in, they will all be killed. No mercy!"

The people below immediately said with respect:

"As you command!"

This time, it was the Mother Goddess Mirsilina who came to the Yuanchu Continent, and she was followed by the Glorious Empire’s Lord Hess Adam and Zhao Tiancheng.

Zhao Tiancheng looked helpless about this trip. Why did he feel that he had been running on the dangerous front line?

It really feels like adding blood to the knife edge.

But he didn't know if he had agreed to help Xiao Mo, but this feeling really fascinated him.

Mother Goddess Mirsilina was standing tall outside, and the wounds on her face had been covered by her mask, making it impossible to tell that he had been injured.

She originally thought that as long as she came to this place, the God of the End, Jesse Jones, and the Lord of Nirvana, Blood Butcher, would run out and greet her.

Unexpectedly, what greeted them was the fanatical attack of a group of evil gods.

Mother Goddess Mirsilina dodged the attack of a puppet and crushed him easily.

Then he turned to look angrily at Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire.

"What's going on? Didn't you say that these evil gods are from the same source as us? They will definitely be very happy to help us!"

"What is going on now? Why did they come to attack us without saying a word!"

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, was really impatient with the Mother Goddess Myrsrina. He silently rolled his eyes in his heart, and then said:

"Can't you blame them? As intruders, you suddenly descended on their starry sky. You must have thought that you were going to invade them, so you launched an attack!"

Seeing the Mother Goddess Myrsrina and the Evil God dog biting the dog, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, felt a perverted pleasure in his heart.

Mother Goddess Mirsilina looked at the endless stream of evil god puppets and felt very impatient in her heart. She roared and shouted:

"Then what do you think we should do now? Can I make these damn despicable evil gods leave immediately? These disgusting smells are really disgusting!"

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, once again rolled his eyes silently in his heart when he heard Mother Goddess Mirsilina's mindless speech.

"Then I don't know. I'm just giving you a piece of news. As for other things, I can't help you."

"And I used to have a very bad relationship with their leaders. You still need to come forward to form an alliance like this!"

Mother Goddess Mirsilina vaguely felt that she must have been tricked, but she had no evidence.

But if she does something wrong again this time, she will definitely be disgusted by the Dark Emperor.

So she couldn't get angry for a while and kill these puppets.

Because if she really killed them all, she might really offend the Lord of Annihilation, Blood Slaughter, and the God of the End, Jesse Jones.

By that time it will definitely not be conducive to their alliance.

Therefore, Mother Goddess Mirsilina could only use the evil spirit, and then shouted:

"The God of the End, Jesse Jones, and the Lord of Annihilation, His Highness Bloodslaughter, where are you now? I am not here to invade your territory this time, but to discuss matters and form an alliance with you."

Mother Goddess Mirsilina felt that she was shouting so loudly, just like a microphone. She felt very aggrieved and a little embarrassed for a moment.

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, knew that the Mother Goddess Myrslina was not feeling well, but as long as the Mother Goddess Myrslina was not able to talk about it, he would feel better.

When Zhao Tiancheng saw this scene, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell for a while.

At this time, the God of Annihilation, Blood Tu, and the God of the End, Jesse Jones, who were staying in the palace, heard what the Mother Goddess Mirsilina said.

The two people looked at each other, their eyes full of disbelief.

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