After hearing these words, the owner of the territory Wen Jingjing was stunned for a moment, and then scratched the yellow hair on his head in confusion.

Hey, it seems that this beautiful goddess sister has a little control over Xiao Mo!

After seeing his little ghost being killed so easily, the Evil God Lord Issweisha couldn't believe it.

"How... how is it possible?!"

He looked at the ghost that turned into a ball of death with eyes wide open, and he couldn't believe it.

"Why? Why can you hurt my ghost?"

It was obvious that he had become invincible with this ghost he had refined, and he quickly became the master of evil spirits.

But I didn't expect that Xian'er would kill him so easily when he was brought out this time.

This is simply reshaping his outlook on life.

"How did you do that?!"

The Demon God Lord Issweisha looked at the holy Xian'er who looked like a god descending from heaven, and asked this sentence in a daze.

However, Xian'er just looked at him very coldly, and then a magic sword appeared in her hand.

The holy light flows on the blade of the divine sword. It is obviously an extremely powerful artifact!

Xian'er pointed the artifact at the evil Lord Issweisha, and then said coldly:

"All forces that insult His Majesty the Holy Lord and are hostile to us should disappear from this world!"

The Evil God Lord Issweisha gritted his teeth and said: "Don't be too arrogant, everything has just begun!"

Although Xian'er holds an artifact in her hand, for the Evil Lord Issweisha, who is already in the late stage of the Divine Lord, it is still difficult for him.

A mere artifact is really not enough in his eyes!

When he finished speaking, a black weapon like a crescent moon slowly rose behind him.

It looks like Death's scythe.

"You deserve to die!"

The two of them refused to obey the other, and both were full of fighting spirit.

One fights for the glory of his Holy Lord, while the other fights to defeat this arrogant mystery.

Once two people fight, it will be nothing but darkness.

War at the god-lord level is extremely terrifying.

The entire world will almost be destroyed by them.

The nearby gods who gradually returned to the process immediately ran away without risking their lives.

I am afraid of being affected by these two powerful gods at the level of god masters.

The owner of the territory, Wen Jingjing, immediately ran quickly on her two short legs.

"Oh my god, why did you hit me so fast? You didn't even prepare me at all!"

"Why is it so scary?"

"I have never seen such a scene in my life. I am so scared of people!"

The two gods at the level of god masters were fighting fiercely, and the soldiers under their command and the alien demon clan were not idle either.

They fought together without any warning.

The war broke out without any sound.

Without even a hint of warning, the warm atmosphere of war was revived in this place.

The leader of the territory, Wen Jingjing, ran into his territory and looked nervously at the scene in front of him.

I silently prayed in my heart that the immortal and demon soldiers would drive away all the alien demons.

Then let yourself stay in the territory and continue fishing.

Although Xian'er's battle just now gave her a great shock.

However, did it shake her heart that she wanted to lie down at that moment?

Even though Wen Jingjing, the owner of the territory, didn't know much, the previous battles were very fierce.

However, he and she could also see that the strength of the immortal and demon soldiers was far higher than that of the alien demon clan.

Even if the alien demon clan can still forcefully support it at this time, it has gradually declined under the pressure of the immortal and demon arms.

But it's just a matter of time. Sooner or later, all the alien demon clan will be defeated.

The owner of the territory, Wen Jingjing, was shocked when she saw this situation and shouted loudly:

"Come on, goddess! Hurry and beat them all to death!"

The two gods were originally at loggerheads, thinking only about how to defeat each other.

The longer the battle went on, the more shocked the evil Lord Issweisha felt.

Because the girl in front of her is too powerful and she can't deal with her at all.

He also knows that in this situation, it will be a matter of time before he fails.

At this time, he used all his strength to temporarily separate himself from Xian'er, and then pulled a longer distance away.

"Who are you, and why have you become so harmful? It doesn't conform to common sense at all!"

Seeing the cowardly look on the face of Lord Issweisha, Xian'er gave a mocking smile.

"Weren't you very powerful just now? Why did you suddenly stop fighting now?"

"Don't be afraid. If we continue, we will fight to the death!"

There is no good piece of flesh on the body of the Evil God Lord Issweisha now, and even the clothes are cut into pieces and are hanging on the body in strands.

It looked really miserable.

The Evil God Lord Issweisha has never been so embarrassed in his life.

But now he no longer has the courage to continue fighting with Xian'er.

Because he knows that he can't beat Xian'er now. If he continues to fight Xian'er forcefully, he will die sooner or later.

So the evil Lord Issweisha rolled his eyes, and then said in a bewitching tone:

"This beautiful and elegant goddess, I don't need to do this at all. We are already gods above the gods. We are almost below one person and above ten thousand people."

"I admit that you are very powerful. If I fight you, I will definitely lose!"

"But beautiful goddess, you have to understand that even if I can say it, you may not be very good-looking."

"When the time comes, as a god who is about to die, I will definitely use all my strength to hurt you."

"So, you have to understand that if we continue to fight now, it will definitely not end well."

Xian'er didn't want to listen to what he was forcing Lai Lai to say for a long time, so she didn't interrupt the words of the evil Lord Issweisha.

Then he said impatiently:

"What on earth are you going to say? Don't give me any other excuses to say it!"

The evil god Lord Issweisha choked. He didn't expect Xian'er to be so soft and unwilling to eat.

But in order to survive, or to escape safely.

Finally, the evil Lord Issweisha said:

"If you join us, I will definitely give you the supreme glory! Let you become the master of this world."

"And let the person who controls you disappear completely! He will never be able to control you again!"

Xian'er tilted her head, seeming to be thinking about what the evil Lord Issweisha said.

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