Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, was also a little surprised that the Dark Emperor would listen to him, but he reacted immediately and said with a smile:

"We should launch a large-scale war to deal with the fairy and demon empire in the form of a team battle."

"Oh? What do you say?"

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, lowered his head and explained the Dark Emperor very carefully.

"Great Dark Emperor, you don't know something. Although the Immortal Demon Empire is indeed very powerful, they have only been developing for two months. In terms of real strength, they are still not as good as our alien demon clan."

The Dark Emperor nodded and signaled Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, to continue.

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, continued:

"As far as I know, the Immortal Demon Empire only has more than 700,000 soldiers, which is completely incomparable to the hundreds of millions of demons like us."

"More than 700,000?!"

The Dark Emperor and other evil masters were dumbfounded for a moment after hearing these words.

They did not expect that the powerful Immortal Demon Empire only had such a small number of troops, which made them really surprised.

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, nodded and said: "Your Majesty, the Dark Emperor, you don't need to be surprised. The Immortal and Demonic Empire does only have this number of soldiers. If we want to attack them, it should be very simple."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhao Tiancheng who was also surprised, and then continued:

"If you don't believe it, Your Majesty the Dark Emperor, then you can ask the owner of the territory next to me."

Zhao Tiancheng was indeed surprised, but he was not surprised by Xiao Mo, but by the more than 700,000 immortal and demon soldiers.

But there were actually hundreds of millions of evil spirits, a number that simply exceeded his imagination.

Hearing the question from Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, Zhao Tianli immediately put away the surprise on his face, and then said respectfully:

"His Majesty the Great Dark Emperor, what Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, said is indeed correct. The Immortal and Demonic Empire is now developing, and it only takes a month to finish it slowly."

"It's nothing compared to the alien demon clan that has been developing for countless years!"

"So if Your Majesty, the Dark Emperor, wants to win with numbers, then we have a very advantage!"

The reason why Zhao Tiancheng said that was because Xiao Mo had told him a long time ago that he wanted the alien demon clan to attack the Immortal Demon Empire with all their strength.

So even though he was surprised by the large number of alien demons, he still did it in the end.

The Dark Emperor frowned unhappily, "What do you mean by this? How can I win with numbers?"

After hearing these words, Zhao Tianli immediately understood what the Dark Emperor meant.

He couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart.

This dark emperor is really interesting. Even though he has become a bitch, he still wants to build a memorial arch. He is really shameless.

But on the surface, he still said very flatteringly:

"It's Xiao's fault. Xiao should not say such strange things. Of course, our great alien demon clan will not win with numbers. It must be because our own strength is too strong!"

After hearing these words, the Dark Emperor's face looked a little better.

"Keep talking!"

Zhao Tiancheng felt in his heart that this dark emperor was really difficult to serve, and then said:

"So it is the best choice for us to attack the Immortal and Demonic Empire now."

But at this time, Mother Goddess Mirsilina reminded:

"Wait a minute, I heard that there are more than 1 billion lords of your territory. Such a huge number is much larger than our alien demon clan!"

The Dark Emperor also reacted immediately, frowning and asked:

"That's true. There are more than 1 billion owners of your territory. If we attack rashly, it will not be detrimental to our own development!"

Zhao Tiancheng said calmly:

"Your Majesty the Dark Emperor, take a closer look at my level."

"Most of our territorial lords are at my level, and some are even worse than me. All of our territorial lords combined can't stand up to a god-king-level evil demon."

"So our 1 billion territorial owners are not worth mentioning at all."

After hearing this, the Dark Emperor and the alien demon were relieved.

He rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully:

"What you said does make sense. Let's think about it carefully and we can develop simultaneously."

"Send some of the people to deal with the lord of the territory, and some of them to deal with Xiao Mo's people."

Zhao Tiancheng's eyes lit up after hearing this. He did not expect that the Dark Emperor was so wise.

Mother Goddess Mirsilina also said at this time:

"I remember that there was once a territory called the Goddess' Home. I beat it so hard that I couldn't take care of myself. We can start with that territory first."

Zhao Tiancheng praised crazily in his heart, and then strongly supported:

"Your Highness, the beautiful Mother Goddess Mirsilina, what you said is absolutely correct. We can start from the Goddess's House, and we will definitely have a huge harvest by then."

The alien demon clan are all impatient and will go out immediately after making these plans.

Zhao Tiancheng also quickly passed the news to Xiao Mo.

[Boss, boss, these bastards from the alien evil clan have to do something important! 】

【We can also prepare! 】

Xiao Mo calmly replied [ok! 】.

He was not anxious at all, because he had prepared everything, except for the arrival of the evil spirit from another world.

Soon it was night, and at night, the blood moon in the sky became increasingly bloody and deep.

Under the blood moon, the scenery of the entire Immortal and Demonic Empire looked so terrifying and gloomy.

In such a very strange situation, Xiao Mo stood alone in the yard and took a rest.

It looked like Xiao Mo wanted to experience this very unusual night.

Although this bloody night is very strange, the moonlight is also so bright.

But Xiao Mo was thinking about other things at this moment.

Now he has a preliminary understanding of the strength of the alien demon clan, and feels that they must be sure to win this time.

But for the development of the Immortal and Demonic Empire, they cannot be so hasty and must win very beautifully.

Soon, just as he was preparing, Blood Moon changed again.

At this time, everyone in Yuanchu Continent could see that the moon in the sky had completely turned dark red.

Everyone looked nervously at the moon in the sky, feeling very scared.

Because they know that if the moon appears in this situation, it means that the alien demon clan will definitely mobilize their entire army this time.

At that time, the entire original continent will once again face a real disaster.

If you want to survive, you must pay a huge price!

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