He seemed to be thinking about something.

After a long time, she said it.

"You seem to be a little different. Let's negotiate a condition."

Xiao Mo was a little curious at this time, "Oh? What are the conditions? Tell me!"

"Let's cooperate."

Xiao Mo: "?"

There was a fight just now, why did this woman get her to cooperate again?

"Why? Why should I cooperate?"

"Because you have the main artifact, it is worthy of my cooperation with you."

Xiao Mo was a little surprised, why was this woman so interested in the main artifact?

Aren't the owners of these territories the same as myself? Own many master artifacts?

Then quietly ask the [Game Official] again at this time.

"What on earth is going on with all this? Please explain it to me quickly!"

[Game Official] said this at this time.

[Actually, every reward I give you is dropped randomly. 】

[But you are lucky every time, and what you get is the rarest one. 】

In fact, every reward Xiao Mo gets is the kind that is rare in ten thousand years.

Xiao Mo couldn't help but smile when he heard such words.

It seems that he really has some golden fingers. He didn't expect that there would be so much good luck waiting for him.

"Then do you have anything worthy of me cooperating with you?"

When Ouyang Mixue, the Lord of Yellow Sand, heard this sentence, she asked inexplicably:

"I'm so much stronger than you, so of course I'm worth cooperating with you!"

She looked Xiao Mo up and down disdainfully with her earthy golden eyes.

"You are only an inferior to the Supreme God Lord, a waste who has just entered the realm of the gods. Do you think you can really defeat me?"

Xiao Mo sneered, "Then give it a try!"

After saying this, he took the initiative to attack.

The main artifact in his hand buzzed,

As he finished speaking, the infinite power of immortals and demons in his body formed an ocean, directly covering the entire land of yellow sand.

The vigorous momentum was directly raised to the extreme.

Then, the power of holy light gushing out from the surroundings also joined in, and the terrifying aura caused the surrounding light to be severely distorted.

Everything becomes blurry.

After the powerful power of holy light surges to a certain limit.

It surged out and enveloped Ouyang Mixue, the owner of the yellow sand.

The Lord of Yellow Sand, Ouyang Mixue, didn't even have time to react at the first moment.

The majestic power of the holy light came like thousands of mountain waterfalls.

Every cell in the body is frantically devouring the incoming energy.

She felt her power dissipate at an unimaginable speed.

At the same time, the strength in Xiao Mo's body has been rising.

Ouyang Mixue, the Lord of Huangsha, was shocked and immediately summoned countless Huangsha soldiers.

The weakest Huangsha soldiers are at the level of god kings, and the tallest ones are also at the level of supreme god lords. They are very powerful.

Hundreds of thousands of yellow sand soldiers appeared on the yellow sand, and in an instant, a terrifying sandstorm swept across the sky.

They bite the holy power attached to Ouyang Mixue, the Lord of Yellow Sand.

It took the efforts of nine bulls and two tigers to rescue Ouyang Mixue, the owner of the yellow sand.

Then, under the command of Ouyang Mixue, the Lord of Yellow Sand, they rushed towards Xiao Mo overwhelmingly.

Xiao Mo looked at those little natives without feeling the least bit afraid.

Then there was no thought of retreating.

That posture is simply like, one person can block a thousand troops!

In the endless yellow sand, a stalwart figure exudes holy light.

The next moment, countless holy powers rolled up like a tsunami, directly drowning the passing Loess soldiers.

Even those loess soldiers were all killed before they even reached Xiao Mo's side!

In just a few breaths, a large area of ​​land became empty around Xiao Mo.

What makes people feel horrified is that the countless powerful loess soldiers were wiped out alive.

This scene shocked the Lord of Yellow Sand, Ouyang Mixue.

She had no idea that Xiao Mo had such great abilities.

Easily, she killed all the yellow sand soldiers she summoned.

However, this was not over yet. Xiao Mo once again held the king's scepter and rushed directly towards Ouyang Mixue, the lord of the yellow sand.

The Lord of Yellow Sand, Ouyang Mixue, felt Xiao Mo's surging power at this time, so why did she dare to confront him head-on.

How could she expect that a territory lord who was a low-level god lord and a new territory lord could be so powerful.

This was simply something she could never have imagined in her life.

The Lord of Yellow Sand, Ouyang Mixue, was wrapped in yellow sand, like a flexible snake, trying to escape.

Xiao Mo snorted coldly when he saw this scene, how could he let Ouyang Mixue, the owner of the yellow sand, run away like that.

Throwing the king's scepter directly in his hand, the king's scepter was like a cannonball, hitting the back of Ouyang Mixue, the lord of the yellow sand.

Ouyang Mixue, the Lord of the Yellow Sand, naturally felt the powerful force, and she immediately changed her body shape to avoid it.

However, it and the king's scepter were like tracking missiles, biting her tightly.

And in front of such a master artifact, Ouyang Mixue, the Lord of Yellow Sand, was simply vulnerable.

In less than a moment, he was hit by the king's scepter.

The injured Lord of the Yellow Sand, Ouyang Mixue, felt like her whole body was about to be broken into pieces. She was very panicked and scared.

She kept trying to stand up again, but as soon as she moved the king's scepter, she would hit him again.

This forced her to stop moving and lie down on the ground.

He could only watch helplessly as Xiao Mo walked towards him step by step.

Ouyang Mixue, the Lord of Yellow Sand, looked at Xiao Mo in horror, and then asked:

"What...what do you want to do?"

She was really scared at this moment.

She had no idea that she would be harmed by a territorial lord who was a subordinate of the Supreme God Lord.

Xiao Mo quickly arrived in front of Ouyang Mixue, the Lord of the Yellow Sand, and looked at her condescendingly.

"Tell me, can I beat you?"

The Lord of Yellow Sand, Ouyang Mixue, immediately knew that Xiao Mo still remembered what she had just said.

She cried and shouted: "Dear God, of course you can have such power!"

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