Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 194 Senior Brother Ye Jin had a dream. He missed his master very much!

After hearing Yang Yu's words, Minghe old man suddenly looked straight at him, as if he was surprised that Yang Yu would ask such a question.

The corners of his mouth gradually turned up in a slight arc.


Over his shoulders, He Tou's originally depressed expression was full of madness. He suddenly looked at Yang Yu and suddenly showed a smile.

Yang Yu also laughed, but smiled more dullly and said nothing.

The two sides just looked at each other, as if nothing could be said.

A large amount of white mist emitted from the top of Hetou's head, as if it had turned into a steamer. The white mist was so thick that the old man Minghe's body was buried in it.

More and more tendons and blood vessels are protruding outward, making old man Minghe's body look like an old tree with its roots.

"Disciple, what do you want to say?"

Although his tone was very calm, Old Man Minghe's eyes gradually became sharper.

There was a distance of several meters between the two sides, and the atmosphere became increasingly uncomfortable, as if the situation was tense.

The words had been spoken, and Yang Yu didn't want to give in.

He really wanted to try.

And based on the current situation of Minghe Clan, he is now the only disciple with a decent fighting ability.

Even if he couldn't beat the old guy, the consequences wouldn't be too serious.

It can be said that the reason why Yang Yu said this was because he carefully considered it after seeing the old guy's actual situation.

Looking at the old man Minghe and Hetou, Yang Yu gradually laughed.

"Master! Senior Brother Ye Jin gave his disciple a dream last night. Do you know what he said to his disciple?"

"What did you say?"

Old Man Minghe looked at him with interest and asked word by word.

"He said that he misses Master very much!"

In a dream? How could he dream if he didn't sleep?

But I just wanted to find an excuse.

Old Man Minghe smiled, and the white mist emanating from Hetou's head became thicker and thicker, almost covering his entire body.

"What a surprise to my teacher, he can still have dreams? Haha."

Old Man Minghe seemed to have something on his mind and sighed softly.

"Forget it! Then go and give me a message for the teacher!"

The next moment, a crimson fire suddenly erupted from his body, and he immediately seemed to turn into a fire dragon and suddenly rushed towards Eucalyptus poplar.

Yang Yu's eyelids were unblinking, already prepared for this move.

Just when the old guy took action, he also took action almost at the same time.

Countless rays of golden light appeared, condensing into a rotating wall of golden light in front of him, colliding head-on with the flames.

The flames hit the golden light and were immediately distorted by the force of the rotation, unable to advance any further. The raging flames immediately overflowed in all directions.

At the same time, Yang Yu instantly activated the light-collecting form of the single-light technique, absorbing all the light of the technique into his body, turning his whole body into a light man filled with brilliant light.

He instantly turned into a twisted light, and suddenly pressed forward against the wall of golden light.

The raging flames were immediately squeezed and quickly retreated towards Old Man Minghe.

Yang Yu took this opportunity to come to Minghe old man.

Nine Powers Shock the Dragon!

The light-reducing form of the single-light technique combined with the nine-power Jinglong, the flesh and blood all over Yang Yu's body trembled in an instant, and all the power stored in the body poured into his hands.

He made a fist with one hand and suddenly punched the old man Minghe!

Old Minghe still had a smile on his face at this time, even though Yang Yu had broken through his lighting method, and the distance between the two was only a short distance away.

On the contrary, the head of the crane looked like a crazy one, and its long beak suddenly turned into spikes, and it suddenly came towards the poplar tree.


A large hole instantly exploded in the only intact pavilion of Jade Flesh Gate. Old Man Minghe's body turned into a black shadow and flew out, crashing into a broken eaves and broken wall dozens of meters away.

While they were cleaning up the battlefield in the Jade Flesh Gate, Wen Yin and Zhou Quan noticed this scene and both turned their heads to look. They were both stunned on the spot, their eyes widened.

what happened?

Why did the senior brother and master suddenly start having sex? !

Zhou Quan was dumbfounded.

What shocked him even more and made him speechless was that the person who was knocked out was not his senior brother, but his master!

The moment Old Man Minghe flew out, Yang Yu's figure also turned into a bright straight line and chased after him.

Old Man Minghe had fallen to the ground at this time, and his chest was sunken.

In the sunken place, you can see that the sternum has been shattered, and sharp bone residue has pierced the flesh and drilled out, like white flowers blooming.

And Hetou's head was pressed tightly into the depression, and half of his face had been blown into pieces, covered in blood.

The madness in his eyes was still frozen, but combined with the broken flesh and blood, it became even more ferocious.

Sure enough, he was suppressed!

Yang Yu was shocked. He had already caused such injuries to the old guy, but his flesh and blood did not recover quickly.

He immediately stopped hesitating, punched down again, and headed towards Crane Head!

At the same time, several rays of golden light penetrated directly through the limbs of the old man Minghe, nailing him to the ground.

Compared with the old guy, he has the deepest hatred for the old monster Hetou, and he is also the most afraid of him.

It is completely unreasonable for the old monster to swallow people.


This punch hit Hetou directly on the head, piercing his head and then into the body of the old man Minghe.

This feeling... feels so good!


Yang Yu followed up with another punch, without any breathing at all, venting the anger in his heart wantonly.




In the blink of an eye, Yang Yu punched ten times in a row, completely shattering Hetou's head and punching a big bloody hole in the chest of the old man Minghe.

The blood splashed down high, but before it touched Yang Yu's body, it was evaporated by the light overflowing from the body.

Yang Yu looked crazy and ferocious, enjoying this unprecedented feeling of pleasure.

It was simply a pleasure he had never experienced before!

"Old man! Die!"

The last punch hit Old Man Minghe on the head, and Old Man Minghe was unable to dodge dozens of punches in succession. This punch also penetrated into his flesh and blood, sinking deeply.


Yang Yu's hands directly opened from his flesh and blood and grabbed his skull.

In an instant, his whole body burst into a burst of bright and dazzling light.

The propagation speed of light is the fastest, so just seeing Yang Yu's body begin to emit light, in an instant, it seemed as if a sun that could not be looked directly appeared in the Jade Flesh Gate.

The faces of Wen Yin and Zhou Quan in the distance changed greatly. Zhou Quan was still standing there stupidly. Fortunately, Wen Yin led him to escape hastily and was almost affected.

It wasn't until I ran out of the Jade Flesh Gate that I saw that the mountains had long been shrouded in light, even brighter than the light of day between heaven and earth, filled with colorful splendor and trembling power.

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Go to hell!"

Yang Yu's face was full of madness, and there was only one thought in his mind at this moment.

If he could take this opportunity to kill the old guy, he wouldn't hold anything back!

Old Man Minghe was suppressed by him and unable to move. The flesh and blood all over his body began to melt rapidly, as if he was really forced into a desperate situation.

The light lasted for several breaths, and the mana in Yang Yu's body was consumed rapidly. He could feel that the old guy's aura was getting weaker and weaker, as if it was about to dissipate.

Just a little bit closer! Just a little bit closer!

Yang Yu gritted his teeth, and several rays of golden light suddenly penetrated into his brain, stirring his brain crazily.

Suddenly, the mana consumption rate in the body suddenly increased again, and the light emitted from the body became more and more dazzling, as if it had truly turned into a sun.

Damn that shit!

The earth seemed to be sinking at this moment, and the sun had melted together with the earth.

But just at this moment!


An invisible wave suddenly passed through his body, instantly freezing him in place. Even the light radiating from his body seemed to be stagnant at this moment.

It’s the power of forbidden weapon fragments again!

Yang Yu realized something was wrong, and it was obviously a little bit close, but the old guy still reacted to it.

"Gong Niang! Come on me!"

He immediately called Gong Niang in his heart, hoping to use Gong Niang to get rid of the old guy's rule.

But before Gong Niang could take action, a sharp crane chirping sound suddenly erupted in front of him.

Yang Yu's body was suddenly knocked out uncontrollably, and the magic power in his body suddenly seemed to be disconnected and unable to be sensed, and the light on his body quickly dissipated.

The flesh and blood all over his body disintegrated rapidly as if out of control at this moment, and pieces of flesh and blood the size of a thumb fell from his body, like red hail and blood rain.

The space between heaven and earth was extremely bright at first, but then quickly became dim.

One bright and one dark, it seems that the whole sky has become darker.

But at this moment, a warm feeling quickly spread over Yang Yu's body. His vision also turned black at this moment, and he could neither see nor feel anything.

Fortunately, it was only in an instant that everything was restored, and vision and perception were also restored at the same time.

A sharp pain spread throughout his body, but he also regained control of himself at this moment, and his scattered flesh and blood quickly recovered.

The old guy is not dead!

The air mark he just took the opportunity to leave on the old guy has not dissipated!

Yang Yu took the bow mother off her body, and the Moro Buddha's orifice quickly absorbed and condensed the magic power, quickly forming a cyclone to replenish the few magic powers in the body.

And he pulled the bow string of the bow girl. The pure white bow blades were completely tightened, and the bow string was pulled to perfection.

The unused arrows cannot be used for the time being and are still in a "charging state"!

Fortunately, on the way here, Yang Gu added some celestial light.

The golden light in his hand condensed into a gorgeous long arrow, exuding colorful luster, and at the same time merged into a blazing white light.

Even without Yang Gu's call, the long arrow in her hand instantly pulled out a brilliant tail flame that was several meters long. The bow lady had already started the amplification immediately!

"Bite me again!"

Yang Yu was furious, his face was full of murderous intent and his face was distorted.

As soon as the voice in his heart came out, a sharp pain suddenly came from the depths of his soul, and for a moment, his consciousness even became blurred.

"Zhuo! Where did you bite?"

The sudden severe pain almost made Yang Yu unable to hold back, her whole body trembled, and her expression, which was originally full of murderous intent, changed.

Nine points of pain, one point of shock.

What an unlucky bitch!

"Don't worry so much, little bitch! Just let the pain be the end of it!"

Gong Niang's voice came next, and she didn't know if Yang Yu heard it correctly, but there was a hint of frivolity in her tone.

But Yang Yu couldn't care about that much at the moment. The extreme pain coming from his soul instantly caused the long arrow in his hand to shine brightly, even covering half of Yang Yu's body.

The bow and arrow seemed to have become a part of his body, and the air mark left on the old guy's body was instantly locked in his perception.

And at this moment, where the old guy originally fell, a figure stood up again.

Hetou twisted his neck and raised his head. His entire head, which had been shattered, was now restored to its original state.

There is no longer white mist emanating from its head, and its sluggish state has recovered.

But at this time, under the old man Minghe, a large number of muscles and blood vessels extended from under the crane's neck, and they were frantically devouring the flesh and blood of the corpses.

Old Minghe's face was neither sad nor happy, but his eyes were also looking at Yang Gu.

"Hahahaha! Old guy! We almost died! It's so scary!"

Hetou began to make familiar taunts again, his energy had been completely restored, and his eyes looking at Yang Yu were filled with disdain.

"Yeah, I almost went to see Ye Ban, haha."

Old Man Minghe smiled coldly, his eyes always staring at Yang Yu.

"You really know how to look for opportunities, you are a good disciple!

It would be nice if the traitor who entrusted you with the dream could have such decisiveness, but he was always too reckless, which made the teacher dislike him very much.

You are very good!

In fact, I like to see your growth as a teacher. It’s good to be like this. "

"However, keep working hard next time! You are not qualified now!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Countless tendons and blood vessels retracted into Old Man Minghe's body, and he seemed to have almost recovered with the help of the flesh and blood of those corpses.

"Come on, let me try your arrow, let me see how far you can do it! By the way... let me see the gap between you and me!"

Old Man Minghe seemed to have a winning ticket, and a smile slowly appeared on his face.

Locking on the aura of Old Man Minghe, Yang Yu's face was ugly and he didn't release the arrow because it was already too late when he wanted to release the arrow just now.

Although he was freed from the confinement of the old guy's rules with the help of Gong Niang, when the arrow was formed, the old guy's aura had been completely restored.

The recovery speed was completely beyond his expectation. The dog actually used these corpses and had such a skill!

I'm afraid this arrow won't be able to kill the old guy.

But after hearing the old guy's words, Yang Yu suddenly smiled coldly.

This already means that the old guy will not kill him, and puts him in the same position as the former wild ban, or even higher.

But what is wild ban? !

"In that case, Master! Keep an eye on it!"

Yang Yu's eyes narrowed, and the bowstring tightened in his hand suddenly trembled. The long arrow and the light disappeared from his hand at this moment.

At the same time, Old Man Minghe had raised one hand, and Hetou also had a disdainful smile on his face.

arrow? !

To block this arrow, only one spell is enough!

The crane head suddenly enlarged its mouth, and a large amount of flesh and blood spurted out from its mouth. The moment Yang Gu let go, a thick wall of flesh formed in front of the old man.

On the wall of flesh, a large number of runes glowed with light, and instantly twisted into a black hole of flesh and blood, like a maw of an abyss.

This technique is the proud work of Old Man Minghe. It can swallow almost all attacks, and after swallowing the attacks, it will be fed back into his temporary power.

"Hahahaha! Old guy! You are still the yin!"

Crane Head couldn't help but laugh.

A ray of light trailed a long tail flame, and instantly appeared in front of Old Man Minghe, as if teleporting.

But there was a black hole of flesh and blood between him and Old Man Minghe, like a greedy mouth of the abyss, waiting to swallow the light in one bite.

"This light will be yours soon! Use light magic on him! Old man!"

Crane Head laughed strangely.

Time seemed to pass extremely slowly at this moment. Seeing that the arrow of light was about to fall into the black hole of flesh and blood, half of the arrow had even been swallowed up.

But at this moment, an irregular fragment suddenly appeared on Yang Gu's hand in the distance.

Isn't it just forbidden weapon fragments? I have it too!

Although it can only exert one-tenth of its power when used without fusion.

Although this will cost him his lifespan.

However, this is what the old guy asked for!

Master, Master! This disciple is really going all out to satisfy you!

A smile suddenly appeared on Yang Yu's face, and then she suddenly clenched the fragment in her hand.


An invisible force of rules suddenly spread out.

At the same time, Hetou's laughter stopped suddenly and his expression changed drastically.

The expression on Old Man Minghe's face suddenly solidified at this moment.

The black hole of flesh and blood, like the giant mouth of the abyss, had already swallowed the arrowhead of the long arrow of light, and now this power would be used by him.

But what no one expected was that a small gap suddenly appeared in the black hole of flesh and blood.

There was just such a gap the size of a fist. In an instant, a long arrow suddenly shot into the chest of old man Minghe.

No one, whether it was Old Man Minghe or Hetou, expected this scene to happen.

In their astonishment.

The next moment.

A ray of light that was even more terrifying than before swallowed up the entire Jade Flesh Sect in an instant.

Like the mighty power of heaven, the great sun came and illuminated the whole world!

This chapter has nearly 5,000 words. I have been busy all day today and reported to the hotel. I also know that many authors are here, including Jia Nan, Xu Gongzi Shengzhi, Nanshan Traveler, Kanmeng 01, and many female video authors. In the evening I just have time to type, sorry.

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