Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 262 In front of you is an abyss

Chapter 262 In front of you is an abyss...

Banned from the wild!

Yang Yu's eyes flashed with coldness as he looked at this big man who was full of wild aura.

He was still the same as before his death.


It seems even crazier now.

Fu Ming was still sitting by the campfire, smiling and watching them quietly.

The swaying bonfire flashed again, and the gray firelight rippled violently.

Yang Yu's eyes moved, and he kicked out sideways. His feet were covered with a large amount of golden dust.

A slender figure appeared behind him at the same time, but was kicked ten meters away by his powerful and heavy kick.

It's You Hong'er's follower.

When he saw the ban, Yang Yu thought of her and was on guard.

She likes to do whatever Ye Qing does. If she wants to be better than Ye Qing, she will not live even if she dies.

Seeing You Hong'er being kicked out, Ye Ban became even more angry, roared, and gray flames burned all over his body.

In the flames, nine long giant dragons emerged from his body, and the huge dragon heads suddenly attacked Yang Gu.

Nine dragons and nine cuts!

This technique was extremely enviable when Yang Yu first joined the Minghe Sect, but it seems to be nothing more than that at this time.


A sneer appeared on Yang Yu's face.

I also have dragons.

Yuanlong swallows the light!

A huge dragon roar emitted from Yang Yu's body, and a large amount of light surrounded him, instantly forming a giant dragon that was more than ten feet long.

There were streaks of fiery red lights hanging around the dragon, and there was a round ball of light on its huge head.

When Jiulong Jiufa and Yuanlong Tunguang stood opposite each other, they suddenly became like nine small loaches.

The nine fire dragons roared, and Ye Jin's crazy face was also hideous in the flames.

Gray flames spurted out from the fire dragon's mouth.

But the huge lantern dragon raised its scale claws, and the fiery red lights all over its body were dimmed and brightened slightly, like breathing, suddenly photographed.

Colorful and gorgeous colors appeared in the gray world. This claw tore the gray color directly and fell on Ye Jin's body.

Ye Ban flew backwards in an instant, and the fire dragons on his body also collapsed one after another, and the figure suddenly crashed into the forest in the distance.

A woman wearing a long skirt, trailing a long snake tail, with sword blades shining with cold light on her back, and a dark look on her face appeared in an instant above the head of the lamp dragon.

Countless sword blades shot out from her back, heading straight for the head of the lamp dragon.

But in an instant, the huge ball of light above the head of the lamp suddenly burst into bright light, directly melting the sword blades.

A huge scaly claw suddenly poked out from the light, grabbed You Hong'er, and slammed her to the ground.

The ground cracked open, and a huge pit appeared. Gray blood was flowing all over You Hong'er's body, and her body was shaking in the pit.

The lantern dragon dissipated in an instant, and Yang Gu returned to his normal size with a look of disdain.

In the past, he had to use all his strength to have a chance to kill Ye Jin and You Hong'er, and even had to pay the price of injury.

But now, even because of the hidden seal, he can only display the peak strength of Fu Shi.

With the blessing of so many spells and body refining methods, it is not a problem at all to fight one against two.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. Junior brother is getting stronger and stronger. It's just your cultivation..."

Fu Ming, who was watching this scene, spoke slowly, and then threw some dry firewood into the bonfire as if nothing had happened.

He remembered that Yang Yu's cultivation level had already surpassed that of flesh and blood, but now it was just fu organs.

Yang Gu now believes that it is really these guys.

Whether it's Ye Qing, You Hong'er, or Fu Ming, they haven't changed at all. They are still "living" in this land of origin in another way.

Swish swish——

Countless strips of cloth suddenly sprang out from under the ground, coming from all directions and condensing into huge beasts.

Yang Yu's consciousness suddenly fell into drowsiness in an instant, and it passed in an instant.

But in just this moment, the beast's head opened its bloody mouth and appeared in front of him.

The next moment, dark red firelight and brilliant golden light spread out from Yang Gu's body, forming a huge ball in an instant.

When the light touched the beasts formed by these cloth strips, the beasts turned into ashes and fell.

In the light, Yang Yu's figure sprang out at an extremely fast speed, covered with golden dust, and punched a huge rock somewhere.

The rocks shattered into ashes, and a man with pipes all over his body was strangled by the neck and smashed into the ground.

Countless rays of golden light condensed together, passed by Fu Ming who was sitting by the campfire, shot quickly into the shadows deep in the forest, and then exploded.

In the gray world, a bright golden light emerged, and the scorching heat melted a large number of trees.

Yang Yu retracted her gaze and let go of her hand. She kicked Sixth Senior Brother Jin Tong away from the ground and drew a long ravine on the ground.

"Who else?"

He looked at Fu Ming.

"No more, it's just them, everyone who can come is here."

Fu Ming shook his head.

Ye Jin, You Hong'er, Fu Ming, Ji Bu, and Jin Tong entered here together.

Yang Yu thought about it for a moment and found out that the cultivation base of these five people was all Rouqing, and the worst Jintong was also at the early stage of Rouqing.

It seems that meat is the condition for entering here.

"Why are you here? And...are you still alive now?"

Yang Gu walked towards the bonfire.

The gray flame does not have any temperature. Everything in this world is abnormal, and even light cannot be considered light.

"Junior brother should be able to guess it, right?"

Fu Ming did not answer, but asked with a smile while adding firewood to the campfire.

He is the only one who can communicate with Yang Yu. He is the only normal one among the five.

"Is it because your souls are held by Minghe that you are here?"

"Junior brother, do you know what this place is called?"

Fu Ming did not answer Yang Yu's question.

"This is called Grayscale."

"We have all practiced "Jie Shu of the Wonderful Way". We can see true illusions, and we can also see turbidity. There are also Jingwo and Xiachu. We can see too much, and grayscale is only the shallowest level. "

Yang Yu frowned.

"What about You Hong'er? Her practice is different from ours."

"They are Master's experimental subjects. Now that they have come to Grayscale, they are just like us."

Fu Ming smiled disdainfully.

He is no longer the Fu Ming who vomits blood after saying a few words, those are just his disguises.

"The "Explanation of the Wonderful Way" is the core of the Earthly Dharma Stele, but there is only one person who can master the Earthly Dharma Stele. Everything we practice is just a part of the source of the Earthly Dharma.

We can live and die at any time. We can no longer make decisions for ourselves. "

"Are you looking for relief?"

Yang Yu suddenly sympathized with these guys.

Everyone was a trick raised by the old guy Minghe, but in the end only he subverted Minghe, which also meant that everyone except him was a loser.

Losers really cannot control their own destiny.

But when faced with Yang Gu's question, Fu Ming shook his head.

"Relief? Why relief? Why can't we continue to look for hope?"

He looked at Yang Gu, the look in his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

"We have been waiting here for you for a long time."


Yang Gu knows that he is out of tune here. He is the only color in the entire gray world.

But except for Fu Ming, the eyes he looked at everyone else were full of disgust and disgust.

"Why should I be their hope?"

In this sentence, he also bypassed Fu Ming and was talking about them.

"We can help you. After you become a zombie god, you will need a lot of power of rules. We can be your strength."

"I have mastered the Earthly Law Monument..."

Yang Gu said.

What he wanted to say was that now that the Earthly Law Monuments were at his disposal, he did not have to rely on them.

These guys have become part of Qiyuan, similar to the existence of forbidden weapon fragments. They may have become part of the power of rules in this world.

But he didn't say anything, Fu Ming interrupted him.

"But you have only mastered the Earthly Dharma Monument. Even if you are as powerful as Master, you will be affected by Yiyuan. Even Master has not gained control of Yiyuan."


Fu Ming's meaning is very simple. People like Old Man Minghe are affected. Qian Yuan's will has produced Crane Head. They can only fight equally.

He didn't think that Yang Yu's will could be stronger than Qi Yuan's will and that he could gain control of Qi Yuan.

Yang Yu didn't speak and fell silent.

He really wanted to tell Fu Ming that the price of merging the Earthly Dharma Monument had been wiped out by him. He would not generate the will to fuse, and naturally he would not be affected by the will to fuse.

He has gained absolute control of Qiyuan.

But you can't say this, it's his secret.

He still doesn't know what he can do if he fully grasps the source.

"I'm not Minghe..."

Yang Yu shook his head, not saying yes, but not rejecting either.

The gray bonfire gradually became quieter and stopped swaying wildly.

Fu Ming sighed softly, perhaps thinking that Yang Yu would not agree for a while, so he did not continue to speak.

The whole world fell silent.

Yang Yu wants to leave. He wants to leave here, return to the Difa Monument, and return to reality.

Today I just integrated the Earthly Dharma Monument to get a preliminary understanding of this place. There will be plenty of time in the future, and he can come in at any time.

He raised his feet and walked towards the distant barrier, which was not far away.

"We'll wait for you in Grayscale."

Fu Ming's voice came from behind him.

Yang Yu did not comment, did not stop, and quickly approached the barrier.

He thought of something at this time and turned back to look at Fu Ming. Fu Ming had already walked out of the forest and was also looking at him.

"Can you get through this barrier?"

Fu Ming smiled softly.

"Junior brother, what you see in your eyes is different from what we see.

Do you know where you are a few steps ahead? "


Yang Yu suddenly felt curious.

The reason why he asked this was entirely because when he was still very weak, he entered the Earthly Dharma Monument and was attacked by an unknown entity.

This made him think about whether it was the people in Grayscale who did it at that time.

"In front of you is an abyss..."


Yang Gu was speechless.


Then he turned around and stepped into the barrier, returning to the Earthly Dharma Monument.

But just as he walked through the barrier, he was about to enter.


An explosion sounded on Yang Yu, and Yang Yu flew backwards instantly as if he was struck by lightning.

Yang Yu's body rolled down on the ground. He was about to pass through the barrier, but he didn't expect to be tens of meters away in an instant.

He crashed into the forest, causing trees to break and collapse, and earth and rocks to fly.

However, this blow did not cause much damage to him, only a big crater was sunken into his chest.

When Yang Yu stood up from the ground, his injuries had recovered, and he looked coldly at the place where he was standing just now.

There, a monster appeared out of nowhere.

It was a man over one foot tall, wearing tattered clothes, and his back was fused with a huge stone.

On top of the stone, there were human heads, each with their eyes closed, full of despair.

Who is this?

There is no such person in Minghemen.

"Junior brother, be careful. His name is Huaidu. He is Master's former disciple and he is a zombie."

At this moment, Fu Ming's voice came from not far away.

Because he was knocked out, Yang Yu was very close to Fu Ming at this time.

A former disciple of the old guy Minghe? Still a zombie?

Yang Yu raised his eyebrows. He had never seen this guy before, so he couldn't talk about any grievances. He didn't know why this guy suddenly appeared to prevent him from entering the barrier.

"Your aura appears here, and anyone in Grayscale can sense your presence, and they will be attracted to it."

Fu Ming seemed to know a lot and explained to Yang Yu again.

No wonder he only saw Fu Ming at first, and then Ye Jin and others showed up.

Looking at this monster-like guy, there is no sparkle in his eyes. It is obvious that this guy is not in the right state at this time.

This is a bit difficult to handle.

This guy is a zombie, and he obviously wants to prevent him from going back. The longer it takes, the more likely it is that he will attract more people.

There is no way Yang Gu can return outside the barrier.

It looks like a quick resolution is in order.

While Yang Yu was thinking, the monster named Huaidu rushed towards him again.

When a big crater exploded under his feet, he passed through a distance of tens of meters in the blink of an eye and appeared in front of Yang Yu.

Red Wheel Infinite Body!

Yang Yu's whole body was shrouded in a layer of golden light, and his figure suddenly expanded. Countless golden light particles emerged from every pore and breath, and everything around him was instantly ignited.

Huaidu grabbed it with a big hand, and Yang Yu punched him at the same time.

The Red Wheel Infinite Body is an old physical training method. It is far more powerful than the Yuga Vajra Body. Each punch can produce the ultimate power equivalent to the light-based magic.

Even when dealing with Ye Ban and others before, Yang Yu never used the Red Wheel Infinite Body.

But this guy is a stiff god and must be dealt with with all his strength.

He was originally not afraid of the Zombie God, not to mention being able to kill the opponent with full firepower, but Yang Yu was also confident that he could crush him.

But now he can't lift the concealment seal in advance, that's all he can do.

This punch landed on Huaidu's big hand, and a burst of light suddenly erupted from the fist, and the powerful force directly evaporated half of Huaidu's arm.

No one can challenge the power of light, and Zombie God is no exception.

Yang Yu seized the opportunity and took advantage of the situation, punching Huaidu in the chest dozens of times.

The last punch punched through his chest, and the light passed through Huaidu's body and out of the boulder behind him that was full of human heads.

In one breath, Huaidu was riddled with wounds.

Yang Yu took this opportunity to flash his figure, pulling out a long arc of light and heading towards the barrier, arriving in front of the barrier in the blink of an eye.

But before he could pass through the barrier, a large number of crying sounds suddenly came from behind him, as if tens of thousands of people were moaning at the same time.

In an instant, Yang Yu suddenly felt that his body was frozen in place, unable to move. An extremely sad emotion suddenly spread from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't help but look behind him.

I saw that Huaidu's body was covered with large and small holes, but he didn't move even half a step.

But on the boulder behind him, a large number of human heads roared and flew out of the boulder.

They are all heads, connected to the boulder, and the broken neck is connected to countless blood vessels and tendons, surrounding the poplar in the blink of an eye.

The huge sound waves all hit Yang Gu, shattering everything around him.

Sound waves came from all directions, passing through Yang Yu's body, and even caused his physical body to collapse rapidly. A severe pain struck, and Yang Yu's consciousness was forcibly distorted.

At this critical moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside Yang Yu without any warning.

"Junior brother, as a senior brother, I will help you once."

A smile appeared on Fu Ming's face.

The next moment, monstrous gray flames swept across and burst out from Fu Ming's body, covering all the heads around him.

The deafening wail suddenly stopped.

At this moment, a black light suddenly spread from it.

Fuming's figure disappeared instantly and reappeared at the edge of the jungle dozens of meters away.

At the same time, the heads were locked in place by the black light, and then were engulfed by the sudden burst of brilliant light, and were melted into ashes in an instant.

Yang Yu looked back at Fu Ming with a calm expression, and then passed through the barrier without hesitation.

In fact, when Fu Ming took action, he had already activated the Secret Secret Spell, and he had already prepared a countermeasure in his mind.

After all, he is no longer the weakling he was before.

He just didn't expect Fu Ming to help him at that time, probably because he thought he couldn't handle it.


"Thank you, senior brother!"

Yang Yu's figure disappeared, leaving a word of thanks before disappearing.

A day tortured by toothache...

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