It seems like just a large amount of blue light gathered together to form something like a shield.

But only Eucalyptus poplar knows that light is formed by countless particles condensed together.

In other words, every particle is actually a network of spiritual light that has been miniaturized to the extreme and integrated with the Baoguang Glazed Purity Technique.

On the surface, it is just a protective shield, and the green light forms a giant of light.

But in fact, it is formed by countless light particles.

This is also the reason why He's terrifying purple fire that can burn space cannot touch the body of Eucalyptus poplar.

Countless particles fused with Baoguang Liuli Jingju can easily deflect the crane's purple fire.

But this was actually a risky move, and Yang Yu was not absolutely sure, but it was already his best choice at the time, but he didn't expect the effect to be so good.

Being able to see that guy He break the defense is the limit of what Yang Yu can do now.

The guy let out a fierce breath, and he must be still looking for him in the forbidden area now, right?

It feels so good to think that He is venting his anger everywhere but can't find himself at all.

However, the situation just now was indeed a bit dangerous. Gong Niang's reaction was much slower. As a result, Yang Yu escaped from her lower body just when she was about to be caught by the crane.

If he had been one minute slower, he would have been caught by the crane. Not to mention he would be killed by the crane, but his end would definitely be miserable.

After returning to the shallow gray world, Yang Yu also noticed something was wrong.

Although he had guessed before that Gong Niang would be seriously injured if she released all her soul, but now he had a very bad feeling in his heart.

"Gong Niang?"

He tried to call Gong Niang in his heart, but until a long time passed, Gong Niang did not receive any response.

Yang Yu called Gong Niang several times, but the result was still dead silence.

He cut open the flesh and blood of his chest and took out the moon talisman and the shrunken Gong Niang.

The moon talisman lay quietly in his hand, and the blood adhering to it was retracting into his body, but he carefully felt Gong Niang's breath, but it was so weak that it was extremely weak.

It's like a dying person, already very angry and on the verge of collapse at any time.

Yang Yu's face suddenly became solemn.

Gong Niang, this guy, in order not to make him worry before, she even asked him to remember to compensate her handsome man, using this method to divert his attention.

So much so that Yang Yu misjudged Gong Niang's condition when her perception was limited. Now Gong Niang's condition has reached an extremely serious level.

But even so, when Yang Yu faced He in Xiachu, Gong Niang still retained her last strength at the last moment to help him leave Xiachu.

Damn it!

Yang Yu's heart was suddenly filled with grief, anger and guilt, and she even had the urge to go back to Xiachu again and eat the crane alive.

But this idea was too unrealistic. Regardless of the impossibility of doing it, even in Gong Niang's current state, he couldn't enter the lower realm again.

The top priority is to save Gong Niang first. There is absolutely no way he can just watch Gong Niang's consciousness collapse and die completely!

Yang Gu thought of the owner, and immediately left the land of Qiyuan and returned to reality, entering the tree of flesh to contact the owner.

The owner of the shop quickly responded and asked what happened. Seeing Yang Yu in such a frantic state, he almost thought for the first time that something big had happened to the Economic Rebellion Club.

Yang Yu did not tell what happened in the land of Qiyuan, which was a secret to him after all. Instead, he used the excuse of being hurt by a mysterious existence, which caused Gong Niang's current situation to deteriorate sharply.

He has long been accustomed to Gong Niang's existence, and this time it was Gong Niang who took the initiative to save him. He must rescue Gong Niang no matter what.

"What? She released all her souls?"

After hearing what happened to Gong Niang, the news from the shop owner seemed very surprising.

This bow was made by him. As for why he gave Gong Niang such an unpleasant name as "Shitty Bow", he already knew Gong Niang's temperament.

But I didn't expect that Gong Niang would take the initiative to give up all her accumulation for Yang Yu.

For a moment, the shop owner didn't know whether to say that the bow lady had changed her gender, or that the bow had been trained to fit perfectly in Yang Yu's hands, so that this happened.

"You open the container for teleportation and give me the bow together with the moon talisman. I will temporarily keep her aura from dissipating too quickly, but there is no other way at the moment. You can only find other souls to reintegrate into her. Try it inside your body and see if you can make her swallow it and recover."

The shop owner quickly gave the most suitable solution at present. He is not completely omnipotent and can only make the greatest possible attempt.

Unexpectedly, the shop owner couldn't do anything for the time being, but it was good news to be able to stabilize Gong Niang's breath, which was about to collapse.

"Can any kind of soul be used?"

Yang Yu asked immediately.

This matter was told to him by the boss of the shop, and he had to do it in order to save Gong Niang.

"Naturally, the higher the cultivation level, the better the soul will be. Demons can also be used. Demons are extremely filthy things, and they may have miraculous effects.

I will pass on to you a magic weapon that can temporarily preserve your soul. You must do it as soon as possible. "

The shop owner said solemnly, explaining Yang Gu in great detail.


Yang Gu agreed in one breath.

Soon, after the Moon Talisman and Bow Girl were sent to the boss through the container, a magic weapon was also sent by the boss.

"[Soul-fixing Box]: From the hands of Zhu Han, the master of the Yulang Refining Workshop, it is made of soul-melting iron essence. It can temporarily contain and imprison souls.

Cost of use: Each time a soul is contained, one-tenth of the user's mana will be blocked until the soul is released.

Status: Can be purified! "

Yang Eucalyptus erased the use price on it, and then put it into the magic weapon.

In the grayscale, Fu Ming didn't know where he went, and Yang Yu quickly left the land of Qiyuan and returned to reality.

In the dark quiet room, Yang Yu opened his eyes and immediately contacted other members of the Economic Rebellion Association to ask everyone to gather.

It's still some time before the formation deployed by the Golden Soul Sect in Chongwen Prefecture takes shape.

A large number of people from the Golden Soul Sect have already gathered in Chongwen Prefecture, but they are just ordinary believers. The people of the Jingtai Society have already received the news, and now is not the time for the Jingtai Society to take action.

During this period, not only Yang Yu has improved, but other members have also improved their cultivation with the help of a large amount of resources, and the overall combat power of the Economic Rebellion Association has reached a new level.

Yang Yu urgently needs to find the soul to try to restore Gong Niang, but unfortunately she can't take action against the Golden Soul Sect's arrangements so quickly, so she can only think of other ways.

And through Bai Niao, an insider of the Golden Soul Sect, Yang Yu quickly got the information he wanted.

Across two states from Chongwen Prefecture, there is a place where demons gather, called Dimo ​​Cliff.

It is rumored that there are not only a large number of demons in the Demon Cliff, but also demons from the Dao realm.

The Golden Soul Sect once tried to send elders within the sect to kill the demons here, but failed every time.

It's not because the demons in it are powerful. On the contrary, although the big demon is in the Qidao realm, it is not a strong one in the Qidao realm. It's just that the power of its rules is too weird, so it makes the golden soul fall every time. The teachings come back empty-handed.

A big demon of Qidao who was not very strong, Yang Yu became excited when he heard this information.

If he wanted to find a suitable and powerful soul for Gong Niang, he currently had two options.

One is the third elder of the Golden Soul Sect who is still looking for traces of the traitor society in Chongwen Prefecture.

The other one is the rumored great demon of Qidao in Di Mo Cliff.

Although Yang Gu fought with the extremely powerful He for a round during the fight, and even defeated the He, he did not really test the level of the He's strength, and he also had no idea about his current overall combat power. A clear enough understanding just needs an opponent to verify it.

So when Yang Yu heard that there was a big demon in the Qi Dao realm on Dimo ​​Cliff, his eyes immediately lit up.

Yang Yu did not intend to show up to provoke the third elder of the Golden Soul Sect at this time unless necessary.

The so-called third elder was originally here for the Kei Rebel Association. If he showed up now, it would only add disadvantages to the Kei Rebel Association's next actions.

But when it comes to demons, he has no such scruples and can completely let go.

Firstly, you can test your current strength, and secondly, if you can kill the big demon and give its soul to Gong Niang, the soul of a big demon in the Qidao realm is better than hundreds of zombie gods.

Let everyone in the Rebel Association rest for a few more days, while Yang Yu left this secret forbidden place under the Golden Fighting God Gate alone.

Half a day later, Yang Yu arrived alone at the border of Sanyang State, not far from Dimo ​​Cliff.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, a layer of mist had appeared on the ground, the temperature began to drop sharply, and the sky began to become dark.

In this world, darkness represents danger. Not to mention ordinary people, even monks with weak cultivation dare not walk alone in the wild in the dark.

Originally, Yang Yu planned to go directly to Dimo ​​Cliff, and then launch an indiscriminate attack to obtain the soul of the great demon of Qidao as soon as possible.

But after careful consideration, I decided to get some information about this place first.

Even the Golden Soul Sect, which is the largest force in the Fusheng Domain, is helpless here and has sent elder-level experts many times to no avail.

Even if Yang Yu is confident that his current strength can match Qi Dao, he still has to be careful to avoid capsizing in the gutter.

What surprised Yang Yu was that when he approached the place where the Demon Cliff was, he actually sensed the aura of other monks here, and there were quite a lot of them.

There were more than ten people in total, among whom there were actually two zombies, and the rest were young monks with dirty bodies and flesh.

The first time Yang Yu sensed the aura of these people, these people also discovered him.

He can sense the other person, and the other person can naturally sense him.

So before Yang Yu took the initiative to approach, the dozen or so people flew over together, landed in front of Yang Yu, and began to look at Yang Yu.

Yang Yu did not hide his cultivation aura. He just wanted to obtain information about these monsters in Dimo ​​Ya as quickly as possible. There was no need to cover up.

Judging from the combination of these people, it should be a strong man from a certain sect who brought his disciples out for training. This is not unusual.

The two zombie gods are both in the middle stage of cultivation, and are on par with Yang Yu.

The other disciples were unable to judge Yang Yu's cultivation aura, so they acted very cautiously. They stood obediently behind the two zombie gods and looked at Yang Yu with a very obscure look.

"Which Taoist faction are you a fellow Taoist? But you are also planning to bring your disciples to hunt demons here?"

The two leading zombies immediately asked Yang Yu. While maintaining a sufficient distance, their attitude was quite good and they did not show any hostility.

Yang Yu followed suit, and Hu Zhao had exactly what he wanted to do. He just wanted to get to know this place first. If it was feasible, his disciples would have a place where they could gain practical experience in the future.

Hearing Yang Yu's answer, the two zombie gods laughed. There are many people who have Yang Yu's idea. Many nearby sects regard this place as a place for experience. The two of them It is precisely for this reason that he came with his disciples under the order of the sect.

The Earth Demon Cliff has a vast terrain and numerous demons, covering basically all levels below the Qi Dao. It is very suitable as a place for training.

Although it is rumored that there is a great demon in the Demon Cliff, the demon has never been seen. As long as you don't go deep into the core of the Demon Cliff, there is generally not much danger.

The demons inside seemed to have accepted their fate. Even if many nearby sects brought their monks to look for trouble, they would not cause a large number of demon riots.

Even if they are killed by the invading monks, they will not get angry. Instead, they seem to take the initiative to cater to these monks and send them away.

"If you, fellow Taoist, are just here to learn a little bit about this, you can come with us so that we can take care of you."

One of the zombie gods smiled and planned to bring Yang Yu into their group, but Yang Yu did not agree.

He came here because of the big demon from the Dao Dao. He had no interest in teaming up with these guys to hunt demons. He just wanted to know what was so weird about the so-called Earth Demon Cliff.

"There is no need to go together. If these two fellow Taoists know something about this place, can you tell me a little bit about it? I would be very grateful."

After being rejected by Yang Eucalyptus, Yang Eucalyptus then asked about the Demon Cliff. The two zombies looked at each other and their attitudes suddenly became a little indifferent.

"Fellow Taoist, you are making it difficult for me. These things are the secrets of my sect. It is really not convenient for me to tell you. We should just say goodbye."

Yang Yu refused, and they also refused. Anyway, everyone is a zombie and not a vegetarian.

The reason why they approached Yang Yu was to first find out whether the other party was an enemy or a friend. Since it was not a threat, they would naturally ignore Yang Yu when they were rejected by Yang Yu despite deliberately trying to win over him.

After that, without waiting for Yang Yu to speak, the two people took the monks back and forth and left here quickly.

Yang Yu smiled helplessly. These guys didn't seem to be people with bad intentions. If he didn't want to tell them, he would just go in and find out what was going on.

The next moment, Yang Yu flew up and flew towards the Demon Cliff. He quickly flew over the heads of the group of people just now and went away without looking back.

Seeing Yang Yu heading towards Earth Demon Cliff, the two zombie gods who were leading a group of disciples all laughed.

Fortunately, this guy refused to go with them. Although Dimo ​​Cliff is an excellent place for experience for those who know this place, the risk is not very high.

But for such a stupid young man, if he is not careful, he will capsize in the gutter at any time.

If you are alone, and those monsters find out the details, the monsters will not be polite and will kill you anyway.

"Let's go, let's follow and see when this guy stumbles. This is a rare and interesting thing."

Sorry, sorry... I modified it on time, but it was blocked for review and was not released until half an hour. I didn't expect this to happen.

I didn’t expect that there would be so many readers waiting so late at night. I’m really sorry. I won’t do this kind of thing in the future. It’s my fault. It’s my fault.

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