"Under the condition of ensuring your own safety, if you can leave the Fusheng Domain, leave here as soon as possible. If you can't leave, find a place to hide well and don't be discovered by the people of the Golden Soul Sect."

This is the last order Yang Yu left to the Economic Rebellion Association.

For the time being, the boss is unable to escape from a place outside the continent that has been devoured by natural disasters. The leadership of the Keihekai is entirely in his hands and can only be arranged by him.

He no longer cares about these guys.

After fighting Wu Sheng, the leader of the Golden Soul Sect, he had obviously been targeted by Wu Sheng.

For the Golden Soul Sect, the other members of the Rebel Alliance are not strong, so it is not difficult to capture and kill them.

And he had already entered Wu Sheng's field of vision. He could tell with his buttocks that most of the Golden Soul Sect's next moves would definitely be aimed at him.

How to break the situation?

This matter has now become a problem that Yang Yu must face first.

After arranging the members of the Keihekai, the only uncertain point is Wenyin and Shiratori.

One has disappeared without news, and the other is still in the head of the Golden Soul Sect and is equally dangerous.

But now Yang Gu has no choice but to take one step at a time.

And he already has an idea about his next plan. First of all, it is certain that he can no longer stay in Dimo ​​Cliff.

Here, although the ibis can protect him, it is not a cage that he cannot leave.

Once Di Mo Ya is besieged and Wu Sheng comes again, he will have to rely on the Ibis. Even if the Ibis can protect him, he will not be able to leave here. Once he leaves, he will face the entire Golden Soul Sect and Wu Sheng. born.

The Golden Soul Sect has many ways to deal with him, so the first thing is that they cannot stay here any longer and must leave as soon as possible.

As for where to go after leaving here, Yang Yu has already made preliminary plans.

We cannot stay in the Fusheng Domain for the time being. Now the entire Golden Soul Sect is searching for their traces. If they continue to stay in the Fusheng Domain, they will undoubtedly be discovered sooner or later.

Therefore, the most appropriate way is to leave the Fusheng Domain as soon as possible before the arrival of the Golden Soul Sect. There are two options for leaving the Fusheng Domain.

The first is to return to the Western Baosha Realm, and the second is to go to the unknown Eastern Tianlong Realm.

Yang Yu thought about it again and again, and the final decision was... to return to the Baosha Realm!

First of all, the Tianlong Territory is the strongest place among the four outer continents, and its ruling force is called Tianren Yiyi. In the current situation, the three major regions either explicitly or covertly support Dade Temple to achieve unification, which means that these three major regions actually We are on the same front against Jinlu Pavilion, and we must solve Jinlu Pavilion first.

There is no doubt that Ren Yiyi is an ally of the Golden Soul Sect.

In a place like Tianlong Domain that Yang Gu has never been to, it is full of unknown uncertainties. Once he is discovered, if the Golden Soul Sect joins forces with Heavenly Man to arrest him, his situation will become more dangerous. .

Who knows how many immortals there are in that place. If the immortals take action, he will have no possibility of escaping.

The risk in Baosha Domain is relatively smaller.

Now the battle between Jinlu Pavilion and Dade Temple is imminent. The battle is taking place within the territory of Dade Temple, which means that there is no time to take care of other places for the time being. If he returns to the Baosha area, the chance of being discovered will be much smaller.

Moreover, he is also familiar with the Baosha Domain, after all, he has been there for quite some time.

In the current situation, Yang Yu can only seek safety first and then seek improvement. If he is in danger, it will only affect the progress and time of subsequent improvement of his cultivation level. However, he still needs time to find the incomplete parts of his forbidden weapon fragments.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to leave the Fusheng Realm and return to the Baosha Realm.

Taking this into consideration, Yang Yu stopped wasting time and immediately prepared to leave Dimo ​​Cliff before anyone from the Golden Soul Sect arrived.

Yang Eucalyptus and the Ibis chose to say goodbye. The Ibis did not make any effort to stay. He could protect Yang Eucalyptus but could not protect him forever. When he was in trouble, he just tried to persuade Yang Eucalyptus to consider taking action against him before parting.

Yang Gu refused.

Of course he would refuse, and the Ibis knew he would.

In fact, he understood the ambivalence in the ibis's heart. He longed for death to be relieved, but he greedily breathed the air here and longed to live.

This is why the Ibis did not kill him, but wanted to use other methods to persuade Yang Yu to end it for him.

It seems that he is giving Yang Yu a choice, but in fact these actions are making a choice for himself. At least now, he is not as decisive as he appears, but more hesitant.

Yang Yu left Dimo ​​Cliff and headed towards the Land of Collapse, but this time he left in another state adjacent to Chongwen Prefecture.

Chongwen Prefecture has been set up by the Golden Soul Sect. Regardless of whether the Golden Soul Sect will use the formation support, the place is now being watched.

Therefore, the best way is to leave the Fusheng Domain as soon as possible. Before being discovered by the Golden Soul Sect, Jijiang Prefecture, which is adjacent to Chongwen Prefecture, is the fastest shortcut.

Everyone in the Jingtai Association was dormant, and there was no news. The owner of the shop was far away from the continent. Yang Yu returned to the Baosha area alone, feeling the loneliness he had not seen for a long time.

In fact, he was always alone.

It’s not just about how many people I know and how many people I’m friends with, it’s more about being out of place in this world, not having much nostalgia, and more about being able to survive.

Behind life are countless reminders. These reminders chase him one after another without stopping, so that he cannot stop and take a break. Once he falls behind, he will face eternal destruction.

Many times, Yang Gu feels like a migratory bird that can only fly to its destined place. Even if it flies over the earth, mountains, rivers, and forest coasts, there is only one destination, and there is no suitable place for him to inhabit along the way.

There is only one migratory bird: him.

Half a day later, Yang Yu successfully entered Jijiang Prefecture. This was the fastest possible situation while slowing down to hide his identity.

Since the Golden Soul Sect had previously transferred most of its people to Chongwen Prefecture, preparing to go to the Baosha Region, there were not many Golden Soul Sect members visible in Jijiang Prefecture, and no one found any trace of Yang Yu.

After all, no one knew that among the head teachers of the Golden Soul Sect, there would be an undercover agent like Bai Niao, so Yang Yu immediately received the news that he was being targeted and chose to leave immediately.

"Look, what is that?"

At this moment, there are some people from the Golden Soul Sect stationed on the outskirts of the Collapsed Armor Land in Jijiang Prefecture.

Some time ago, it was reported that the General Church had made a big move, and it sent people to guard and track the collapsed areas in various states in order to deal with possible unexpected situations.

But to this day, there has been no disturbance. The Land of Collapse Armor is still as peaceful as ever, with no one coming or going.

Among the more than ten monks on duty, there are two zombie gods and the rest are flesh and blood. They are responsible for monitoring the boundaries of the Collapsed Armor Land within a radius of tens of thousands of meters.

A stiff god suddenly noticed something, and suddenly raised his head to look at the bright sun above the sky, which made it difficult to open his eyes.

The sunshine is not so bright on weekdays, as if something is falling from the sky.

The rest of the guards heard the noise and looked upward, followed by a slightly sharp wind blowing in their faces.

On the sky, it was like a meteor falling, and there were several bright golden lights in the direction of the sun that seemed to be approaching here. When everyone could see clearly, they also saw the long tail flames dragged out by the golden lights as they fell.

For a moment, everyone suddenly had an unpleasant premonition in their hearts.

Enemy attack! !

"who is it?!"

As the leader, Zombie God immediately flew towards the sky, trying to intercept those falling things.

At their level of cultivation, they can only be regarded as middle-level among ruling forces such as the Golden Soul Sect, but if you look at the small and medium-sized forces outside, they are all the founders of sects.

There is no such thing as stage fright in the face of enemy attacks. Zombie God, who has mastered the power of rules, cannot casually attack them with sneak attacks.

But just as he made a move, before he could fly into the sky, the golden light that was still in the distance suddenly accelerated and fell instantly.


In an instant, a series of explosions sounded, followed by bursts of light that enveloped the armor-breaking area. In just an instant, the auras of more than a dozen guards from the Golden Soul Sect disappeared without a trace. .

At the end of the light, a figure appeared without warning, standing in front of the Collapsed Armor Land with an expressionless face.

The person who came was none other than Eucalyptus Yang.

He did not look back at the explosion behind him. No one could stop him now, so he stepped forward and stepped into the crumbling armor.

On this day, Wu Sheng came outside the Earth Demon Cliff again and enveloped the entire Earth Demon Cliff with his senses.

The ibis among the stone tablets had already known about Wu Sheng's arrival, and did not even bother to show up. He only gave a disdainful sneer.

"Where did you hide him?"

Unable to detect the scent of Eucalyptus poplar, Wu Sheng undoubtedly began to question the ibis.

The ibis was too lazy to pay attention to him, closed his eyes and turned a deaf ear.

Not long after, the newly-appointed Great Elder Ya Zhong under his command suddenly received news that a Golden Soul Sect member on duty at the Collapsed Armor Land in Jijiang Prefecture, which is adjacent to Chongwen Prefecture, had been wiped out.

Upon hearing the news, Wu Sheng suddenly realized something, and his face suddenly became ugly.

Most of a day later, Yang Gu walked out of the Land of Collapse of Armor covered in blood. His original tired posture recovered after walking out of the Land of Collapse of Armor, and returned to normal.

He also didn't expect that he would need to cover such a long distance this time when he passed through the Collapsed Armor Land in Jijiang Prefecture. It took him half a day to walk, as if he had to cross the span of a city.

There were countless monsters he encountered in the collapsed armor, and they even killed him until his hands were numb and his blood flowed like a river before he finally came out.

If it weren't for the fact that he still had the True Feathers of the Spinal Cord that he could use, and he still had enough combat power to use in the land of Collapse Armor, it would probably be very difficult even for the Collapse Armor to enter this area.

Now he has finally re-entered the Baosha Domain. He is currently in the area of ​​Dade Temple, a place called Little Buddha State, which is eight states away from Wanfo State, the core state of Dade Temple. .

However, because this place is only separated from the Fusheng Domain and the Collapsing Armor Land, Yang Gu does not intend to stay here for a long time.

Under the overall situation, because of the war between Jinlu Pavilion and Dade Temple, there was no room left between the two sides this time. The battle would only become more and more intense, so that in these non-core areas, ordinary people began to become It has to be more difficult.

In this battle between two dominant forces, countless small and medium-sized forces below must participate, otherwise they will face a round of purges in the future.

But for ordinary people who can only follow the crowd, it is undoubtedly a disaster like the sky falling.

On weekdays, there are still many monks taking care of all kinds of evil spirits that can be seen everywhere. Now everyone is fighting to support their own camp, so that no one cares about these evil spirits and filth, and there is chaos everywhere.

Yang Yu entered Little Florida and left the land of Collapse Armor and headed west. After less than a hundred miles, he encountered several demons making trouble, which was terrible to watch.

Yang Eucalyptus, who was able to help, also rescued many people and killed all the evil demons who made trouble. However, he could save them for a while, but the same situation would still happen after he left.

These demons have no sense at all. Except for those of the same kind, most of them attack indiscriminately, just to satisfy the infinite desires and killings in their hearts.

Ordinary people have no power to resist, and they are basically certain to die when encountering a demon.

Even for some casual cultivators who were practicing and traveling outside, most of them fled away when they saw such a battle. The few who had a righteous heart could not protect the safety of the civilians.

In a world that is about to collapse, no matter what angle you look at it, such turmoil is inevitable.

When the sky is about to fall, the first thing people see is not necessarily the vision from the sky, but the human world is the first to collapse, and everyone is in danger.

What's more, when the higher-ups no longer care about these things and focus solely on their own interests, the practitioners are the fighting force, and ordinary people are worthless to them, dispensable, and cannot even be used as cannon fodder.

This is not only the cost of war, but also the inevitable phenomenon of complete distortion of this world.

Yang Yu's main goal now is to reach a safe enough place first and find a way to break through the tunnel as soon as possible. He will not attract other people's attention unless necessary, so even if he saves those ordinary people, he will only do it secretly.

He was also very conflicted in his heart. He could not bear to watch these helpless people being slaughtered by demons, but he could not take them with him, otherwise he might attract attention and expose his traces.

Until he rescued the civilians in a small town again and killed all the monsters, Yang Yu hesitated for a moment. The saved civilians knelt on the ground to be grateful. He couldn't stand it anymore and then he showed his body.

"You must be the Bodhisattva from Shangshan Holy Land who came to rescue us. Bodhisattva above! Bodhisattva above!"

Legend has it that there are many Bodhisattvas in the Shangshan Holy Land. They stand on the lotus platform and are covered with Buddha light. They kill demons and protect all living beings.

Seeing that all the previous monsters were killed by the golden light falling from the sky, the common people who believed in the Buddha's destiny naturally mistook Yang Gu for the Bodhisattva who came to rescue them and the world.


Yang Yu was speechless, but did not refute. He even cooperated with the approval of these people and showed the Buddha's light wheel, suspended behind him, full of solemnity and holiness.

Under the illumination of the Buddha's light, everyone saw this and knelt on the ground devoutly again, with tears streaming down their faces.

Yang Yu was silent for a moment and asked a question.

"Is there a shelter nearby? You are in danger, are you going to let the monsters slaughter you and capture you without mercy?"

If these demons are allowed to continue to be killed, I am afraid that not many ordinary people will be alive in the entire Baosha region before long.

The sense of justice in her heart caused trouble, and her sensibility finally overcame her rationality, and Yang Yu finally couldn't stand it anymore.

If I could save some people without exposing myself, I would feel better.

For monks, he can do nothing to save them and watch with cold eyes. If a monk encounters such difficulties, he can only blame himself for his lack of practice.

But he has no reason to blame ordinary people for not being able to resist the demons and can only let themselves be slaughtered.

"Hui Bodhisattva, yes, I heard that a Ding Bodhisattva came from Nirvana City a hundred miles away to take in the common people like us who were harmed by demons and protect them.

But let alone a hundred miles, even ten miles would be difficult for me to move forward. "

The person below replied, with all the sadness and difficulty in his words.

Yang Yu, who originally just wanted to see if he could save these people from the attacks of demons, couldn't help but be stunned after hearing the reply.

Ding Bodhisattva?

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