After driving the borrowed car, Yang Yu got used to the feel a little. He had never driven a car in his previous life, but for him now, driving is not difficult.

With the roar of the engine, the car roared away in the silent night.

Yang Eucalyptus drove in the direction he remembered when he entered the sixth floor. He drove straight from the current street, and the deeper he went deeper into the collapsed armor, the corresponding direction was.

On a street with few cars, the speed of the car quickly reached more than 130 yards. This was much less laborious than Yang Yu running with both feet in the midst of a collapse, and he did not need to care about traffic rules.

This city is very big, and the sound of cars echoes very loudly.

If you don’t know what will happen when you take off the mask, and you can’t pretend to be an ordinary person, wearing a mask will attract the attention of others.

Yang Yu even wanted to see if there was a high-speed rail or intercity train in this city, which would be much faster than driving.

The journey was uneventful. An hour later, Yang Yu quickly drove to the edge of the city, but stopped before leaving the city and turned off the car lights.

From a distance, he saw many figures at the gate of the city on the way out of the city.

Under the bright street lights, there were actually many people holding firearms and wearing camouflage uniforms patrolling and guarding the area.

When he saw these people, Yang Yu knew that it was impossible to drive out of the city.

The world on the sixth level is very strange. There are practitioners and mutants, similar to monks and demons. I don’t know if ordinary people know this information, but the officials definitely know it.

There is a high probability that the people seen at Chengguan are official people in this world. If Yang Yu passes by like this, he will definitely not be able to pass.

It seems that this can only be the end.

Yang Yu got out of the car simply. The sound here seemed to have alerted the city gate. A long-range light shone over and fell on Yang Yu.

Even though he was hundreds of meters away, Yang Yu heard the sound of a gun being loaded, and the black muzzles of the gun were already pointed at him in the distance.

The sound from the loudspeaker came from far away, and reached Yang Gu's ears clearly in the silent night.

"Don't move!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, Yang Yu had already sensed the mask. The scene in front of him changed drastically with the burning, and he instantly returned to Bengjia from the sixth level.

A desolate land of collapsed armor came into view, but at the same time, there was a sudden and dangerous message that Yang Yu noticed.

His eyes suddenly looked up into the sky. A huge black shadow fell from the sky and was falling towards his location. The huge shadow enveloped everything within a kilometer radius.

This aura and pressure were even stronger than the big centipede he encountered before. Yang Yu's face suddenly changed, and he felt like he was locked in an instant.

There was no time to think about it. Within two seconds of returning to Collapse Armor, Yang Yu once again sensed that the mask had entered the sixth layer.

Instead of fighting such a powerful unknown monster, it would be better to go back to the sixth floor and face the group of gunmen.

The perceived danger disappeared instantly, but after returning to the sixth floor, Yang Yu was still in his original position, but at this moment, several jeeps carrying people with guns were driving towards him.

The sudden disappearance and reappearance of Eucalyptus poplar undoubtedly attracted the attention of these people. At this moment, red dots all gathered on Eucalyptus poplar's body.

However, Yang Yu's eyes suddenly looked towards the sky at this time. In the dark night sky, a black shadow also fell at the same time. At this sudden moment, it instantly hit a jeep.

With a loud rumbling sound, a speeding jeep rolled over on the spot, causing a large number of sparks on the ground. All the people in the car fell to the ground, and for a moment they let out miserable wails.

This sudden scene immediately diverted the attention of the gunmen at Chengguan, and they all pointed their guns at the attacking black figure.

In the moment when light and shadow were intertwined, Yang Yu saw that the body of the black shadow was actually a monkey. His body was covered with messy down, and his face was ugly. Only his two arms looked like they were covered with pieces of glass. Like beads.

The gunmen at Chengguan opened fire immediately without any hesitation.

With the gun muzzle spitting tongues of fire and sparks appearing in the dark night, the monster monkey turned out to be very fast. It avoided the intensive gunfire and unexpectedly came in the direction of Yang Gu.

Couldn't this monkey be the monster that collapsed, right?

Yang Yu had reason to be suspicious, and countless white feathers bloomed from his waist in an instant. The moment the monkey attacked him, he immediately launched countless attacks.

If this guy is a Bengjia monster, based on previous guesses, if he kills him here and returns to Bengjia, he might not encounter the scene just now.

The monkey obviously didn't expect Yang Gu's attack to be so terrifying. It was too late to hide, so he could only block it with two strange hands in front of him.

The white feathers landed on the monkey one after another, and in an instant the monkey became riddled with holes and bleeding profusely.

Yang Yu immediately pulled out the red feather blade from her lower back and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the monkey.

The gunmen who saw this scene on the side also turned their attention to Yang Yu again.

But just as Yang Gu rushed over, the monkey that had been beaten into a sieve crackled and shattered like glass beads on his hands, and suddenly a large cloud of rich white smoke exploded.

Yang Gu rushed into the white smoke, and the feather blade in his hand instantly stirred up the white smoke and blew it away in an instant.

But when the white smoke dissipated, the injured monkey had disappeared without a trace.

Yang Yu held the red feather blade in his hand and looked around, but found no trace of the monkey, and it escaped using strange means.

Damn it!

In this case, the monsters in Bengjia may still exist, and he cannot risk returning to Bengjia.

Swish, swish, swish!

The muzzles of the gun were pointed at Yang Yu again at this time.

"It's a mutant, kill him!"

When the surrounding gunmen saw Yang Yu revealing his methods, they immediately ordered the shooting without any hesitation.


A stream of bullets kept passing by Yang Yu's side, but surrounded by countless white feathers, they were all accurately blocked by the white feathers. Sparks flashed all over Yang Yu's body.

Get through!

If you can't risk returning to Bengjia, you have to break out of the city on the sixth floor. These gunmen are basically ordinary people. They can only rely on thermal weapons to deal with him. There is no other way.

If only dealing with firearms, Yang Yu would not feel any pressure at all.

I saw Yang Gu blocking every bullet perfectly. The gunmen around him were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. He could even block the bullets!

Yang Yu's figure turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the city gate quickly, not intending to get entangled with these people.

If his guess was correct, above these ordinary people, there should be more advanced practitioners who specialize in catching and dealing with mutants.

The situation here may soon attract practitioners from the sixth level.

By transferring first and then returning to Bengjia, you can perfectly avoid the dangers and troubles on both sides.

"Don't let him run away! This mutant must not let the tiger go back to the mountains!"

Seeing Yang Yu quickly rushing towards the city gate amidst the hail of bullets, someone among the gunmen immediately shouted.

But no matter how he gave orders, guns could not bring any threat to Yang Yu.

After approaching the city gate, the city gate was blocked by rows of barbed iron bars. There were still people who were brave enough to stop in front of them, but they were instantly cut off by Yang Yu's sword, and everything was cut off. Got out.

After rushing out of the city gate and galloping a thousand meters further, the lights on both sides of the road came to an end, and there was darkness ahead, without even a hint of light.

There was originally a vehicle chasing behind, but after seeing Yang Gu enter the darkness, he had to stop and did not continue the pursuit.

There was no movement behind him, and Yang Yu quickly stopped and began to look around.

Like Bengjia, there is no way to use perception here, and there is no way to use magic to activate the real eye's night vision. It can only be observed with the naked eye, but Yang Gu can't see anything clearly except some vague outlines.

The outside of the city is so desolate. It looks very strange, and you can smell a very strong and pungent smell of blood and putrefaction.

Yang Yu couldn't explain why. Perhaps it was the long-term accumulation of combat experience that told him from the bottom of his heart that it was unusual to be in the dark. It might even be full of more dangers than Bengjia.

But having moved such a long distance, Yang Yu no longer hesitated, and immediately the sensor mask returned to Bengjia.

In the crumbling armor, it was also dark at this time, but it was not caused by darkness.

There is no distinction between day and night in the collapsed armor. It is so dark because Yang Gu found that he had entered an area surrounded by natural disasters.

There is a layer of transparent glass above the sky, blocking the black mist from natural disasters from penetrating into the Collapse Armor, thereby affecting the surrounding environment and light.

His position has changed. The danger he encountered in Bengjia has been lifted. However, looking at the shadowy environment ahead, Yang Yu still feels a headache.

Here, just like the sixth floor, he felt a sense of danger, as if just getting involved would attract terrible monsters, and those monsters were hiding in the shadows.

The situations on both sides made him foresee the same danger. They were almost equal. Yang Yu was also in trouble for a while and felt a headache.

He hesitated for a moment, but decided to enter the sixth floor.

Compared to Bengjia, who is in a dilemma, everywhere may be full of monsters. At least there is an urban area on the sixth floor. If you retreat to the urban area, the danger will be greatly reduced.

And in the world on the sixth level, day and night should be distinct, and it won't be long before dawn.

As long as we wait until daybreak to move forward, the danger ahead will become visible from unknown, and it may be easier to deal with it.

There was no way, no matter it was the armor collapse or the sixth level, when all the strength in his body was restricted and unable to be used, Yang Yu could only act cautiously.

If his own immortality was not restricted, Yang Yu could do whatever he wanted, and no matter how hard he wore his tempered body, he would not be weak.

However, after losing his immortality and having only one life, Yang Gu must give priority to ensuring his own life safety.

Fortunately, with the mask transformed by the old monster, he could travel between the sixth floor and Bengjia without restriction. In an instant, Yang Yu came to the sixth floor again.

Yang Yu didn't know what was in the darkness ahead. Instead of staying here and waiting, it would be better to go back to the city to collect some information.

This trip was not in vain. At least Yang Gu knew that this area was different from the city and was full of dangers.

He bypassed the city gate he had broken through before and entered the city from another remote place.

Seeing the light again made Yang Yu feel relieved.

Putting the spinal cord real feather away, Yang Gu then entered an alley, followed the neon light-guided road to the end, and walked to the door of a bar.

The noisy sound in the bar attracted him, but Yang Yu didn't intend to go in. The reason why he came here was just to wait outside to see which unlucky drunk guy happened to come out. He needed a mobile phone now. .

If you want to collect information, the people here can't be trusted. The best way is to find the map of this place through electronic devices. You may be able to figure out something from the map.

Yang Yu was very lucky. After waiting for a few minutes, a drunk woman wearing shorts and black stockings wandered out of the bar.

There were no cars left in the middle of the night. The woman looked around a few times with drunken eyes, then turned around and walked to the other side, holding on to the wall.

Yang Yu followed her, but before she could go far, the woman fell to the ground with a plop. She struggled a few times to get up but was unable to do so, so she simply lay down on the ground carelessly.

Seeing this, Yang Yu immediately approached and wanted to get his mobile phone from the woman.

But at this time, three men came out of another dark alley and saw the woman lying on the ground. They looked at each other, smiled knowingly, and walked towards the woman with evil intentions.


Yang Gu walked over step by step and drank coldly.

Several people were startled by Yang Gu's voice, but after seeing that Yang Gu was the only one, they immediately pointed at Yang Yu.

"Who the hell are you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw several white shadows running out from behind Yang Yu, and then only heard a few splashes. Several men fell into a pool of blood with their eyes wide open, and their whole bodies began to twitch.

Yang Yu took back Bai Yu as if nothing had happened, came to the woman, and took out a mobile phone from the bag she was carrying.

Yang Eucalyptus was not sure whether this place was his previous life, but the mobile phone he got was exactly the same as the smartphone in his previous life, but he had never heard of the brand of this mobile phone.

Unlocking the lock with the woman's fingerprint, he was about to open the map, but at this moment, several men who had fallen on the ground suddenly stood up and looked at Yang with a strange look. Eucalyptus.

"Got you!"

The three people surrounded Yang Yu from three directions. In an instant, the drunk woman on the ground suddenly opened her eyes.

Everything in front of me was like a torn curtain. All the bars and streets disappeared at this moment, turning into an empty lawn.

The three men also changed their appearance in an instant, revealing the white training clothes they were wearing.

The skin of the drunk woman seemed to have melted, and a black plush ball emerged from under the skin and jumped into the hand of one of the men.

Is it actually an illusion?

Yang Yu seemed a little surprised. He didn't even know when he was tricked. Perhaps the hint was planted in his heart the moment he saw the neon light guiding him.

Several people are fake, so the mobile phone in his hand...

Yang Yu looked at her hand. The original mobile phone disappeared and was replaced by a plush ball, but it was white.

The ball exploded with a bang in Yang Yu's hand, exploding countless threads and falling from the sky, instantly forming a circular cage, trapping Yang Yu inside.

"Although I don't know why, you have already left the city and you still come back. But now that you are back, don't even think about leaving."

When several people saw that Yang Yu was trapped, they immediately felt reassured and said mockingly.

Looking at the white cage in front of him, the silk threads expanded to be as thick as steel bars. Yang Yu raised his hand and squeezed it gently.

The texture was very hard, and a layer of white liquid secreted from it when he touched it.

As he retracted his hand, the white liquid adhered to his hand, extending like string, but soon became hard, sticking his hand firmly in place.

Is that all?

Yang Yu looked at the white substance on his hand. He had already tested the result. This thing couldn't trap him at all. Whether it was his physical strength or the true feathers of his spinal cord, he could break it. If it didn't work, he could easily return to Bengjia. Get out of trouble.

"You must have heard of its name, Pollutant Seventy-Three. Regardless of whether you are a practitioner or a mutant, once you enter the Seventy-Three's cage, you cannot use any force to break it internally. Once you touch it, it will only It will sink deeper and deeper.

Even if you have the power to teleport, it will follow you to the end of the world.

So don't think about running away, you can't run away. "

The leader, a man in training uniform, looked to be a young man in his late thirties, playing with a black plush ball in his hand, as if he had control of the white cage.

But seeing that Yang Yu had been silent and speechless, the man soon lost interest in talking to him again.

"Take him back. The mutated power in this guy's body is very weird. He may be able to refine some strange pollutants. The higher-ups will definitely be interested in him." (End of Chapter)

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