When the news came, professionals from various countries were excited on the world channel.

In their opinion, it was undoubtedly the official public opinion offensive of various countries that made Longguo have to give benefits to other countries.

Otherwise, how to explain this wave of official operations of Longguo?

On the surface, officials from various countries also boasted about their extraordinary victory this time in various places.

But everyone knew it very well in their hearts, and in private, they kept cursing.

What is profit? It is clearly sacrificing the small to protect the big!

Even if there was no such incident, they would still lift the ban on the sale of artificial extraordinary crystals and raw stones in a short time.

The reason is very simple. As more and more artificial extraordinary crystals and raw stones are produced, they must dump them abroad to make money!

This group of old foxes in Longguo actually used this method to divert attention!

But no matter how they cursed in their hearts, they were helpless after all.

In fact, during this period of time, they have become somewhat accustomed to this feeling.

And soon, in Dawn College, a group of teachers and students were stunned to find that they didn’t know why the security system of Dawn College was once again upgraded!

There are many powerful and murderous professionals in the academy. At first glance, you can tell that they are from the military. I don't know why they appear here. What's more surprising is that there are countless professional teams active in Dawn Academy.

Every one of these professional teams is king-level!

Among them, there are mostly magic professionals. They began to set up dense arrays in Dawn Academy!

Each of these arrays exudes strong magic fluctuations, which is extremely dangerous and obviously powerful.

These professional teams are verbally named as decorators hired by the academy.

Anyone with a little bit of insight will not believe this nonsense.

And soon, another rumor spread among the teachers and students. There seem to be many more Saint Domain powerhouses in the academy.

This is not a fabrication. More than once, people have seen king-level professionals saluting a certain figure with a suppressed and powerful aura.

Such a huge change, even the most dull person can vaguely taste the taste.

At this time, the security level of Dawn Academy was getting more and more exaggerated.

This place has become an existence beyond the dangerous restricted area.

There are not many restricted areas in the whole world that are more dangerous than this place.

In this regard, the people inside Dawn Academy are naturally discussing it, full of confusion, puzzlement, and shock.

They have a sense of confusion as they watch Dawn Academy become more and more awesome, but they don't know why it is becoming more and more awesome.

This is the case for the people inside Dawn Academy, and for the people outside Dawn Academy who have been paying attention to Dawn Academy because of the unusual movements here, they took a breath of cold air.

This is right, there must be a very valuable secret in Dawn Academy!

Otherwise, how to explain the sudden exaggeration of the security system here?

A group of spies immediately became excited.

The great credit is right in front of them!

They immediately sent people to seduce and lure them to contact the teachers and students in Dawn Academy, trying to find out some information from them.

But soon, they were disappointed.

They found that these people did not know more than them.

In fact, because they were in the situation, they were even more confused than them.

Not only that, anyone who can enter and leave the Dawn Academy, whether it is security guards, cleaners, or teachers and students, will be subject to the strictest supervision and inspection.

Anyone who dares to approach them and inquire about intelligence will be targeted by the Dragon Country officials at the first time.

For this reason, all forces have lost a lot of manpower.

Not only that, they also found that everyone in the Dawn Academy has undergone the highest level of confidentiality review and signed a contract to remain silent about everything in the Dawn Academy and keep the secrets confidential.

At the same time, as long as you enter and leave, you will be subject to the highest level of inspection.

For the Dawn Academy, it is also painful and happy.

On the one hand, it is lamenting when their own small broken courtyard has become so precious, making the ordinary self become awesome.

On the other hand, the continuous inspections every day and the strict confidentiality measures also make everyone miserable, fearing that they will accidentally leak some secrets.

In fact, the original opinion of the official was to purge the entire Dawn Academy and then fill it with official professionals and professionals who have been reviewed and have the right position.

But Su Ming disagreed, because many of these people were his friends.

It is precisely because of Su Ming's guarantee that there has not been a large-scale personnel change in Dawn College, but such airtight review is naturally inevitable.

But the authorities did not treat these students unfairly, and gave them a choice.

If they are willing to stay in Dawn College and accept this rigorous review, everything will be normal.

If they really can't stand it and want to drop out, the college is also very welcome. Not to mention any punishment, they will even be given a large reward.

But surprisingly, no student chose to drop out.

Because everyone is not a fool, they can naturally see clearly that staying in Dawn College is beneficial to them.

Not to mention the increasingly enhanced basic equipment and faculty, the students have long discovered that, unknowingly, Dawn College has closed all channels for external enrollment.

At this moment, the possibility of joining Dawn College from the outside is basically zero.

Everyone also quickly realized that although they didn't know why, it was obvious that Dawn College had undergone earth-shaking changes, and it was even very likely to be in the eyes of the imperial capital!

As a student of Dawn College, their future must be extremely bright!

In this case, drop out? Don't even think about it!

I'm definitely going to this school!

At the same time, there was a knock on Su Ming's dormitory door.

"Who is it?"

Su Ming put down the book in his hand and opened the door. What came into his sight was Qin Wei's beautiful face with a slightly shy look.

"Qin Wei, is there something you want to talk to me about?"

Looking at Qin Wei outside the door, Su Ming was a little surprised.

When they first met, Qin Wei's attitude towards him was not very good. He always felt that being his bodyguard was a bit dusty.

But not long after, for some unknown reason, her attitude towards him suddenly took a 180-degree turn.

The original resentment was gone, and she became shy instead, always avoiding talking to him alone or chatting.

What happened today? She actually took the initiative to find him.

"Mr. Su Ming, let me introduce you..."

Qin Wei blushed, looked at Su Ming, and made way.

It was only then that Su Ming noticed that behind her stood a tall, cold-faced woman with a temperament as frosty as ice.

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