Everyone is fleeing the famine, my items can be upgraded

Chapter 87 Strange Object Plum Blossom Dart

"Eighty kilometers..."

Yang Yuan frowned: "Have all the small drought demons within 500 kilometers been eliminated? What is the temperature outside the safety zone now?"

The light and heat emitted by Drought Demon are relatively balanced and do not increase rapidly. In fact, even Drought Demon's body is not that hot. What is really hot is the radioactive energy.

In other words, the state in which radioactive energy appears is heat.

"Around two hundred and twenty degrees, it will definitely continue to rise..."

Chen Xianzhi looked very solemn: "When the real drought demon approaches 80 kilometers, the temperature here will reach at least five or six hundred degrees Celsius! With the cooler you made, simple temperature is not a problem, but the kind of reversal of yin and yang Strength is the greatest harm. By then, all the women here will probably die or be transformed into little drought monsters."

As he said that, he glanced vaguely at the metal room behind Yang Yuan. There were two of Yang Yuan's partners inside, both women.

Yang Yuan frowned. He glanced at his Fire Frisbee from a distance and found that it would take two full days to reach level ten, so he said: "Just in case, it seems that we have to make some preparations. You guys Is there any space material?”

"This... doesn't seem to exist." Chen Xianzhi shook his head.

Yang Yuan said: "There should be some people with super powers in space, right? That space carrier should be a person with super powers in space, right?"

"This is natural. Do you have any plans?" Chen Xianzhi asked.

"I have an idea, but I'm afraid I have to sacrifice the space carrier. Of course, it won't hurt his life. As for his loss, I can promise to build him a weapon. Does he agree? You guys can figure it out," Yang Yuan said.

"No problem." Chen Xianzhi nodded.

Yang Yuan said: "Let's do this, you take the superpower to the research department first, I will come later."


Because the situation was urgent, Chen Xianzhi did not ask Yang Yuan what he planned to do.

After all, everyone is just a grasshopper in the same boat. He believes that Yang Yuan will not play tricks at this time.

After Chen Xianzhi left, Yang Yuan put down the plum blossom dart he was assembling and went to the corner of the factory.

A large group of people here are throwing plum blossom darts, one for each person, and of course there are people who are responsible for picking them back.

At this time, there were already a lot of scrapped ones piled nearby.

Yang Yuan picked one up and took a look:

[Plum Blossom Dart Lv.1: 5943/Repair]

The repair didn't take much experience, only five points.

After repairing it, he began to strengthen:

[Plum Blossom Dart Lv.1: 5938/3 (hidden weapon; can be upgraded)]

[Plum Blossom Dart Lv.2: 5935/6 (hidden weapon; can be upgraded)]

[Plum Blossom Dart Level 3: 5929/12 (hidden weapon; can be upgraded)]

After reaching level three, although the information remains unchanged, you can feel from the feel that the material has changed a lot.

It seems to be more suitable as a material for concealed weapons, and it is sharper and has been optimized overall.

[Plum Blossom Dart Lv.4: 5917/24 (range increased by ten meters; can be upgraded)]

Starting to increase range.

‘This range should be added to anyone’s basic range, right? ’

After all, everyone, because of their different strengths, can shoot concealed weapons at different distances, and this increased range is an increase on the original basis.

Yang Yuan thought about it in his mind, and then continued to upgrade.

[Plum Blossom Dart Lv.5: 5893/48 (range increased by 20 meters; can be upgraded)]

[Plum Blossom Dart Lv.6: 5845/96 (range increased by 40 meters; can be upgraded)]

[Plum Blossom Dart Lv.7: 5749/192 (range increased by 100 meters; increased penetration characteristics; can be upgraded)]

The seventh-level plum blossom dart has an additional penetrating characteristic, greatly increasing its lethality.

Not only that, this penetrability can break the air resistance to a certain extent, weaken the wind resistance and whistling sound, and increase the concealment.

[Plum Blossom Dart Lv.8: 5557/384 (range increased by 200 meters; penetration characteristics increased; can be upgraded)]

[Plum Blossom Dart Lv.9: 5173/768 (range increased by 400 meters; penetration characteristics increased; can be upgraded)]

[Plum Blossom Dart Lv.10: 4405/1536 (range increased by one thousand meters; increased penetration characteristics; increased armor-breaking characteristics; can be upgraded)]

The level 10 Plum Blossom Dart adds another armor-breaking feature.

'not bad. ’

Yang Yuan continued to upgrade, wanting to see what the plum blossom dart would look like after reaching the rare object level.

[Strange object·Plum Blossom Dart Lv.11: 0/6 (range increased by 2,000 meters; has penetrating, armor-breaking, and invisible characteristics; cannot be upgraded)]

The color of the level 11 plum blossom dart has turned into a dark color, which is completely non-reflective black.

In fact, this color makes it easy to become optically invisible in the air, and its penetrating properties break through wind resistance...

Even if it doesn't have the invisibility property, it might be able to become invisible to a certain extent.


Yang Yuan took a look at his personal experience and found that it had indeed added a point, so he put the upgraded plum blossom dart aside, picked up the unupgraded plum blossom dart next to it, and continued to upgrade.

This night, he made a lot of plum blossom darts. Although he doesn't have enough experience in many plum blossom darts now, he can still gather more than 400 points of personal experience.

It only took him less than half an hour to upgrade all the experienced plum blossom darts.

[Lv.17: 474/128 (upgradeable)]

‘More than 400 experience points are enough for two levels. ’

Yang Yuan was looking forward to it and started to upgrade directly.

[Lv.18: 346/256 (upgradeable)]

[Lv.19: 90/512 (cannot be upgraded)]

‘It’s level 19, and I still have about 1,500 points of experience for rare items. Try to do this tomorrow morning and reach level 21. At that time, the experience should be refreshed again. ’

Yang Yuan got used to the surge in physique and strength, and then put the 413 rare plum blossom darts that he had upgraded into a wooden box.

He came to Storm with the box and said: "Let trustworthy people supervise, and then ask more ordinary people to continue throwing these plum blossom darts, but you must be careful this time, you must let ordinary people throw them, don't use People with superpowers should not throw them in the direction of someone, because these plum blossom darts are very powerful."

After saying that, he left the factory and quickly rushed towards the research department in the safe zone.

"Very powerful?"

Storm doubtfully picked up a plum blossom dart with a maximum diameter of only five centimeters: "How big can it be?"

She glanced at a tree a hundred meters away outside the factory and tried to throw it away.



The moment she threw the plum blossom dart, no trace could be seen. The tree a hundred meters away was shot directly through. Then the plum blossom dart continued forward, shot through the safety zone wall, continued to shoot into the distance, and disappeared. in view.

In an instant, Storm's eyes widened: "How is it possible? I didn't even use any force..."

After being surprised, her expression suddenly changed: "My strange thing..."


[Please give me a monthly ticket! It will be on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow, please place your first order in advance! ! 】

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