Everyone is fleeing the famine, my items can be upgraded

Chapter 93 The first sight of the real Hanban (sixth update)

If you are here, you need authorization. Even if you give yourself authorization, it is still performing the 'recognition of the master and binding' ceremony.

Only then can the items you create truly belong to you.

‘That’s probably the reason, right? ’

Yang Yuan feels that the possibility is very high.

All of this should be related to the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is related to the growth environment.

The growth environment is generally the main factor that shapes the world view, outlook on life, and values.

Therefore, the formation of conceptual abilities should also have a great relationship with the growth environment.

He feels more and more the magic of conceptual abilities, and of course, the mystery.

No wonder the people on earth called this system the mysterious system.

Let alone outsiders, even he himself feels mysterious.

If it’s related to subconsciousness——

It feels like theoretically, this large series of abilities should be uncontrollable.

For example, if you want to use mental power or some kind of control power to control a conceptual power user, you should not be able to use the ability against the other party's wishes.

If this is the case, this series of superpowers seems to be very safe.

Of course, all this is his own speculation, and the specific truth remains to be verified.

In the process of thinking about this problem, Yang Yuan did not waste time, but kept upgrading all the tenth-level coolers to the eleventh level, turning them into rare objects.

The radiation radius of the cooling effect of the strange object cooler is fifty meters, which is a range of one hundred meters in diameter.

Coverage is wider and temperatures are cooler.

Suddenly, frost appeared in the entire safety zone, except for the outermost areas. Due to the influence of the external environment, the temperature could still be maintained at more than 20 degrees.

Smooth places in the safe zone, such as metal surfaces, directly condense water droplets, and a large number of water droplets gather to form water lines.

The entire safe zone became wet, in stark contrast to the dry and cracked world outside.

This made many ordinary people excited and looking for containers to fill the water.

The water these ordinary people can get on daily basis is only enough to maintain body functions. They are not enough to drink, let alone take a bath and wash clothes.

Now, except for those who are still female or have female friends and relatives who are still panicked, almost everyone else has fallen into a temporary carnival and is collecting water.

"Wow, why did the temperature drop so much?"

"This is so comfortable!"

The entrance to the safe area.

Wu Chengxin and others had just returned and felt the temperature was much lower than before, and they were all excited.

Suddenly, Zhang Peng saw Jia Weixin holding Jia Nan and walking back hurriedly. His expression changed and he hurriedly greeted him: "Uncle, what's wrong with my cousin?"

The seven companions in the rear were all stunned.

"Is this Yueyue who has no support and can only work hard on her own?"

Tan Zhiming couldn't help but raise his middle finger. He admitted that he was jealous.

Wu Chengxin and others also looked at Zhang Peng with admiration.

But just when they thought there might be family fun next...

Suddenly the leader of the thirteenth team glared at Zhang Peng and said coldly: "Stay away from your cousin, otherwise don't blame me for dealing with you again!"

After saying that, he hugged the white-haired girl and left, leaving Zhang Peng there with a sad face.

This scene made Wu Chengxin and the other seven people look at each other, and then the fire of gossip immediately started burning.

"It feels like there's a story, maybe it's not an ordinary story."

Tan Zhiming was a little gloating, he walked up with a smile, put his arm around Zhang Peng's shoulders: "Brother, I have wine..."

"Go away!"

Zhang Peng didn't appreciate it. He threw the opponent's hand away, then gritted his teeth and tried to catch up.

But at this moment, Wu Chengxin suddenly fell down without warning.

"Sister Wu..."

Tan Zhiming was taken aback, and with quick eyes and hands, he supported Wu Chengxin.

Several soldiers who were guarding the rare object cooler nearby saw this and hurriedly gathered around.

At this moment, an invisible heat radiation emitted from Wu Chengxin's body.

The expressions of Tan Zhiming and others changed drastically. They instantly realized what had happened, and their faces showed sadness.

At this time, Yang Yuan came from a distance. When he saw this scene, a solemn look flashed in his eyes, and he said to the soldiers: "Give her a rare item cooler. It will be deducted from my part, but let her raise the money later." Buy it. Of course, if she survives in the end.”


The soldiers immediately carried out the order and placed one of the coolers on Wu Chengxin.

Instantly, the same situation as before occurred. This strange object cooler was directly integrated into Wu Chengxin's body, freezing her mutating body and slowing down the rapid mutation.

At the same time, the heat radiation also disappeared. This scene made Tan Zhiming and others, as well as Zhang Peng who had not gone far, look surprised. Is it possible to save the person whose yin and yang has been reversed?

This kind of thing is simply unheard of.

"Boss... you are really a boss!"

Tan Zhiming admired Yang Yuan so much.

Yang Yuan ignored Tan Zhiming's flattery, but looked thoughtfully at the scene where the strange object cooler, which he had fully authorized, was integrated into Wu Chengxin's body.

The two strange coolers that he had fully authorized to Zhao Jiayan and Jiang Yiyi before were not able to be stored in their bodies.

He also cannot put the rare item cooler that is fully authorized to him into his body.

‘Is it because the cooler is cooling down...or it can be regarded as absorbing heat, and the Hanba is releasing heat, forming a certain complementarity? ’

Could it be that the cooler can be regarded as the nemesis of the drought demon?

What a coincidence.

"Mr. Yang Yuan..."

Suddenly, a soldier looked at Yang Yuan with a pleading look: "If anyone else mutates..."

"Use it as you should, human life is the most important thing."

Yang Yuan said: "That's all, as long as the coolers used to save mutant people are donated to the safe zone by me, there will be no additional charges. I have fully authorized it. Anyone who gets these coolers will be bound It’s fixed, so don’t touch the cooler with your body at will. Don’t blame me if you can’t give it away when the time comes.”

"Thank you Mr. Yang Yuan!"

Several soldiers hurriedly saluted Yang Yuan, with gratitude and admiration on their faces.

After coming to this world, they have seen too many wild superpowers who are only interested in profit. Even if those wild superpowers join the safe zone, they will not change their nature.

Yang Yuan's behavior made them look at wild superpowers with admiration and felt that they could not treat everyone equally.

Tan Zhiming and others on the side also looked at Yang Yuan with admiration.

"Wait, Strange Item Cooler? Strange Item?!"

Suddenly Tan Zhiming was startled and his eyes suddenly widened: "Isn't it possible?!"

"Boom boom boom..."

In the distant horizon, the sound of explosions became more intensive. I don’t know if it was because the drought demon was accelerating or for some other reason.

Yang Yuan asked hurriedly: "How is the situation now?"

"If you want to know, go to the security center. We are not responsible for that matter." One of the soldiers said, using the honorific title for Yang Yuan.

"How to get to the security center?" Yang Yuan asked.

"Just go straight in that direction. With the regimental commander's order, you can now enter anywhere in the safe zone." The soldier pointed in a direction.


Yang Yuan immediately strode in that direction.

When he rushed to the security center, Chen Xianzhi and others were already busy here, and for the first time, he saw the real face of Han Ba ​​on one of the screens.

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