For the strength of the hidden profession, Xu Qingfeng was very satisfied.

What's next—

[Raise your level to LV.200 and gain 20 free attribute points!]

[Your level is raised to LV.201 and you get 20 free attribute points!]

[Raise your level to LV.202 and gain 20 free attribute points!]

A series of more than 90 pillars of upgraded light flashed continuously on Xu Qingfeng's body, making his level finally reach LV.298!

This is all the experience accumulated from the previous card level, and now after successfully changing jobs, it is finally used.

"Damn, only level 1 is missing, and you can take on the four-turn mission?!"

"I've got a lot of experience, right?"

Xu Qingfeng was a little speechless, but thinking about it, the experience saved by the Nightmare-level Fire Temple was enough for him to rise to about LV.260, and he had robbed four world bosses in a row in the past few days, and it was normal to have such a rich experience!

Although the four-turn mission is coming, Xu Qingfeng feels a lot of pressure, but he is still happy to laugh at the attribute points of the upgrade reward.

After upgrading to level 99, it is 1980 attribute points, plus 2000 points for the transfer task reward, which is an increase of nearly 4000 points.

Add a 1.5x bonus to the "balanced" talent of the hidden class, and that's an increase of 10,000 basic attributes!

It can only be said that it is very fierce!

In contrast, the numerical increase brought by the upgrade of the Elf Marksman talent of the old class can be ignored.

Seeing that the level had already met the equipment requirements of [Wings of Light], Xu Qingfeng directly used it.

After equipping [Wings of Light], he has an additional skill of the same name, which he can use to retract and spread his wings.

Xu Qingfeng couldn't wait to "four-eighty-three" and tried to spread his wings.

With a clang, he felt two more powerful limbs on his back.

Looking back, it was two gorgeous wings composed of golden light, very handsome!

Xu Qingfeng tried to flap his wings, and the whole person flew off the ground very easily, and at the same time, the mana began to fall at a speed of 1000 per second!

He tried to move up and down, left and right, and found that the flight speed was extremely fast and agile, which did not affect the combat in the slightest!

"It's comfortable!"

Although these wings can't last as long as flying summoning beasts after all, it's better than anyone else else!

Whether it's great or not, handsome is a lifelong thing!

Xu Qingfeng was happy in his heart.

Next, one more thing.......

Xu Qingfeng glanced at the sun-shooting bow in his hand that only had LV.100, and muttered to himself:

"Old man, you're already too far behind, you have to fight a little bit this time, don't let me unblock and fail!"

Xu Qingfeng took out a bottle of Divine Awakening Water worth 100 million from his backpack and began to unseal the Sun Shooting Bow!

[The "Sealed Sun-Shooting Bow" was baptized by the Holy Awakening Water, and the second-layer seal was unsealed by 40%, please keep up the good work!]

Seeing this prompt, Xu Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Each bottle of awakening water is released by 40%, and 3 bottles will inevitably be successfully unsealed for the second time.

Compared with this kind of play, he is more afraid of the chance of unblocking in the lottery style.

In that case, if you get a little darker, you won't know how much it will cost!

So, Xu Qingfeng continued to use two bottles of Divine Awakening Water.

Just listen to the sound of "buzz", the sunbow flashes with dazzling light, and two prompts pop up at the same time!

[The "Sealed Sun-Shooting Bow" was baptized by the Divine Awakening Water and successfully unlocked the second-layer seal! Level up to level 200!]

[The "Sealed Sun-Shooting Bow" was baptized by the Holy Awakening Water and successfully evolved once!]

"Actually evolved?"

Xu Qingfeng was a little surprised, he knew that the Divine Awakening Water had a chance to evolve the weapon, but he didn't know that he would let himself touch it!

Xu Qingfeng hurriedly looked at the current attributes of the Shooting Sun Bow:

[Sealed Sunbow +1] (Unsealed twice)

Grade: LV.100LV.200

Quality: Mythic!

Attack: 4000~400022000 (Increases attack power by 10% by 1 evolution)

Attack Speed: +300%+600%

Critical Strike Chance: +100%

Critical Hit Increase: +200%+300%

Physical Penetration: +100%

Passive Effect 1: Crying Blood (When dealing damage, 50% of the absorbed value restores the self.) )

Passive Effect 2: Chain Lightning (Each attack comes with 10% of the physical attack power of the lightning spell damage, which has a splash effect.) )

Passive Effect 3: ??? (Sealed) Critical Hit (5% chance to trigger 100x Critical Hit)

Description: The Sunshooting Bow, one of the top ten artifacts of antiquity, fires energy arrows when attacking, and does not need to consume feather arrows, and is in a sealed state for unknown reasons.

"It turns out that evolving 1 time increases base attack power by 10%!"

"It's not a lot of improvement, but it's an unexpected surprise!"

Xu Qingfeng compared the changes in the attributes of some sun-shooting bows before and after, and summarized them slightly:

Attack damage increased by 5 times, attack speed bonus doubled, and critical hit effect increased by 1 time, now 5 times critical damage.

Although these numerical increases are very powerful, what really surprised Xu Qingfeng was the third passive that was unsealed!

Critical Hit: 5% chance to trigger 100x Critical Hit!

For Xu Qingfeng's exaggerated attack speed, the 5% chance is actually not low, 100 times the critical hit, what is that concept?

Xu Qingfeng is now equipped with the Sun Shooting Bow that has been unsealed for the second time, and his attack power has exceeded 2 million, and when he triggers a fatal critical passive, it is 100 million HP!

So far, Xu Qingfeng has never seen a boss with more than 100 million blood!

"This passivity has made a qualitative change in my continuous damage!"

"But I'm doing too much damage now, and I don't have any bosses that I need to output continuously, so it's a bit lonely!"

Xu Qingfeng felt a little Versailles.

Who would dislike being stronger?

There is no stronger boss in Jianghai City, it doesn't mean that there is no outside world!

Not to mention, just the fallen sage deity hidden in hell, Xu Qingfeng felt that she was not simple!

Together with the bone dragon beside her, there are at least two legendary-level, maybe even stronger demigods!

As for how high the level is, it's hard to say!

Xu Qingfeng re-equipped the Sunshooting Bow, and then began to appreciate his attributes:

Name: Qingfeng Xu

Class: Asura Slayer (the only hidden class)

Grade: 3rd turn LV.298

Strength: 8440 (Base Attack 84400)

Constitution: 4220 (Base HP 42200)

Spirit: 4220 (base mana 42200)

Dexterity: 4220 (base movement speed 4220 m/s)

Attack: 2,080,000 (1,400,000 equipment bonus, 20% increase in level 2 bow mastery, 20% increase in melee weapon mastery)

Health: 500,000

Mana: 450,000

Physical defense: 400,000

Spell Defense: 400,000

Movement Speed: 18000

Attack speed: 900 times (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu novel network!)

Critical Strike Chance: 100%

Critical Strike Increase: 300%

Physical Penetration: 100%

Physical Lifesteal: 50%

Gear Passive: Chain Lightning, Shadow Hunt, Critical Strike, Wind Wings

Class Talents: +2 for stealth, +2 for galloping, +2 for bow mastery, +2 for precision arrows. Split Arrows, Demon Breaker Arrows. Wind Light +2, Guiding Arrow +2, Tree God Blessing +2. Trap magic, shadowless arrows, eyes of true sight. Balanced, melee weapon mastery, transformation asura, absolute immunity.

"My current attributes should surpass most eighth-turn professionals, right?"

Xu Qingfeng thought back to his battle with the seventh-turn full-level Divine Adjudicator Vermilion Bird, and he had a strong intuition in his heart, he could easily kill the other party in an instant!

Now that he has improved a lot, just from the numerical point of view, he is at least the best in the eighth turn.

Of course, if Xu Qingfeng is allowed to fight against an eight-turn boss, he may not be able to win steadily.

Because high-level professionals are stronger than just numbers.

Even a stupid woman like Suzaku can use magic to interfere with reality, and it is conceivable that there must be more hole cards of a stronger eight-turn boss!

"Not arrogant, not impatient, not humble, not arrogant!

After Xu Qingfeng encouraged himself, he left the space for job transfer.

As soon as he came out of the awakening stone pillar, Xu Qingfeng felt that something was not quite right around him!

The Awakening Temple, which used to be lively, is suddenly empty!

And it's only three or four o'clock in the afternoon, why is it getting dark?!

The wind is as cold as snow?!

Just as Xu Qingfeng was still wondering what was going on, he heard an extremely harsh and sharp siren sound outside:

Woo woo~~~

Xu Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed greatly:

"This is the most dangerous special alert!"

"Jianghai City is facing a catastrophe?!"

"What the hell happened?!"

5 minutes before Xu Qingfeng came out of the transfer space0.....

Frost Forest, the edge of the ice lake, the second-class scout Zhong Cheng who is in charge of monitoring the LV.400 Legendary Frost Dragon, has discovered-

The glacial lake, which covers an area of more than 1,000 square kilometers, suddenly thawed without warning in less than 1 second!

Before he could recover from his shock, a super-large dragon with a wingspan of more than 200 meters suddenly jumped out from the bottom of the lake, far surpassing the LV.400 Legendary Frost Dragon!

In the next moment, a terrifying dragon coercion instantly covered a radius of hundreds of miles.

All the creatures in this range fell into a state of extreme panic and trembling souls at the first time!

Zhong Cheng was no exception, even though he was a strong-willed garrison soldier.

But deep in his soul, the fear of higher creatures made him unable to raise the slightest thought of resisting!!

That's not the LV.400 Legendary Frost Dragon!!

It's LV.500 Legend Peak Frost Dragon King!!

An undead dragon clan peerless powerhouse comparable to a demigod!!

It escaped from hell!!

In extreme panic, Zhong Cheng began to run away uncontrollably...

But all in vain!

The Frost Dragon King didn't need to take the initiative at all, just the passive aura on its body could easily re-freeze everything within a radius of more than ten kilometers!!

Zhong Cheng turned into an ice sculpture during the run, but before the ice froze, he used the liaison to send a very critical voice message:

[Lord Commander, Special Alert...]

On the other side, because of the arrival of the Seven Turns Holy Judge, Wang Hai, who was still on call in the City Lord's Mansion, suddenly changed his face after receiving this seemingly endless voice message:


"What's going on?!"

Dongfang Po frowned and asked, he had never seen Wang Hai look so flustered.

"The crack in hell under that frozen lake in the Frost Forest has a big one!"

"The scouts I sent over only had time to send back a message, and it is estimated that the person has been..."

Speaking of this, Wang Hai took a deep breath, looked at the house not far away, and said in a deep voice:

"City Lord, I'll issue a special alert right away!"

"Tell that Suzaku-sama about the situation and ask her to help!"

"She is a seventh-turn divine judge, and with the help of her divine arts, we can reduce the number of deaths by many!!"

Speaking of this, Wang Hai turned around and left directly.

On the way, he tried to dial Scout Zhong Cheng's voice, but the contact over there was already disconnected!


Wang Hai scolded, and then used the garrison commander badge to issue his first special alert since taking office!!

[Special Order of the Commander of the Garrison]: Jianghai City is facing a catastrophe, all living professionals and children will enter the maximum level 5.0 shelter for long-term evacuation, and all combat professionals must be recruited in accordance with the emergency plan to face the monsters, otherwise they will be punished as rebellion!

As the poignant super-level alarm sounded, the entire Jianghai City came to a standstill in an instant.

The next moment, countless non-combat professionals carried out emergency evacuation in accordance with the emergency plan...

And the combat professionals, under the command of the officers at all levels of the garrison, quickly formed a number of units such as assault, reserve, and public security, and were ready to be on call at any time.

Those civilian forces are also rapidly organizing and quickly gathering at the garrison station.

In the face of the special alarm, all evasion is pointless.

Only war, only war!

When Xu Qingfeng walked out of the Awakening Temple, he saw such a chaotic scene!

At this moment, he subconsciously wanted to know the situation of his parents.

But without waiting for Xu Qingfeng to ask, Han Jiangxue sent a message:

"I've already placed my uncle and aunt in the shelter at home, don't worry!"

Seeing this news, Xu Qingfeng paused slightly and replied:

"Thank you!"

"Xu Qingfeng, I am in the garrison and have been temporarily incorporated into the mage phalanx, what about you?"

Han Jiangxue sent a message and asked.

Xu Qingfeng glanced at the gray-black sky, smiled slightly, and replied casually:

"I'm probably going to save the world. 】

Jianghai City Garrison Garrison School Field.

People came and went, and all kinds of shouts and passwords were deafening.

Han Jiangxue stood in place, looking down at the line of text displayed in the contactor, and was a little stupid for a while.

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