Before, Suzaku was devastated because of his injury, and he was unwilling to help even when Jianghai City was facing a catastrophe.

Dongfang Po used the radical method to scold her to the point of blood.

He also used the information of the person who kicked her as a bait to motivate her to cheer up.

Now, the crisis has passed.

Dongfang Po didn't die, Suzaku came over and asked him to fulfill his promise.

"Huh? Suzaku-sama, what are you talking about? I don't understand! "

Dongfang Po is not an honest man, he is ready to cheat.

Who made him the Grand Magus of the Wizards' Guild and the Lord of a City in the Dragon Kingdom?

Although his strength is not as good as Suzaku, Suzaku doesn't dare to do anything with him!

"You, deliberately pretending to be stupid?"

Suzaku was furious, she knew, Dongfang Po must have understood what she was asking!

Just when Suzaku wants to go berserk.

Wang Hai suddenly fell from the sky:

"Eastern City Lord, the professional on the other side of the Frost Forest has suffered serious casualties, you have to bring someone over to deal with the rescue and aftermath work."

"On my side, a friend asked me to help recover two frost dragon corpses, and I can't leave for the time being."

That's right, Xu Qingfeng has already contacted Wang Hai.

He helped the Jianghai City garrison kill three legendary dragons, and now asking Wang Hai for a small favor is not too much.

Wang Hai knew that Xu Qingfeng was so brave and had made great achievements, so he was naturally willing to sell favors!

Originally, there was a topic about Xu Qingfeng, and he wanted to avoid Suzaku.

But Wang Hai was so excited for a while that he forgot that Suzaku and Xu Qingfeng still had a grudge.

Now that he sees Suzaku, he regrets it a little! 05 Suzaku-sama knows that Xu Qingfeng is my friend, so she should be very sad and angry, right?

Wang Hai was secretly worried.

As a result, I didn't expect that when Suzaku heard the news about Xu Qingfeng, not only was he not angry, but he was also excited:

"Commander Wang, can you tell me the identity of your friend? I want to get to know him! "

"Ahh This? "

Wang Hai glanced at Dongfang Po, and Dongfang Po also looked at Wang Hai, both of them were in mixed moods.

Although I don't know what misunderstanding has happened here.

But this naïve Suzaku doesn't seem to know that the enemy who hurt her is the same person as the hero who saved Jianghai City!

She wants revenge and chases stars, which looks very funny.

I don't know how long this woman will be deceived!

Wang Hai and Dongfang Po didn't dare to tell her the truth, because they were afraid of offending a powerful guy!

"Ahem... The aftermath of the Frost Forest is very important, and some of the injured who have been frozen in ice may be saved! "

"I'll get busy first, you guys talk!"

Dongfang Po resisted the urge to burst into laughter and slipped away directly.

Suzaku did not mean to force Dongfang to break.

The enemy can be traced down slowly, and now she wants to know the identity of Wang Hai's mysterious friend, so it's best to explain it to him.

Suzaku prides herself on being an excellent person, she has a very high vision, and no one has ever been able to completely convince her before and make her want to take the initiative to get to know her.

This time is the exception!

At that time, Xu Qingfeng transformed into Asura, and the scene of killing and sealing the Frost Dragon King in seconds with the furious dragon magic and 99% damage rebound shield was frantically output, which was firmly engraved in Suzaku's heart, making her heart surging and her legs weak.

Therefore, it is rare for her to take the initiative to talk, but she didn't expect the other party to be "too cold" and disdain to talk to her!

At that time, Suzaku was surprised to find that she was not so good!

This hurt Suzaku very much!

On the way back, she was still depressed for a long time.

Now that there is a chance to find out the identity of that master from Wang Hai, Suzaku doesn't want to miss the opportunity!

"Commander Wang, is there anything unspeakable?"

Suzaku frowned slightly and asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Just now, Suzaku-sama has been to the Frost Forest, so I should have met my friend, right? Why don't you come forward and talk? "

Wang Hai asked tentatively.

He couldn't figure it out, since Suzaku had seen Xu Qingfeng, why didn't he recognize the other party as the one who had hurt her?

Still look like you're fascinated by each other?

What is the situation of these two people now?

Do you love and kill each other?

"I said hello to him, but he was arrogant and disdainful of me!"

Suzaku said with a slight blush.

Wang Hai: "..."

Maybe people are just afraid that you will be recognized!

Wang Hai thought about it and felt that it was better not to mix it into this!

The young man has a lot of fun, and he doesn't know whether he is an enemy or a lover, and he can't control it as an old man.

"Suzaku-sama, if my friend obviously rejects you, it's not convenient for me to reveal his information!"

Wang Hai looked embarrassed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

When Suzaku heard this, he was very disappointed, bit his lip slightly and said:

"Why is he so mysterious?"

Wang Hai's face was strange, "Probably because I'm afraid of people seeking revenge..."

Hearing this, Suzaku understood a little.

It turned out that there was an enemy!

No wonder it's so cautious.

As soon as she thought that that master was so powerful, she actually had to worry about the enemy, and she knew that the enemy family must be even more terrifying!

"That's my presumptuousness, the next time we see him, I'll make friends with him in person!"

Suzaku is still proud and confident after all, and she feels that there are not many people of her age who are better than her.

When they meet on another occasion, the other party may be willing to make friends with her.

After saying goodbye to Wang Hai, Suzaku returned to the guest room of the City Lord's Mansion a little lonely.

This time when she came to Jianghai City, she didn't accomplish anything, and she was almost defeated by setbacks.

Even wanting to make friends with someone and ask questions about transformation talents and careers was rejected miserably.

It's very frustrating.

Suzaku looked down at the liaison in his hand.

Since the beginning of the reconnaissance mission, she has been turning on the camera function.

Including the picture of the mysterious man finally killing the Frost Dragon King, it was filmed...

"Since he won't tell me the answer, it's okay for me to ask someone on the forum for advice, right?"

As soon as he thought of it, Suzaku intercepted a video, which contained a close-up of the final duel between one man and one dragon and Xu Qingfeng's transformation into Asura, and directly posted it anonymously on the professional forum:

[Excuse me, what kind of talent is this person's transformation skills in the video, and what profession may he have?] 】

Suzaku sincerely asked for advice, but she didn't know that the video in her hand was the only video source for Xu Qingfeng's battle with the Frost Dragon King.

Many professionals in Jiangnan Province, as soon as they saw the video, recognized that the dragon was the Frost Dragon King who almost destroyed Jianghai City, and immediately reprinted and shared it wildly!

"Come and see, the Frost Dragon King was killed by someone alone like this!"

"This master is so fierce, is he the legendary nine-turn boss?"

"I'm blanching! This output is terrifying, isn't it? Spike?! "

"He's carrying so much blue lightning output? That's dragon magic [Extremely Icy]! This spell defense is terrifying! "

"It's not that the spell defense is high, it's invincible!"

"! His transformation skills are so cool! Can fly?! This pair of golden wings is so cool! I want it too! "

In this way, the video sent by Suzaku exploded without accident.

Regarding Xu Qingfeng's profession, some people guess that he is a gunsmith, some people say that he is superhuman, and some people guess that he is a demon mage.

However, Xu Qingfeng's Asura Slayer is the only hidden profession, and no one has seen this 363 transformation skill before, so there is no accurate answer at all.

There is only one closest answer that Xu Qingfeng may be a shooter, and he has been ridiculed for more than a hundred floors.

In the end, Suzaku didn't get the answer she wanted from the professional forum, but the popularity of this video made her earn a lot of traffic dividends, which made Suzaku somewhat comforted.

After the death of the Frost Dragon King, Jianghai City's special alert was lifted on its own.

Those who were temporarily recruited to work in their respective homes went back to their respective homes.

Han Jiangxue is also one of them.

She had expected a fierce battle today, and she might even die on the battlefield.

didn't expect the ending to be so unpretentious and boring.

After the disbandment, Han Jiangxue picked up the liaison device as soon as possible and sent a message to Xu Qingfeng:

"Where are you now? Is it still safe? "

On the other side, Xu Qingfeng, who was observing the huge crack at the bottom of the lake with his true eye near the ice lake, saw the news and replied casually:

"I'm fine, I'm just wandering around."

Han Jiangxue asked again:

"Xu Qingfeng, did you save the world?"

Xu Qingfeng looked through the crack and observed the legendary hell, which was full of extremely powerful monsters...

One by one, they opened their teeth and claws, trying to penetrate through the cracks.

At this time, Xu Qingfeng realized that Zhong Cheng, the scout who had a relationship with him and was now posthumously recognized as a first-class meritorious hero, was carrying out a dangerous mission!

"This time I saved Jiang Hai, but if I want to save this world, I still have a long way to go..."

Xu Qingfeng replied.

【Ask for a free commuter pass!】 Thank you!! 】。

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