"Harm, you dissipate your anger, Teacher Li."

"Come, drink tea, first dissipate the qi, press it."

Zhao Jie poured a cup of tea for Li Wen with a smile on his face and handed it to her.

Li Wen picked up the tea and smelled the tea aromatic.

After taking a sip, the anger was indeed extinguished a lot, and the whole person was much calmer than just now.

Seeing that she calmed down a little, Zhao Jie hurriedly added: "Since things have happened now, it is useless for us to think about it."

"In this case, I'll look for drones near them and see how they are doing now."

"Do you think it's okay, Teacher Li?"

Li Wen thought about it, then agreed, "Okay, Teacher Zhao, then you go find it and tune the video out." She

also wanted to see how Xia Qingyou and Shen Qiqi were doing now.

Of course, in addition, she also wanted to see Lin Tian.

A little mage with a level of only 8 can only be afraid to run away when he encounters a strange beast.

"Found it, I tuned out the video of the battle at that time."

Saying that, Zhao Jie swiped his finger on the screen.

A video of a battle was projected into the air.

Just seeing that the four of them encountered three black wolves, Xia Qingyou took the lead and easily killed one.

"This is the top student in your class."

Zhao Jie's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but praise, "It seems to be an assassin-related profession, and it is very fast." "

Aiming at the neck to do a one-hit kill, fast and accurate, no unnecessary movements, really powerful!!"

Of course, not only is the strength strong, but this beautiful figure is also excellent.

And the little loli standing behind, she is also very cute, really torture!

Picking up the tea and taking a sip, Zhao Jie's gaze fell on Lin Tian.

This class teacher himself actually didn't notice at all before, it turned out that Lin Tian, this kid was so popular with girls!

A royal sister and a loli all agreed to team up with him, what a punishment!

"Hmph, of course!"

Li Wen glanced at Zhao Jie, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise, revealing a smug smile.

If he really ranks by strength, Xia Qingyou is the number one existence in his class, how can he not be powerful!

"Next, let me see how the students in your class deal with those two black wolves."

Seeing that in the video, the remaining two black wolves attacked towards Lin Tianhe and Ling Jie, and the smile on Li Wen's face said accept it.

Of course, what she wanted to see was how Lin Tian would react next.

Are you too scared and just run away from here?

Or do you say.... He wants to make bad and deliberately hide behind Shen Qiqi?

This Li Wen is not very worried, after all, that black wolf, with Shen Qiqi's ability, can also easily complete the kill.

Who knows, the scene that happened in the next second directly left her in place.

Zhao Jie, who was sitting next to him, also rubbed his eyes wildly, wondering for a moment whether he was wrong.

Not only the two of them, but also the few teachers who saw it next to them also widened their eyes and were speechless.

Yes, what did they see, Lin Tian, a little mage who was only level 8 in their cognition...

Just now, he actually punched through the body of a level 13 black remnant wolf!!

With just one punch! Even if you kill the level 13 black wolf and penetrate its body, how much strength does it take!?

How can a level 8 little mage have so much power!

No, this power can't be compared to even a level 15 warrior!

Paused the video and slowed down for a long time, but a teacher next to him spoke first.

"That.... Old Zhao, Lin Tian of your class is really hidden deep enough! "

Yes, he thinks that Lin Tian is deliberately hiding his true strength.

After all, there are many students who hide their strength like this, and they will deliberately hide their true strength before the college entrance examination so that the teacher can notice him during the college entrance examination.

But it is, like Lin Tian, who directly hides his strength for several years...

He really has never seen this teacher before, this is the first one, today is really a long insight!

"Ahhh Ha ha... Yes, yes.

Zhao Jie didn't know what to say, so he could only smile awkwardly at him.

Hide.... It's quite hidden, and even my own head teacher doesn't know a little.

Picked up the tea and drank it again, turned his head to look at Li Wen, "That, Mr. Li, you can see this too..."

Li Wen was stunned, and her eyes suddenly brightened.

As if seeing hope again, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise and reveal a joyful smile.

"Teacher Zhao, I'm really sorry!"

She grabbed Zhao Jie's hand and said excitedly, "I just spoke too loudly!" Change it again, Lin Tian in your class is really excellent!

"Xia Qingyou and Shen Qiqi from our class were able to team up with such an excellent student as Lin Tian, which is really great!"

Zhao Jie was also taken aback by Li Wen's sudden change in attitude.

Scratching his head to calm himself down, he said with a smile: "Well, in this way, they still have hope that they can be admitted to top vocational universities." "


Li Wen nodded repeatedly, expecting them to really be admitted to top vocational universities.

In this way, my dream will also be fulfilled!


After another while, the four of Lin Tian were already about to reach the marked low-level area.

At this time, in the city's score ranking, the team of four of them ranked 458th, each with 20 points.

Yes, they killed many more alien beasts on the way.

Because it is a low-level area, the low-level alien beasts here can't even withstand a blow when they encounter Lin Tian, and if they encounter it, they will send points.

And after fighting with the alien beasts, this made the four of them one step closer to breaking through and upgrading.

There is a good saying, although the college entrance examination is dangerous, for a strong team, this college entrance examination is a trial to upgrade the level.

Top vocational universities, this is just a prize given after the upgrade!!

"It's just ahead."

Lin Tian reminded that they would arrive at the low-level area marked on the map after a turn.

What appeared in front of them was a path, one that led directly to the very core area.

It's just that there are many bloodthirsty bulls blocking this path now.

Bloodthirsty bull, this is a strange beast as big as a car, and it is also the last strange beast that many candidates want to encounter, there is no one.

Because in terms of the degree of danger, they are the most dangerous alien beasts in the entire low-level region.

Their eyes are red, they are extremely sensitive to the taste of blood, they have a pair of sharp horns like knives on their heads, they have thick skin and are extremely aggressive, and their favorite food is humans.

Now if they want to take this path, Lin Tian and the four must first clean up this group of bloodthirsty pigs!

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