"Uh..." Lin

Tian was pushed out, his head just hit the wall, and the whole person was stunned.

But what makes him most confused is how come there are other people here at this time! ! !

And listening to the voice, it was still a woman who just pushed herself away....

How can there be women in this fire! The only living people left in this building should be himself and this child, right!!

Rubbing his head, Lin Tian quickly opened his eyes and looked.

But when he saw clearly who that person was, his eyes widened sharply.

A girl with a sportswear on her upper body and a black pleated skirt with black stockings appeared in Lin Tian's field of vision.

Of course, it was not the girl's dress that made him react this way.

It was this girl who suddenly appeared, and Lin Tian happened to know...

It was no one else, it was the daughter that the aunt next door asked him to pick up, Xia Qingyu, who went to school in Yuyang No. 1 Middle School.

Xia Qingyou stood up, her long black hair flying with the firelight.

He patted the pleated skirt and turned his head to stare at Lin Tian with some anger.

"Hey, what were you doing standing there stupidly? Dead to death!?

Lin Tian blinked, still confused, and did not reply to her words.

After calming down and tidying it up in his head, he quickly got up and said: "No, don't talk about this first, Xia Qingyu, why are you here?"

"Your mother asked me to pick you up, why are you not waiting in front of the school gate?"

"And say this!"

Xia Qingyou became even more angry when she heard this, and immediately asked, "Then you don't obediently go to the school to pick me up, what are you doing here?"

Lin Tian: "....."

Good fellow, aunt's daughter, has she always spoken so sharply."


Clearing his throat, Lin Tian patted his chest and said straightforwardly, "I saw a fire here, so I came over to save people!"

Xia Qingyou glanced at him, and his little head raised slightly: "Cut, a little fart child, and save people!" Of

course, she said so, actually, she knew all this.

When the fire broke out in this high-rise building, Xia Qingyu, who happened to be out of school, was also attracted by it and ran here.

At that time, she saw that Lin Tian ran directly into the building in order to save the mother's child and apply fire resistance skills to himself.

And seeing that Lin Tian entered the tall building and did not come out for a while, she was very worried, so she sneaked in.

It is mentioned here that the girl's profession is also the only profession, and the blood shadow is treacherous.

This is the only profession related to Assassins.

One of the skills is stealth, and Xia Qingyou used this skill to enter the building without being seen by anyone.

"If you don't believe me, you come with me."

Lin Tian took Xia Qingyu's hand and ran with her to the room where the child was.

Lava Fire Demon: "....."

For a while, this alien race wondered if they really existed.

Think this is making TV? How could these two humans ignore themselves so easily!!

"Hey, have you held enough, let me go!"

After arriving in the room, Xia Qingyou stared at Lin Tian, but a blush rose on his pretty face.

"Ah, I'm sorry I'm sorry."

Lin Tian noticed this and quickly let go of his hand.

Then, he turned his head and pointed at the child, the corners of his mouth raised, and said with a smug smile: "What, I didn't lie to you."

"When I say I came to save people, that is to save people!"

"Good, good, you are powerful, you are the most powerful." Xia Qingyou replied perfunctorily.

Then, she took the small leather band off her wrist and tied her hair into a high ponytail.

Then he took out a very delicate and beautiful dagger from his waist, but it did not lose its sharpness.

It was obvious that she was preparing to deal with the alien race outside with Lin Tian.

After all, she also knew that if she didn't solve that thing, the two of them plus this child would have to die here!

However, Xia Qingyou is also very aware of the horror of foreign races.

Not only from textbooks, computers, mobile phones, or from the mouths of adult teachers...

Just from the flames scattered throughout this tall building, you can also see how much casualties a single alien race can inflict on humans!

She knew that relying only on herself and Lin Tian to kill that lava fire demon could be said to be an act of death, and there was little hope.

But if you don't give it a try, who knows the final result.

Moreover, they now have no way back, and if they want to survive, they can only fight!!

At this moment, waves of scorching heat came towards this side, and the lava fire demon had already walked to the door of this room.

"Hey, Lin Tian, let's solve it together."

Xia Qingyu's pretty face turned cold, and he clenched the dagger in his hand, his gaze focused on the lava fire demon.

"If we can't do it, we will have to die here together."

But when she finished speaking, she didn't see Lin Tian reply at all.

Xia Qingyu: "...."What

is this guy doing!" Why don't you even say a word!

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Xia Qingyou turned his head to look at Lin Tian.

Just wanted to speak, only to see Lin Tian holding the child and throwing it towards him.


Xia Qingyu was shocked, and quickly put away the dagger and caught the child with both hands.

After answering, anger came up, glared at Lin Tian, and said angrily: "What are you doing!" What about fighting, what to do with the little ones thrown over!

"Do you want me to use this kid as a weapon, are you saving or killing!?"

"Hey! What do you think!

Lin Tian didn't know that Xia Qingyou would actually think of going here.

Sighing, he walked to Xia Qingyou and gently pressed his hand on her.

The fire resistance skill was attached to Xia Qingyou's body, and the original burning feeling all disappeared in an instant.

Obviously she was in the middle of the fire, but now she couldn't even feel the heat of the flame.

"This....!" Xia Qingyou was surprised.

With such a strong fire resistance skill, it takes at least three turns of a mage to do it.

Lin Tian, did he turn three times?

It can't be.... Surely it won't be like this!

Xia Qingyou immediately dismissed this idea, thinking that it was impossible for Lin Tian to reach the third turn now.

Because she remembered that Lin Tian's level seemed to have been stuck at level 8 after changing jobs, which Lin Tian had mentioned when eating at her house before.

She was about to ask, but the lava fire demon had already rushed towards this side.

Sensing the danger, Xia Qingyou subconsciously took out the dagger on his waist, but suddenly thought of holding the child in his hand.

Xia Qingyu: "....."

Stupid Lin Tian! Why did you just throw the child at me!!

Seeing that the lava fire demon was getting closer and closer to them, she quickly withdrew to the side.

She withdrew, but she suddenly found that Lin Tian was still standing there motionless.

It's exactly the same as what I saw when I first arrived.

Lin Tian was still standing there, facing the lava fire demon directly, without the slightest intention of avoiding it.

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