Everyone: Level 0 Start Enhanced 18th Style Blade Jakka

Chapter 405 The burning blood loss effect of the fire element disaster! (1/2)

Chapter 405 The burning and blood-removing effect of fire elemental disaster!


Inside Xuanluo City.

Akaya and Meng Kerou did not show any panic when faced with the unexpected situation.

After being stationed there these days, the two of them were already accustomed to this.

These Infernal Beings are the natives of the Infinite Fire Territory.

They are also extremely pure fire elements, the product of wisdom after condensation.

In other words.

They are like elemental elves in online games.

The perception of elements is extremely keen.

Just now, the battle between the fire elemental disaster and Su Mu, and the brazen collision of ice and fire, erupted to make these Infernals fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Everyone knows eh.

The exact opposite of the fire element is the ice or water element.

A gust of cold wind suddenly appeared in this world.

Even though this world is a world of flames dominated by the fire element, this extremely cold wind still cannot be melted by the flames.

For the Infernal Beings, this is a disaster that is enough to destroy the world!

Kneel down on your knees and put your hands together.

All of them showed fear.

Meng Kerou looked at the distant sky where snow was beginning to fall, her expression becoming more solemn.

Last time, she tried to compete with Su Mu with a determination to die, but she still couldn't get any advantage from the other party.

At the same age, she was just a non-staff member of Huo Qing's Blazers team.

And Su Mu is already the guardian of real power that everyone in China envies.

The gap between this was enough to shock her!

The vision in the distance completely violates the rules of the Infinite Fire Realm.

Su Mu can still do it!

She couldn't help but think to herself.

Where is the other party's limit?

And in her lifetime, is it possible for her to surpass this young man?

Thinking of this, Meng Kerou frowned.


She did not delay in giving orders to the soldiers.

These Infinite beings are most vulnerable at this moment and need to be protected at all costs.

Another meaning of protection is prevention.

Who knows whether these foreign life forms under the fear of annihilation will suddenly explode!

No matter what, you should put your own life safety first.

Akaya's face was rosy and shiny.

Moistened by the sweet rain, she is full of femininity and has the majesty of a superior.

Like the bright moon in the sky.

Everyone knows that it is the king of the night sky that shines brighter than the stars in the sky, but it is an existence that can be seen from a distance but cannot be touched.

She glanced at Meng Kerou in surprise.

Surprised by her growth and unhesitating determination.

after all.

Let a girl who is hesitant and somewhat compassionate by nature transform into a general who is decisive in killing and without much compassion.

It can't be done in just a few months.

And Meng Kerou obviously did it!

There was some appreciation for her in her heart, but Akaya had a good impression of this girl.

Although the opponent's strength is still in the improvement stage, fortunately, his personal understanding and growth ability are outstanding.

I just don’t know if the master will accept this girl in the end. ,

Of course Akaya wouldn't mind.

You know, the vampire tribe is not disgusted with these things.

What they hate is weakness!

Weakness is the original sin!

For someone as strong as her master, she wished she had a few more powerful sisters.

The icy cold wind that shook the Infinite Fire Realm blew through most corners of the world.

It also completely puts the Infernals into a state of self-doubt and devout prayer.

Large mining field.

Artoria couldn't help but look in the direction where the cold wind was blowing.


Her pretty nose wrinkled slightly.

My mood became inexplicably irritable.

Although she understood very well.

She is just a person who exists in this world relying on Su Mu's massive magic power. She seems to be a normal individual, but in fact she is already in the state of a heroic spirit.

In other words.

Already existing in history, a dead person.

The emotion that arises spontaneously in the heart is a negative emotion called jealousy.

As the once extremely fair King of Knights, her past did not allow such emotions to appear.

She has been warned many times that she is just a heroic spirit and should not have any inappropriate thoughts.

But it still didn't have much effect.

As for that guy, he returned to the Infernal Fire Territory and went to Xuanluo City first and stayed there for a long time.

But he has never even been to a large mine!

Arturia stared at everything in front of her and remained silent.

"Is this the second phase?"

Su Mu stared at the behemoth wrapped in hellfire armor in front of him and said in disbelief.

Under the gaze of the Eye of All-Seeing Exploration, level attributes and skill introductions will all appear in front of you.

He had indeed looked at them all carefully.

Make sure there is no second phase introduction.

The originally huge black dragon disappeared and was replaced by a monster wrapped in lava.

Two black pupils as big as car tires looked at him with an almost violent and crazy look.

The flowing lava will drip to the ground from time to time, raising wisps of melted white smoke.

The body, which is over a hundred meters long, is as continuous as a mountain range.

Su Mu stood in front of it.

Not even as big as the black round spots on its body!

"This is how it feels when an ant faces an elephant, right?"

Su Mu chuckled softly.

There was some unshakable determination in his dark and bright pupils.

The disaster of the fire element spread out its huge palms in an almost unparalleled manner.

Just cover it lightly.

The illusion of falling from the sky slowly appeared.

Looking up close, the surface is made of flowing lava.

The terrifying high temperature will not weaken the fighting will of the professionals.

On the contrary, it is this feeling of powerlessness that is clearly out of reach and unable to compete, which can make a professional feel truly desperate.

It can be said that from the fire elemental disaster in front of you, you can see all the things related to fire in nature!

The Great Red Lotus Hyōrin Pill shimmered with cold ice light, and the beautiful blade already reflected the shadow of the huge hand.


The cold air filled the space, adding ripples.

When in Jingfu Country, all equipment is locked.

Taking this opportunity to understand the use of mind energy, the understanding of fluctuations and harmony has also been raised to a new level.

Although he holds the Daigurian Hyōrin Pill in his hand now, the fluctuations associated with the attack are easy to grasp.

Just now, it was with the additional wave in the attack that we were able to achieve the first stage of the fire elemental disaster by freezing the four realms in an instant.

Cut it out with one knife.

The extremely cold breath spreads through the ripples, with an almost invincible attitude, and quickly spreads the fire elemental disaster all over the body!

at the same time.

A brighter cold light suddenly erupted on the Great Red Lotus Hyōrin Pill!

Heart-wrenching thoughts!

Wherever there are living things, there will be vitality.

In other words.

There is also a place for flow and thought!

Perfectly enchant the blade with mind energy, and the two powers are superimposed on each other, and the final result is a normal attack action that is as powerful as a skill!

If other professionals saw it, they would be shocked and shocked.

Because it was just a normal attack, but it actually caused irreversible damage to the fire elemental disaster!

Flying high with its icy wings, Su Mu was like a bright ice star. Although it was inconspicuous, it had an aura that could make even the fire elemental disasters surrender to it!


Dusk's semi-circular arc-shaped sword energy now turned into a color like ice.

The terrifying blades that traverse the entire Infinite Fire Domain reflect the horrified faces.

At this moment, the bodies of the Infinite Ones were trembling non-stop, and they had even begun to give up their human appearance and turned into the most basic posture.

"What's this!"

"Oh my God! What did I see!"

"Master Su Mu is so powerful!"

The guards on the top of the city were stunned.

As members of the Trail Blazers team, they have also seen many big players unleash their skills.

They all claim to be well-informed, but at this moment they all feel admiration.

The very important reason is.

Su Mu's age!

How old are those professionals who release skills that can cover the entire world?

And how old is Su Mu!

To know.

Time will not have much impact on the strong ones who step into the realm of gods.

But for every ordinary professional, it is something that can truly affect the future.

Once the life span is exhausted, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain.

Here in Su Mu, there won't be any problems at all.

He was only in his early 20s and had already reached level six.

The remaining awakening breakthroughs can be completed in the remaining decades or even hundreds of years!

That is to say.

Even if Su Mu is a little lazy, it is enough to make him reach unprecedented heights!

The cold light blade, which was as long as this world, was swung effortlessly.

The pervasive cold air spreads to the high altitude of the Wujian Fire Domain in the turbulent wind.

One knife out!

The increase in mental energy reached an extremely terrifying level, and every inch of space was filled with small and subtle ripples.

[Fantasy Great Sword. The Demon Lost]!

The moment the blade touched the fire elemental disaster, the body flowing with lava suddenly solidified.

The almost petrified state started from the wound and became a petrified surface layer that could solidify the entire body!

With almost no resistance, the blade cut the fire elemental disaster in half!

Meng Kerou's red lips trembled when she witnessed all this.

"What exactly is this skill?"

"Why can't I see through this skill!"

she murmured to herself.

As everyone knows.

This isn't just a matter of skill.

Instead, it uses the skill [Fantasy Great Sword. Heavenly Demon Lost] as a buffing skill, mental energy and wave as an auxiliary to perform a normal attack!

The lava solidified, and the huge body collapsed.

This moment.

There is only that small and majestic back between heaven and earth!


"It's a bit strange!"

"It's impossible to be resurrected, right?"

Su Mu said to himself.

The next second.

He showed an extremely speechless expression.

Because the fire elemental disaster is really resurrected!

It used a very slow but visible speed to become the same size again as before.

If you use skills to kill multiple times in succession, you will always appear again with the same method and almost the same posture.

"Something weird, man!"

Su Mu went back and forth to explore this monster that could be easily killed.

Find the root cause of its resurrection.

"Hmm... strong fire element?"

Endless Fire Domain!

When the perception of fluctuations can spread to the entire plane world, all changes will be exposed.

The mystery of the fire element disaster being able to be resurrected infinitely has also been truly solved!

Altria put the sword back into the scabbard and smiled faintly.

That person has always been a strong man she recognized.

Such a simple trick will naturally not be difficult for him.

In this elemental plane dominated by the fire element, it is the hotbed for the growth of the fire element disaster.

Su Mu can feel that every time the fire element disaster falls, the original fire element energy of this world will rush to it frantically.

In other words.

The fire element disaster is not a difficult existence that can be resurrected infinitely.

Every time it is resurrected, it consumes the original energy of the endless fire domain plane.

Once the energy of this world is exhausted, it is the moment of world collapse.

At that time, all the lives in this world that have not entered the realm of God will collapse with it.

"Not difficult, but very troublesome."

Looking at it with the eyes of all knowledge, Su Mu stroked his chin, and his expression suddenly changed.

There must be an antidote within three steps of the venomous snake's activity range.

The solution to the fire element disaster is in itself!

Continuously killing, the original life bar completely disappeared at this moment!

[Original Karma Fire]: Every time the life reaches zero, the upper limit of the life bar is reduced by one tenth. When the upper limit reaches zero, it will become a special element state that cannot be killed

Continuously kill the fire element disaster until it completely disappears, and the life bar is completely invisible.

The fire element disaster also enters a state similar to invincibility at this moment.

"Okay, okay."

As we all know, once a creature reaches invincibility.

It will become more and more fragile.

Because the word invincible is equivalent to a fatal weakness!

And Su Mu just has the talent to turn this fatal weakness into reality!

As expected.

At the moment of launching the attack, the life bar of the fire element disaster appeared again!

It is completely different from the life bar that shattered at the touch before.

It looks scary!

Endowed with the attribute of death, the Fire Elemental Disaster can be killed.

As a state of death, it will reach the end of death.

And it will no longer absorb the energy of the original element and revive again.



The rolling lava skin, just a slight touch, also brought an unextinguishable burn.

As time passed, the burn wound was gradually expanding.

Even if skills were used, the burn wound could not be reduced at all!


"It's the extreme of increasing the amount of damage according to time?"

The continuous blood loss effect caused by the burn belongs to a completely independent range.

The only influencing factor is time!

If it continues, it may reach the terrifying level of directly clearing the life bar in one second!

At that time, even if there is a skill that can restore to full blood, it will not have any effect!

At this time, the amount of life lost per second is already one-seventh. Uh


Su Mu sighed.

The next second.

In his hand, a not-so-long knife appeared.

As soon as it appeared.

The burn wound disappeared instantly!

Instead, the fire element, which could not be affected by any burning, became immune to all attacks!


"Let's start over, okay?"

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