Everyone: Level 0 Start Enhanced 18th Style Blade Jakka

Chapter 88 The shock of the counter-cross! The thousand-meter golden phoenix that illuminates the ni

The person who should have been killed reappeared.

Something completely impossible actually happened?

Meichuan Qiuyi even thought it was an illusion caused by excessive blood loss.

88 dead soldiers and two forbidden scrolls that were enough to kill a sixth-level professional strongman, couldn't they kill a mere 36-level Su Mu?


Or some unexpected incident?

Meng Nanguo had never been so happy as he was at this moment, and he felt extremely guilty.

He said that he would not fall again, but he didn't expect that the moment of slapping his face would come so quickly, and his killing intention towards Meichuan Qiuyi increased a little more.

[Lightning bombardment]!

Several electric snakes exploded in his body in an instant, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Those who can obtain the title of city guardian are all amazing people who have reached the top of the secret realm [Holy Spirit Tower Domain] and have been recognized by the prophet!

Meichuan Qiuyi is not weak, and he also has experience in killing strongmen above his level. It's just that facing Meng Nanguo who released the domain and went all out from the beginning, he is still too weak!

Will the mission fail?

The piercing pain suddenly disappeared, and the cherry blossoms of his homeland and the scenes of playing under the tree appeared in front of him.

When he was dying, scenes of his life would always appear one after another like a revolving lantern.


The mission plan was foolproof, and the loss of 88 dead soldiers was an unprecedented failure. If he failed to kill the target, it would be a shame to die in a strange land!

In shock, Meichuan Qiuyi burst out with unprecedented strength and speed.

It was only a thousand meters away from Su Mu, and it was a blink of an eye.

Not only did the shot seriously injure him, but the paralysis effect of the thunder force made him completely unable to move. Although the centipede was dead, the centipede was still alive.

What's more, the professional strongman who was desperate at all costs!

His skin cracked inch by inch, and Meichuan Qiuyi burned the last breath and rushed to Su Mu!

"Even if we die today, you can't live!"

"Rat! How dare you!"

Meng Nanguo was shocked, but it was too late to regret!

I wanted to take Meichuan Qiuyi back to the Professional Center to follow the clues, so that he could spare half of his life, but I never expected that he could burst out with such amazing momentum in a completely paralyzed state.

The left arm swelled up, and Meng Nanguo threw a gun!

Making seals crazily.

[Secret Art: Lighting]

[Secret Art: Extinguish the Life and Devil]

While his hands were flying, Meichuan Qiuyi released several enhancement secret arts that could only be used once!

He and the 88 dead men could all die, and Su Mu must die too!

With a solemn look in his eyes, Su Mu was already on guard when he walked out of the crack in the time realm. Seeing that Meichuan Qiuyi was completely ready for a one-for-one rhythm, his dark wings flapped and flew high...


A grim smile on his face.

The way to death!

I predicted your prediction!

The last blow of the professional career, with both hands on his mouth, a hundred-meter-long fire phoenix surged away.

[Fire escape: Eight-step fire phoenix]!

Since the desperate blow of the high-level strong, with the blessing of many enhancement secrets, it has reached the level that can threaten Meng Nanguo.

Pupils vibrate!

Meng Nanguo's face turned pale in an instant, and he felt the breath of death from the fire phoenix.

Even if he is like this, Su Mu, who is only level 36, will have only one way to die?

It's over!

A lifetime of wisdom, one after another!

Even if Su Mu is fast, it is impossible to dodge the fire phoenix released at close range...

He even thought of killing Meichuan Qiuyi and going to the Guardian Club overnight to resign as a guardian.

Ashamed and uncomfortable, Meng Nanguo aged a lot in an instant.

The dark night sky was instantly illuminated by the fire phoenix, and the amazing breath made many professionals in the city tremble with fear.

"Hahaha! Go to hell!"

Locked skills, will only dissipate when hitting the target.

Meichuan Qiuyi held his breath, he must see Su Mu burned to ashes by the fire phoenix, he can die in peace.


A white cross appeared in the field of vision, flickering, with no pattern to follow...

"You want to drag me down with you before you die? I'll give you a bigger treasure!"

Su Mu did not retreat or hide, but went up to the fire phoenix.

This scene.

It has become a scene that countless professionals will never forget in their lives.

In front of the huge fire phoenix of 100 meters, Su Mu is just an ant-like existence.


A seemingly weak ant actually launched a fearless charge?

"Crazy, crazy! This kid is crazy!"

"How could it be...No!"

Shaking Yu Qianshan's arm continuously, Yu Yourong's eyes were full of tears. Could it be that the boy with a beautiful smile would be wiped out by this fire phoenix?

"Old Meng, it's too late! How come you are so useless now?"

Yu Qianshan shook his head and sighed. With Su Mu's ability, he would definitely die this time. It's a pity that such a talented young man is going to die now!

The moment when the two with different sizes collided, "No one can kill me!"

The voice was like thunder, rolling in.

Draw the sword, unsheathed!

[Cross Counterattack]!

The sword hit the center of the cross!

And the cross was at its brightest moment——

The loud sound of the phoenix spread thousands of miles, and the surrounding monsters trembled when they heard it.

Meng Nanguo and Meichuan Qiuyi heard the sound of the sword shaking from their hearts.

The bright red fire phoenix turned golden, and its size soared to a thousand meters!

Meichuan Qiuyi didn't even react, and evaporated in an instant, as if he had never come to this world.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How did he do it?"

It was the first time that the girl saw her grandfather so frightened. She was surprised by Su Mu's strange ability, but she smiled happily.

Anyway, who cares!

As long as Su Mu is still alive, it's fine!

The golden fire phoenix never stopped, flew obliquely into the sky, rushed out of the blue star, and smashed several meteorites in succession.

"…What is this?"

A certain extraterritorial civilization monitor who was observing was frightened and hurriedly wrote a record in the observation log, with an expression of disbelief on his face, "Could it be that someone on the blue star has entered the realm of God from now on?"

"Huh? Strange, why only once?"

"That direction is... China?"

"An ancient country with thousands of years of history, such a heritage is enviable!"

The god-level strongmen from all over the world felt the fleeting miracle fluctuations and couldn't help but sigh.

In the woods, the special high-tech death soldiers who were monitoring Su Mu couldn't believe it at all. A generation of strong men from the Sakura Country was gone like this?

They got goose bumps all over their bodies and evacuated quickly.

Under the starry sky, Su Mu stood proudly, unscathed.

Meng Nanguo looked at the golden fire phoenix disappearing in the sky, with lingering fear.

Is that really something that a level 36 professional can do?

In other words -

Su Mu not only bounced the attack, but also bounced it back with several times the damage?

There is no mistake!

The golden fire phoenix rippled with the miracle fluctuations, a terrifying counterattack that could also seriously injure him.

A trace of fear suddenly appeared in the depths of his eyes. Has he grown to the point that he is afraid of after walking out of the Holy Spirit Tower?

Su Mu looked at his hands and trembled slightly.

It was not because of fear, but... the feeling of successfully flicking the knife was really awesome!

Combined with the previous experiments in the time realm rift, he has roughly mastered the essence of the use of [Cross Counterattack].

Especially the knife just now, which is the best counterattack effect of this skill. Thinking of the embarrassment of the previous counterattack failure, Su Mu smiled self-deprecatingly.

It seems to be a skill with high upper and lower limits.

In order to achieve the best counterattack every time, more practice is needed.

After Su Mu, the person involved, briefly explained what happened afterwards, Meng Nanguo was furious and ordered a thorough investigation of the entire city. A hurricane-like operation was immediately launched.

Back to the villa, Su Mu saw a small object left in a corner, and knew that these guys from Sakura Country had used some special effects hypnotic props for vampires in advance in order to completely avoid Akaya, an uncontrollable factor.

Sure enough.

In the coffin in the basement, Akaya was still sleeping soundly, unaware of the previous battle. After checking the status, Su Mu relaxed his mind.

It was not yet dawn.

Outside the dark elf station.

The moment Grandi and Ollie saw Akaya, their faces suddenly changed.

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