After snake got a good start without any suspense.

First day and second battle


In everyone's eyes.

This should also be a good show of the strong killing the weak.

After all, no matter in terms of hard power or past honors.

CLG is completely unable to compete with SKT.

But the process was more difficult than anyone expected. in this game.

CLG mid laner Huhi sacrificed a special hero-Dragon King Aoxing.

Dragon King Aoxing was born in version 6.6.

Only the MSI version has the capital to be on the stage.

Huhi's Dragon King skill can be said to be a super unique skill.

SKT didn't expect it at all.

The early rhythm was directly brought down by Dragon King alone.

Although SKT still relied on defensive operations to reverse the game in 45 minutes.

It can be compared to SKT's difficult victory.

The dragon king of huhi.

And the oversized Rasengan left a deeper impression on the audience.

The third game on the first day


There is no team in this year's LMS division that can stop the Flash Wolves.

Pity in this game.

CLG's star AD player Stixxay used the female to help them win the second consecutive championship.

Then with a gorgeous move, a gun penetrated the entire Phantom God Wolf King.

Game 4.

SUP narrowly beats CLG!

This was perhaps the most shocking game of the first day.

After all, SUP from the Turkish Division is just a wild card team.

Although Riot has been changing the version to strengthen the competitiveness of the wild card division.

But the wild card is called a wild card for that reason.

It is because their strength is stuck outside the threshold of the strong.

The audience also gave SUP the biggest cheers.

The weak prevails over the strong.

It will be appreciated since time immemorial.

The fifth battle.


Facing the absolute world king SKT.

G2 launched a mid-term lineup.

Want to solve the game with quick push.

It's a pity that although they had a head advantage in the early stage.

The economy is completely unstoppable.

No rhythm was found in the advancement.

In the mid-term, the entire operation was completely led by SKT.

The game is extended indefinitely.

In the end, SKT easily won its second consecutive victory by relying on its late lineup advantage.

SKT is still SKT.

Regardless of any game.

Regardless of any criticism.

They are all absolute favorites to win the championship!

G2 also became the clown on the first day.

After several rounds of battles.

The game also came to the final game of the first day.


Just like everyone loves Jerry playing Tom.

Xiong Daxiong Er plays with the bald Qiang.

Everyone likes to read the script of a dark horse counterattack. pity.

Those who can be counterattacked are not strong at all.

Faced with snake's absolute hard power, he was crushed.

The entire SUP team was stunned.

In 26 minutes, more than 30 people died.

A financial difference of nearly 14,000 yuan.

SUP couldn't help but start shouting: First of all, I didn't mess with any of you.

Secondly, I haven’t messed with any of you yet.

Mom, someone is cheating, I want to go home!!!

Two consecutive wins.

Snake's momentum and reputation rose to another level again.

The entire competition area couldn't help but be alert to snakes.

Be wary of this"dragon" from the LPL division! at the same time.

After the final game of the first day.

The schedule for the second day was also released one after another.

And the moment the schedule was announced.

The audience in the LPL division was instantly excited.

The first battle on the second day.


Resisting South Korea has been the proposition of LPL since its inception.

Not to mention that snake and SKT did have some bad blood during the offseason.

It can be said that the program effect of this game is good.

As well as the confrontation between the strong and the strong are all fully maximized.

At this time, the snake club.

When we knew that we would face SKT in the first game tomorrow.

Shen Chuan and others became excited.

Been waiting for so long. finally come!


May 5th.

Eight o'clock.

The focus battle between Snake and SKT is coming.

Oriental Sports Center.

The audience was full.

The popularity of major live broadcast rooms has skyrocketed.

Not just the LPL division.

Audiences in the global competition area are almost all waiting in front of the screen.

LCK's position on top of the world is too solid.

Who doesn’t want to see how a god is killed?

Who doesn’t want to see a new era of changing kings?

And this time SKT’s opponent is no longer North American CLG.

Not even G2, who is ruthless and cruel.

But a giant dragon with fangs spread from the ancient East!

Commentary desk.

Today's commentator, Guan Zeyuan, remembers that he is also ready.

At the same time, today’s special guest is EDG—clearlove!

Guan Zeyuan:"Hello everyone, I am Zeyuan!"

"Welcome to the second day of MSI battles"

"Hello everyone, I remember"

"Hello brothers, I am Mingkai!

After introducing each other,

Guan Zeyuan smiled and said:"Wow, I have finally waited for this day.""

"snake vs. SKT"

"This should be the most watched game of this MSI."

"Let’s not talk about some of the turmoil between the two teams before the game."

"Just in terms of strength and performance on the first day"

"snake and skt should be the favorites to win this competition."

I remember pushing up my glasses,"Actually, in my opinion,"

"This year SKT is not as strong as last year"

"After all, this year they not only lost FMVP player Marin"

"The jungler has also been replaced by a new player, blank."

"Although he still won the league championship in the spring split"

"But there were bumps along the way."

"The playoffs were also on the verge of elimination."

"I dare not say bo5"

"But if bo1"

"I think snake has a very good chance of winning."

I remember turning my head and smiling mischievously,"Director, what do you think?"

"I think you should have the most say"

"After all, you have played against both teams."

The director is quite restrained on stage.

"Well, I think pretty much the same thing as you"

"What SKT is best at is forcing opponents to choose some early and mid-term lineups in BP."

"Then they rely on defense to counterattack"

"But this style of play is actually very easy to overturn in bo1."

"Especially against a fast-paced team like snake"

"It's very possible that you can give me an advantage in front of you."

"They will stud you out in the mid-term."

The factory director remembered some bad memories at this time.

"And I've always felt"

"If we just play BO1"

"There should not be many people who can beat bking"

"He's so good at making people think"

"There are many tricks and the play is dirty."

"Just playing against him is the most annoying thing."

Guan Zeyuan probably understands the factory director's mood.

He doesn't want to be sarcastic anymore.


"Players from both sides are ready"

"Come on then"

"Revenge when there is hatred, revenge when there is hatred!"

"Strength speaks for itself on the field!"

The center of the stage.

The five snakes who had adjusted their equipment all cheered each other up. The mentality of playing against the LCK team was completely different from that of playing against the teams from other regions.

It felt like encountering a life-or-death enemy.

Although it was a bit exaggerated.

But it was a similar mood.

Shen Chuan took a deep breath and maximized his mental concentration.

Zhu Kai encouraged in his voice:"Brothers"

"Today we bring out the ultimate move we specially prepared!"

"Let them know what their name is here.!!"

"Are you ready?!"


Everyone's eyes were focused and they shouted together

"Then start killing!"


I update 10,000 words every day. Why is the update so slow?

Now prepare the chapters for release.

Come on.

I try to maintain the quality while increasing the speed.

Let the brothers enjoy it.

Finally, please go to the related works and read the comments on the listing, thank you!

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