Everyone: Open The Frozen Fruit, You Call It A Blind Box

Chapter 99: It’S Impossible To Be Stronger Than Xiao Yanran, Right?

As soon as Song Qian finished saying these words, she was still a little dazed and sleepy, but she suddenly trembled and woke up instantly.

There was a flash of panic in her eyes, and she looked at her dazed daughter beside her, knowing exactly what she had just said.


So many years of business literacy are here, Song Qian's pretty face had a lazy expression, and she explained helplessly: "The main reason is that Boss Su is just a hands-off shopkeeper!"

"After purchasing the store, the decoration was left to me. I was busy with decoration during this time as I was thinking about opening the store as soon as possible."

"Also...I spent a long time looking at the price of Armament Haki!"

She calmly threw all the blame on Su Hao. Compared with her daughter knowing about this matter, she felt more uncomfortable.

It's easier to accept the blame.

Song Qian blinked, not doubting the authenticity of this matter, after all, it was in the group chat of [Zhutian Blind Box~Store].

The boss just told me one day in advance that he would not set up a stall in the future, and the new store opened so fast...

turn out to be.

I had already prepared the store and decorated it yesterday. No wonder my mother was so tired.

She immediately asked: "I think we can open a branch of the Chamber of Commerce next to Boss Su's Zhutian Blind Box Store!"

Definitely not the poetry of the Song Dynasty, thinking that those who are near the water and the towers will get the moon first.

"Already have an idea..."

Song Qian's face was full of exhaustion, but her daughter had returned home, which meant that the Armament Haki light group had been fused.

This cultivation system comes from Otherworld.

It was hard for her not to be curious. After putting on a smile on her face, she asked: "What is the specific effect of this Armament Haki?"

After hearing these words, Song Shiyu was also looking forward to it. Compared with other beast masters at this stage.

His own strength is indeed stronger than others, but the appearance of this strange beast is very different from other professionals.

And through Boss Su’s introduction to Armament Haki, she also knew very well that the effect of Armament Haki...

It will definitely exceed imagination!

After thinking of this, Song Shiyu did not hesitate and decisively activated the newly mastered Armament Haki.

Following the flow of that mysterious gas, she reached her arms with difficulty, her originally white lotus-rooted arms.

Almost instantly.

There was a layer of black Armament Haki attached. Although it was very thin, Song Shiyu's eyes were full of horror when he saw the changes in front of him. (Colored for easier identification)


Even with this layer of black Armament Haki attached, her fingers can still be used dexterously, giving her the feeling of...

As if it suddenly became hard?

Song Shiyu thought for a moment, and finally smashed the wooden board at the head of the bed with all his strength.


Along with the sound of collision, countless sawdust instantly spread out from the originally complete headboard of the bed.

Song Qian's face was directly confused.

And on the wooden board, there was a clear mark of a fist. After sinking deeply into it, I realized the power of Armament Haki.

Song Shiyu's face was filled with surprise. If it were hammered like this normally, it would hurt for a long time at least...

After using Armament Haki, I didn’t even feel the slightest sensation.

Her pretty face was filled with excitement, she cast her eyes towards Song Qian, and said in a cheerful tone: "Mom, this Armament Haki seems to be very powerful!"

Song Qian had a smile on her face, as if she was trying to avenge the personal grudge she had just made, and she almost let herself spill the beans.

The jade hand gently stretched out to the soft flesh of Song Shiyu's waist, and then pinched it firmly with his fingers.

"My good daughter...who asked you to experiment on my bed?!"

It was already close to early 12 noon, and since it was a commercial street in Xinjian City, there were not many professionals.

Very few people even asked.

Su Qianqian suddenly proposed to go out on a date or something, Su Hao naturally had no objection, as her sister had a request.

Still have to be satisfied...

After all, he doesn’t live in a blind box store all the time, so Su Hao didn’t forget to put away all the blind boxes before leaving.

The store was finally renovated.

If there are professionals who really have other ideas, will the system provide a simple defense effect?

This is still unknown.

Just as the electric rolling shutter slowly closed, Su Hao took the girl away from the commercial street.

I still noticed that several professionals in the distance also stood up, as if with a clear purpose, they stood up at the same time.

Without using Observation Haki, Su Hao could roughly guess the intentions of those professionals.


There are also a few familiar faces. Xiao Yanran and Jiang Yue came to ask about their thoughts after purchasing the blind boxes.

It's very simple. You have to pick the weak one. Xiao Yanran's identity and strength are all here. As long as she doesn't seek death...

Basically there will be no other ideas.

Or maybe he feels that his boss is young and lacking in strength, and he has some greedy thoughts?

"Let's have a meal first. I think I'll have something to do later."

Su Hao had a calm smile on his face, and glanced at the professionals behind him from the corner of his eye, with amusement in his eyes.

Those people from the Disaster Relief Society recently probably felt that they had hit a brick wall, as if they didn't come to look for trouble.

Su Hao has no intention of brushing pictures to improve his level.

Even the power-enhancing props recently opened in the blind box have targets to experiment with.

The God-killing Spear is a large-scale attack method, even if you want to test the power of the skill.

It still needs specific occasions, and in addition to dealing with these professionals, it is somewhat overqualified.


On the contrary, it is the effect of the Thousand Blades of the Demonic Sword, which can directly fill up the enemy in such a small-scale battle.


Su Qianqian also turned her head and looked at the figures of professionals who were behaving strangely, her eyes filled with coldness.

She's not stupid...

Naturally, I can understand what my brother said because of the many mysterious props found in the blind box.

Arouse the covetousness of other professionals.

It was difficult to have time to go out on a date with my brother, but I was interrupted by other people in the middle, and Su Qianqian's cold eyes looked into her eyes.

They are all filled with murderous intent.

Deep down in her heart, she had already sentenced all these professionals to death, and she immediately set her sights on Su Hao.

He wore a smile that belonged only to his brother.

Su Qianqian nodded seriously and said, "Brother...if I crush the bug to death, can we continue dating?"

Su Hao touched his nose, and it seemed to be a pretty good suggestion, but he didn't know the strength of these professionals.

How is it overall...

0…………Please give me flowers…

If it's worse, maybe you can give Su Qianqian some training to hunt monsters and develop the Op-Op Fruit ability.

Compared with a real battle, it was still a lot worse. Thinking of this, he said with a faint smile on his face: "Let's go. 17

The professionals wandering outside the doors of the shops in the distance didn't even need to communicate when they saw this scene.

It's like being in tune with each other.

Following in the footsteps of Su Hao and Su Qianqian, the leading professional had obvious greed in his eyes.

Xiao Yanran from the professional association previously noticed that when he opened the blind box, he could actually get it directly from the straight box.

Unlock rare equipment!

Naturally, he did not dare to have other ideas for Xiao Yanran, who was at the top of Linjiang City's pyramid.

It's no different from seeking death. As for other professionals, they haven't seen any good things being released yet, so they simply target...

Put it on Ruo Shizi, the owner of [Zhutian Blind Box Store].

He is really too young, and he feels like he is a low-level professional who does not have those high-level professional enlightenments.


A sense of intimidation emanating from his body.

Combined with the many actions of opening the blind box, the professional leader even had some doubts that this so-called Zhutian Blind Box Shop...

Like some high-level white glove!

The professional looked at his accomplices around him, with a fierce smile on his face, and said sternly: "Get ready to follow.

"After you finish this job, you can sneak away to other cities to avoid the limelight. I guess I can make some money and get some rare equipment!"

The remaining professionals all had fiery eyes, if it weren't for the fact that many monsters had appeared in the city recently.

This resulted in an increase in the number of patrolling city defense troops.

Not to mention the owner of this blind box shop...

Even those professionals who open blind boxes don't want to let it go, just to make quick money.

Then go to other cities to change your life!

After leaving Erxianqiao Commercial Street, Su Hao took the intercity train to leave here without her sister.

Instead, just take the trail and go to every village in the city. Don't seduce a few professionals outside the city...

Somewhat unnecessary.

And after dealing with it in the city, Xiao Yanran can just deal with it incidentally. Anyway, it was the other party who started the trouble first.

Enter the urban village.

Su Hao glanced behind him from the corner of his eye and saw the many professionals who were still following him closely without any hesitation.

He quickened his pace and walked towards the alley.

The professionals who were following behind were somewhat confused and did not follow the footsteps directly.

Looking at each other.

The other party had already set up a trap here. The leader of the profession gritted his teeth and said: "It has reached this level."

"What else do you want to do? Starve the timid to death, starve the bold to death, and leave Linhai directly after this is done!"

The professionals accompanying the gang were somewhat hesitant in their hearts, but they still followed in the footsteps of Su Hao and Su Qianqian...

At the same time, with all their strength, even if they are platinum-level professionals, they are not unable to win.

It's impossible.

Their luck can be so bad that the target they are targeting is stronger than Xiao Yanran, right?

PS: The first update is a little late, just trying to figure out the plot.

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