Everyone: Open The Frozen Fruit, You Call It A Blind Box

Chapter 102: The Blind Box Opens Kaio Fist! The Combat Power Is Doubled!

Su Hao looked at Su Qianqian who fled back to her room like a rabbit, with question marks on her face.

Is it possible,

Are you really that terrible?

He didn't pay special attention to this matter. As for other ideas, he definitely didn't have any other ideas. The main thing was to keep his word.

Immediately, he turned his attention to the floating golden light group.

【Kaiou Fist】

Effect: This technique comes from an unknown world and was created by the King of the North. It is a technique that can increase one's combat effectiveness several times or even dozens of times in a short period of time, but it places a heavy burden on the user's body.

Note: Learners can increase their endurance multiplier by improving their own four-dimensional attributes, and practicing Kaio Fist can increase their combat power multiplier.

"This blind box prop stands out ridiculously, doesn't it?"

Su Hao looked at the props from a certain Dragon Ball world in the blind box, and the expression on his face was quite exciting.

The props in the system's blind box can be accessed from all over the world.

He had been mentally prepared for this, but what Su Hao didn't expect was that he could actually fire the Kaio Fist directly!

For this thing....

He still has a simple understanding that this move is not a move to directly attack the opponent, but to double his body's strength, speed, attack power, and defense.


After using Kaio Fist in the original game, you can also use Kame style Qigong moves. Does that mean...

When using Unlimited Sword System, Secret Sword Yan Hui, or even those Noble Phantasm skills, can they show several times increase?

"If that's the case..."

Just thinking about the effects of these skill increases, Su Hao was looking forward to it, just for the props in the blind box of the emotional system.

Are you just trying to penetrate the earth?

He did not hesitate too much and decisively chose to fuse the experience light group of [Kaiou Fist] with this auxiliary technique.

came to mind instantly.

Including the methods of use, techniques, etc., as well as a detailed skill introduction to Kaio Fist.

Through a deeper understanding....

Su Hao also knows how much this [Kaiou Fist] can improve one's strength, as well as its drawbacks, as it places a heavy load on the body.

After all, it is to directly maximize one's four-dimensional attributes and combat power, and the corresponding load on the body will be doubled...

Even now, Su Hao has many additional attribute blessings of equipment, maintaining a 2x Kaioken status.

It can only provide a short period of 1 minute. If it is forcibly activated, it will cause damage to the body.

Absolutely irreversible!

Su Hao collected his thoughts and immediately turned his attention to the one he had taken out of the box earlier (Remedia Cake Factory.

There are 3 pieces in total.

The golden cake is quite attractive, and the semi-melted cheese exudes a tempting aroma. The most important thing is the Remedia cake.

After consumption, the four-dimensional attributes can be greatly improved!

The taste was quite good. Even after lunch, Su Hao still finished all three cakes.

As the effect of the cake increased, he was squeezed by the toilet station god, and then he experienced a battle and was a little tired.

You can clearly feel the improvement of the four-dimensional attributes. The probably change is that the sister in the maid costume can trigger double the attack speed.

And with the improvement of physical fitness of these 900 points of four-dimensional attributes, the attack speed can be increased to at least three times.

Before Su Hao opened the attribute panel, he did not forget to wear the Langton's Omen defensive equipment.

Even the 200 points of spirit provided by the sacred relic Thunderbird's Mercy appeared immediately along with the improvement of attributes.

Name: Su Hao

Occupation: Businessman (life occupation)

Level: Bronze Level 14 (4910/30000)





Magic value:20235/20235

Equipment: Thousand Blades of the Demonic Sword (artifact), Landon's Omen (artifact), Thunderbird's Mercy (sacred relic)

Professional talents: Businessman’s heart, source of magic

Exclusive abilities: Gravity Fruit, Observation Haki, Unlimited Sword Control

Skill: Secret Sword·Yan Hui

"With this attribute, it should be no problem to maintain the Kaioken's enhanced state for 2 minutes, right~?"

Su Hao glanced at the extremely luxurious attribute panel. After eating these three pieces of Remedian cake, he also added the attribute increase of the equipment.

Fast approaching the 2,000 pound mark.

Putting aside his own combat methods, the four-dimensional attributes of this panel alone are directly maxed out.

It is estimated that those professionals who are close to the platinum level cannot compare to Su Hao in terms of panel attributes, let alone combat skills!

If the amplification effect of Kaioken...

In terms of skill damage that can be used for equipment, I dare not say that the entire Linjiang City will be under full firepower.

It is estimated that the community where Su Hao lives and the surrounding buildings use Tianzhou Ma Anna's equipment skills.

The mountains are shocked and the salary of stars is high.

It should be able to be directly pushed to the ground. This is the true meaning of a mountain-exploding blow, with full power.

"I just don't know... can a demigod-level professional be killed directly?"

Su Hao had a little expectation on his face. With his strength now in this world of professionals, he should have the means to protect himself.


It can actually help my sister improve her strength, especially in terms of endurance, but it gave him a very bad feeling!

Su Hao looked at the closed bedroom door, with a somewhat helpless expression on his face, as if he could eat people.

Lying lazily on the sofa, adhering to the tradition of keeping warm and thinking about sex, I was boringly watching short videos of beautiful women.

When browsing a video of a yellow-haired Internet celebrity girl wearing an ol uniform, Su Hao couldn't help but recall...

Some time ago, I was very lucky at Linjiang Vocational College. Three blind boxes revealed Ning Jiayin, who is a master of medical ninjutsu.

That girl who is stubborn at heart but extraordinarily kind-hearted, the key is that her legs are really good at playing.

After the attack from the [Misery Relief Society], it seemed like I hadn’t contacted her for a while.

Open the chat software on your phone.

After glancing at the many messages, there was relatively little communication in the past few days, and Ning Jiayin also sent a lot of messages.

But then...

He is basically selling blind boxes, or on the way to killing people, and the messages he replies are somewhat sloppy.

But from Ning Jiayin's message, the enthusiasm can still be detected, and he took a look at the latest news this morning.

【I have cultivated Chakra!![Cute.jpg]】

Su Hao had a faint smile on his face, and he cultivated the Chakra of the [Hokage System] so quickly.

It was somewhat unexpected.

Without anyone's guidance, just relying on the tutorials in the inherited memory, the talent is really full.


I just happened to take advantage of the free time in the afternoon to go check on Ning Jiayin, just in time to undo what happened last time when I looked at my legs.

Su had absolutely no other ideas.

Linjiang Vocational College.

Ning Jiayin, who had moved back to the dormitory from the rented apartment for three days, took a brief rest at noon.

Ready to go out again.

Go to the dungeon set up by the college for students, prepare to gain experience, upgrade your level, and earn some alliance coins by the way.

As for the practice of [Medical Ninjutsu], Ning Jiayin does not have any, but the special attributes of Chakra are here.

There is no way to practice directly.

You must have a sufficient level of Chakra in your body before you can perform medical ninjutsu moves and practice Chakra.

The emphasis is on both internal and external training, training the spirit internally to keep the spirit capable of controlling strength, and training the body externally to maximize the energy carrying capacity.

After this period of practice, Ning Jiayin can already feel the existence of Chakra in her body, which is why she...

Motivation to keep fighting.

For the sake of my younger brothers and sisters in the orphanage, and for myself, that figure that seemed out of reach.

Ning Jiayin's idea is very simple...

She works hard to improve her strength, and after she can cure her younger brothers and sisters, if possible, she wants to stand behind Su Hao.

The dormitory environment of Linjiang Vocational College is pretty good, and Ning Jiayin lives with a round-faced girl.

Looking at Ning Jiayin, who was about to clear the dungeon as usual, the round-faced girl was also a little surprised.

She reminded enthusiastically: "Student Ning, there is a combat instruction course from Teacher Nangong in the afternoon. You can go and clear the dungeon now...

"Is it too late?"

What the round-faced girl said was actually too conservative, and the combat instruction course was not the most important thing.

Mainly the character of Teacher Nangong.

Relatively hot.

The most annoying thing is that during the tactical instruction course, there are students who sign up for elective courses, but they don’t even have a request for leave.

Just skipped class.

They all ended badly, either with deductions of credits or being taken out alone and trained (tortured) severely.

The round-faced girl metaphorically reminded: "Classmate Ning, you should know about Teacher Nangong, right? His temper..."

Ning Jiayin originally had half a foot outside the door. After hearing this reminder, she was a little sluggish, but she remembered the seriousness of the matter.

Combat instruction course.

For other professionals, it is indeed quite effective, but for her, it is a bit accumulated.

Going to the dungeon to hunt monsters can also improve your combat skills, strengthen your body, and increase the maximum capacity of Chakra in your body.

The essential.

The materials obtained from hunting monster beasts can also be sold for money, so it is the most appropriate choice no matter how you look at it.

As for the fiery-tempered teacher Nangong, Ning Jiayin didn't take the combat instruction course particularly seriously.

It doesn't open until 2pm.

It is somewhat difficult to conquer the silver level dungeon alone, but if it is a bronze level dungeon.

It should be over.

Ning Jiayin has no makeup, but her face is particularly bright and charming, and she smiles slightly when she sleeps: It should be in time, right?

"Just brush up a bronze-level copy, it won't take long."

"Okay, then don't be late. How about I ask for a leave or something for you? Then you should be fine.

"I guess you don't need it...Thank you."

Ning Jiayin had a faint smile on her face, thanking her roommate for her good senses.

After the round-faced girl heard these words, she didn't continue to say anything. Anyway, the reminder was in place.

As for how to choose

It's definitely better to look at Ning Jiayin. It's impossible to force the other person to go directly to Teacher Nangong's instruction class, right?


In an empty training ground in the vocational college, when the time came to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, many students had already gathered here.

Compared with the attitude of taking other courses, these students are obviously much more serious, mainly the teachers who teach the courses.

His temper is not ordinary, and even his teaching attitude is extremely serious.

Even make friends

There were no students whispering, and their eyes fell on Nangong Yueyue, who was not far away and was wearing loose sportswear.

Not only does he have a hot temper, but he also has a figure, but as long as he knows Nangong Yueyue's character (Qian Nuohao), he is a student.

I dare not look at it at all.

With her long burgundy hair tied into a ponytail, Nangong Yaoyue looked particularly capable, and her delicate face was full of seriousness.

Looking at the sign-in sheet in her hand, she saw that 30 of the 31 students in her combat instruction class were already in place.

Only one person is missing.

The most important missing name is still very familiar. It is the girl who impressed Nangong Yaoyue deeply, Ning Jiayin.

When she usually attends her guidance class, the second-year students who study and train seriously throughout the whole process are never absent.

Could it be that there is something else going on?

Nangong Yaoyue frowned slightly, glanced at the many students in front of her, and asked coldly: "Has any of you seen Ning Jiayin?"


Many students present looked at each other in confusion. Ning Jiayin rarely communicated with them, even during discussions.

Very few words.

Anyone who wants to contact her will be pushed away in every possible way, not to mention knowing where Ning Jiayin is at this time.

The round-faced girl who was also a roommate did not answer. Instead, there was a girl who saw Ning Jiayin going to clear the dungeon.

She raised her hand and replied with an uncertain tone: "Teacher Nangong, I seemed to have seen it when I came here..."

"Student Ning seems to have gone to refresh the dungeon."

Nangong Yue's originally frowning face softened slightly. No teacher doesn't like students who work hard to improve their abilities.

She glanced at the people waiting for class, thought briefly and said: "Students, study by yourself for 15 minutes.

"I'm going to find Ning Jiayin. I'll continue the combat instruction class when I get back. I'll practice for an extra hour today!"

PS: The 4th update, please give me monthly tickets and various free data. I still owe 4 chapters, so I will stay up late tonight typing on the keyboard.

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