[The current task is to live in the Red Building Apartment and spend a night safely!】

""Is the mission sent out so soon?"

Ye Mo looked up.

This so-called Red Building Apartment looked gloomy and there were many bloodstains on the walls. It was obviously a dangerous place.

But it didn't matter. His strength was stronger than any ghost. A mere apartment was not worth his attention...

So, Ye Mo stepped into the door of the Red Building Apartment!

In the hall, a pale old man was playing chess alone. His arms looked trembling, as if they would break at the next moment.……

【Chestnut Yak】

【Level: lv.38"Life-Chasing Level」】


【Attack power: 12333】

【Skill I: Gluttony: Devouring human organs can increase your own attributes」】

【Skill II: Brutal Attack: Each attack can cause 110% damage to the enemy」】

"Is it the life-chasing level as soon as I enter the door? I hope this apartment will not disappoint me."

Ye Mo walked calmly to the old man, and then said calmly:

"Hello, can you give me my room card?"

Hearing this, the old man raised his head indifferently, glanced at Ye Mo and said:

"On the 17th floor, turn left and the first room is your room. Do you want to play chess? Young man, I can teach you.

Hehehe, if you win, I can give you a trick, but if you lose, you need to take out your liver.……"

"Not interested."

Ye Mo ignored the old man and stepped into the elevator and went up to the 17th floor.

Ye Mo didn't need any Devil May Cry weapons, as he only had his own summoned beasts.

At this moment, the old man looked at Ye Mo in surprise and was speechless.

Usually, he would see humans who claimed to be chess masters, who wanted to compete with him, and finally had their livers ripped out alive, but the young man in front of him was different.……

"It doesn't matter, you will die if you go up to the 17th floor!"

The old man smiled sinisterly, and then continued to play chess...

Soon Ye Mo arrived at the 17th floor and entered the room. He found that the decoration inside was OK, and it was considered an ordinary hotel room.

There didn't seem to be anything wrong...

But to be on the safe side, Ye Mo directly summoned Hades and ordered:

"Just stay here and guard the room. If anyone comes in, just kill them."

"Yes, Master."

Hades then sat on a chair beside him, drinking tea nonchalantly, and acting as a guard.

Being a gatekeeper seemed a bit overkill for him, the Lord of the Underworld.

But Hades himself had no opinion. As long as it was the master's order, he would execute it.

At this moment, Ye Mo was lying on the bed bored and picked up his phone to browse.

He mainly looked at the strategy of this weird world.

Some people had played the difficulty of the Shenyuan Purgatory, but there was no record of passing it. The strategy was quite complete.……

【After my own challenge, I found that the normal and difficult levels only require defeating the Red Prince in the city sewers.】

【The Red Prince is only a nightmare level strength, generally speaking, a team of 5 can kill him in a fierce battle】

【However, the Red Prince in the Purgatory level has greatly increased in strength, and there must be 1~2 S-level professionals in the team to have a hope of passing the level.】

【In addition, the Purgatory-level strange world is not just about defeating the Red Prince, you need to complete other tasks.

Since I have never defeated the Red Prince, I don’t know what the next tasks are.

There are only a few sentences in the strategy, so Ye Mo just read it for fun.

At this moment, Ye Mo watched a few more short videos and looked at the night in the outer city. It gradually darkened.

There were some inexplicable floating creatures hovering over the city, which looked extremely desolate.……

"Is it 7pm already? How did time go by so fast?……"

Ye Mo curled his lips, then looked at Hades and said:

"Do you need me to summon two more of your clones? You should be able to do it alone, right?"

"Don't worry, Master. There are only a bunch of little devils here. I can handle them."

Hades said

"Well, come on, I'm going to sleep first, I still have work to do tomorrow."

After saying that, Ye Mo wrapped himself in the quilt and fell asleep, not caring about the ghosts that might come.

You know, the ancestor of this ghost is right next to him, what's so scary?

As Ye Mo fell asleep, sporadic sounds began to come from the next few rooms on the 17th floor.

At this time, a door in the next room slowly opened...

A ghost with a charred body staggered out, looking at the door of Ye Mo's room with a greedy look on his face:

"Fresh human flesh……"

He couldn't help but drool from the corners of his blackened mouth, and then he knocked on Ye Mo's door.

Along with the knocking, there were noises in the other rooms next door.

Ghosts walked out of the doors one after another, staring at Ye Mo's door eagerly, as if they wanted to get a piece of the pie...

However, although the noise was loud, it did not wake Ye Mo up, but made Hades frown beside him.

"What's the matter with the loud knocking? Are you going to let the master sleep?"

Hades summoned Lucifer and said to him:

"Otherwise, go and deal with all the ghosts knocking on the door, and don't disturb the owner's sleep."

Silver-haired Lucifer nodded:"As you wish."

At this moment, Lucifer came to the door and slowly opened it.

The charred haunted house was obviously stunned when he saw him, and then opened his mouth to bite him.

However, Lucifer grabbed his head and smashed it against the wall!


The charred haunted house was embedded in the wall, and a bright red damage number of tens of thousands floated above his head, which frightened the surrounding monsters.

The ghosts hesitated, should they go up or not?

The other party looked very difficult to deal with...

But because Ye Mo's room door was open, the smell of human flesh came out and was smelled by the ghosts, igniting the flames of their desire to eat human flesh, so they rushed towards Lucifer!

"Humph, you are quite courageous."

Lucifer sneered, and his eyes turned silver-white.

Invisible ripples swept away from the ghosts, and in an instant, patches of bright red numbers appeared!






You should know that Lucifer has also been upgraded to level 40, and his attributes have already increased exponentially!

At this moment, the corridor was full of screams of ghosts, all looking at the white-haired man in front of them with horror, full of disbelief...

Some weak ghosts even died in the corridor because of this move...

At this moment, the old man who was playing chess on the first floor heard the voices of the ghosts and couldn't help but feel happy:

"Hehe, you rejected me, now you know how powerful I am, right? Without my trick, how can you resist so many ghosts?"

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